Hypothesis on new invention of dispensing LM potencies

Dr Sailendra Kumar G N
In every diseased condition, homoeopathic treatment is on the basis of symptoms similarity, after considering patient’s physical general and mental generals together and find out the similimum. The selection of similimum alone is not sufficient for a cure. The next step is choosing exact potency and timely application of the dose. Here there are lot of questions that may arise.

How to select a correct potency? How often to repeat the dose? When to stop the medication? and etc. Of course, these questions arise during treatment of any diseased condition. If we choose the centesimal potency, definitely we face such problems. Even master Hahnemann faced problems. Medicinal aggravation is a very common problem in the centesimal scale.

The action of centesimal potency is slow, so cure takes place very slowly. In very weak and sensitive patients with chronic diseases, lower centesimal potencies were not able to stimulate a healing process and at the same time higher potencies may cause serious aggravations. These problems may surface at any phase of the treatment of every diseased condition. In these circumstances, Master Hahnemann forced to think an alternative. After a long experiment and verification he introduced his “new altered but perfect method” of dynamization – LM potencies (50 millismal potencies) through his last and near to perfect edition of ‘Organon of Medicine’ – the sixth edition, the manuscript completed in 1842. But unfortunately this last edition was remained unpublished in the darkness of his second wife Madam Marie Melane De Hervilly. Fortunately at last Dr.Richard Haehl procured the manuscript and published it in German language in 1920. Dr.William Boericke published its English version in 1921.

Unfortunately even after the publication of sixth edition of ‘Organaon of Medicine’ the homoeopathic fraternity didn’t give attention to the ‘new altered but perfect method of dynamization’. It is due to the long period of seventy-eight years, when the 5th edition was widely used and accepted in all the institutions everywhere. That’s why, the LM potency failed to get popularity.

But the Homoeopaths who are whole-heartedly dedicated to Homoeopathy gave attention to the perfection of the system of medicine. Now a days LM potencies have started receiving acceptance/attention, but very few percentages of homoeopathic physicians have awareness about 50 milliesmal potencies, and very few among them use it in their regular practice. Among the LM potency users, some of them make serious mistakes in the selection of potency and mode of prescribing. Most of the LM potency users start their treatment with 0/3 potency. It is not judicious.

According to Master Hahnemann, begin the treatment from the 1st potency (0/1) itself and in due course of time go up to the desired level of potencies. Some LM potency users dispense their medicines in dried form, i.e. put a large number of medicated pellets in sugar of milk and dispense in 5, 10 or 15 packets and like that. This mode of prescription is not only ineffective but also it makes serious injurious effects in the patient like serious aggravations, etc. This may cause the said doctor to forcefully think that the LM potency is ineffective or useless. Here the field of marvellous use and effect of homeopathic medicine in the most effective way of prescribing is lost for the said doctor.

Master Hahnemann clearly has given instructions regarding the dispensing of LM potencies. Take a 4 oz. new clean bottle (never use old or used bottles). Put one or two pellets of LM potency and add about 20 drops of dispensing alcohol for preservation and stabilization purpose, then fill up to 3/4th of the bottle with distilled water or pure boiled and cooled water. Now the medicinal solution is ready for use. It is advised to succuss the medicinal solution for 8, 10, or 12 times according to the sensitivity of the patient (8 successions for very sensitive patient, 10 for less sensitive one and 12 times for least excited and sensitive patient). From this solution one can use 7 doses per potency. Take a spoon full of prepared solution and put in a glass containing 4 oz of pure water and from which take one or two teaspoonfuls at a time and the remaining liquid is poured away.

The above said preparation is very useful in every kind of disease, both acute as well as chronic conditions. But this is very difficult and makes confusion to certain extend in patients. Hence for convenience I used to dispense the fifty-millismal potency in a peculiar manner. I frequently and quiet often verified its efficacy from last few years in hundreds of patients at different age group and sex in various diseased conditions. So I can say confidently that this method of dispensing is quiet effective. It is very effective, convenient, easy to prepare, dispense, handle and consume. There is no unpleasant taste. A faint taste of tender coconut water is present in this solution, so every one likes to consume the medicine, especially the children. The only one disadvantage is to give proper succession with this small dispensing bottle is not much convenient.

My new method of dispensing LM potency (effective and repeatedly verified method)

Take a new clean 5 ml dropper bottle (eye lotion bottle) and put one or two pellets of desired potency of LM scale in it. Then add few drops, say three to five drops of dispensing alcohol for preserving and stabilizing purpose, and then fill the bottle with pure boiled and cooled water. Now the dispensing solution is ready to use. One can use this medicinal solution according to the intensity and necessity of the condition.

Take 2 drops directly on the tongue in acute and chronic condition. In very urgent cases place the drops sublingually.

For further more effectiveness add the two drops of solution in a teaspoonful of pure water and administer. This may cause the medicine to touch more nerves in the tongue instead of few in taking two drops dose directly. But the effectiveness of this method is still under observation
It is advised to succuss the medicinal solution for 8, 10, or 12 times according to the sensitivity of the patient (8 succession for very sensitive patient, 10 for less sensitive one and 12 times for least excited and sensitive patient).


  • Very urgent cases – take the medicine every hour or oftener.
  • Acute disease – repeats the medicine every two to six hours.
  • Chronic disease – repeats the medicine daily or on alternative days.

In order to achieve effectiveness of LM potency in full swing take cares the following:

  • Start the treatment from the lowest possible degree of potency and increase the potency gradually higher.
  • Never mix or alternate more than one remedy at a time, instead of that use single medicine only.
  • Use new bottle for each new dispensing and potency.
  • Keep away the medicine from strong smelling substance, extreme heat and cold.
  • Never refrigerate the medicine.
  • Keep at least one hour gap between medicine and food you have to take.

• The total quantity of medicine is reduced when compared to the conventional type of LM dispensing.
• Minimal the quantity of medicine and the maximum effect of the medicine is the end result.
• Very convenient and simple way for dispensing and consuming.
• As much as effective with that of conventional type of LM dispensing.
• Safely applied in all sorts of diseases either acute or chronic form.
• Equally effective in all age groups and both sexes.
• Pleasant smell and taste, every one likes to consume.
• Medicinal action starts as soon as the medicine touches the tongue.

Let me conclude my article here. If any one is impressed with this new method of dispensing the LM potency please try it in your practice and send me the feedback in written form. It will help me in making others confident with increased number of verifications by different Homoeopaths.

Thanks to the Almighty to show this light of thought in my mind and thus reducing the effort and increase the effectiveness.
Thanks to Master Hahnemann and Thanks to Homoeopathy.

Lecturer & HOD (in charge), Dept. Of Pharmacy & R.M.O, S.V.R. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
Founder member: Indian Institute of History of Homoeopathy, Calcutta.
Life Member: The Institution of Homoeopaths Kerala,
Ex-member: Association of natural medicine, UK.
Author: Endocrine disorders and its treatment in Homoeopathy,
Author: A complete clinical Hand Book for Every day Practice,
Author: Homoeopathic Clinical Prescriber,
Author: Homoeopathic Experience.
Residence: TC-50/1197(1), Sivasree, Thaliyal, Karamana,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, South India – 695 002.
Office: S.V.R.Homoeopathic Medical College,
Nemom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
South India – 695 020.
Residence: ++91-471-3099177,
Office: ++91-471-2391213 & 2395015
Mobile: ++91-94474 28473.
E-mail: drsailendra@asianetindia.com


  1. I convinced the effectiveness of this LM potency treatment. So all Homoeopaths can choose this method in their daily practice, and get cure very fast, permanent.

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