Questions : 150 Marks : 600 Time : 120 Minutes
1. Please read the instructions given in the OMR Answer Sheet for marking answers. Candidates are advised to strictly follow the instructions contained in the OMR Answer Sheet.
2. For each question there are four suggested answers, given against (A), (B), (C) and (D) of which only one will be MOST APPROPRIATE answer. Indicate it in the OMR Answer Sheet.
3. Negative Marking: In order to discourage wild guessing, the score will be subject to penalization formula based on the number of right answers actually marked and the number of wrong answers marked. Each correct answer will be awarded FOUR marks. ONE mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. More than one answer marked against a question will be deemed as an incorrect response and will be negatively marked.
1. The doctor who helped Hahnemann in Vienna.
- A. Dr. Muller
- B. Dr. Von Quarin
- C. Dr. J.K. Bischoff
- D. Von Bruckenthal E. Dr. Dzondi
2. Hahnemann got his masters degree on,
- A. April 10J755
- B. November 17, 1782
- C. August 10, 1779
- D.July2, 1843
- E. September 29, 1812
3. When was the cure and prevention of scarlet fever published,
- A. 1790 B. 1805 C. 1801
- D.1803 E. 1810
4. Number of medicines proved by Hahnemann.
- A. 99 B. 100
- C. 29 D. 145
5. Life period of. Kent.
- A. 1853-1931 B. 1849-1916 C. 1785-1864
- D. 1800-1880 E. 1828-1877
6. Name the doctor who treated Lucy the 2nd wife of Dr. Kent.
- A. Dr. Robbi B. Dr. August Weihe C. Dr. Kummer
- D. Dr. Dunham E. Dr.’ Richard Phelan
7. Which is the work of Dr. C. Hering.
- A. Domestic physician
- B. Therapeutics of fever
- C. Encyclopedia of pure materia medica
- D. A birds eye view of Hahnemann’
- E. Science of therapeutics
8. Name the medicine which was prescribed to Dunham by Dr. Hering which help him recover his illness. ”
- A. Ars.alb B. Puls
- C. Lach D. Lith.
9. Dr. Hahnemann wrote preface to one book of Dr. Boennenghausen. Which was it.
- A. Repertory of medicines which are not antipsoric
- B. Attempt at showing relative kinship of Homoeopathic medicines
- C Repertory of antipsoric medicines
- D Homoeopathic and complete image of disease
10). The homoeopathic physician who treated Maharaja Ranjith Singh of Punjab.
- (A) M.L Sircar (B) J.M. Honingberger
- (C) L.C. Dutta
11. Aphorism 153 is regarding.
- (A) Indisposition (B) Characteristic Symptom (C) Mental Symptom
- (D) Alternating Action (E) Dr. Dzondi
12. The word used by Trinks in his Annals to describe the provings of person, ‘whom Hahnemann calls as “symptom manufacturer’ is
- (A) Hg (B) Lg (C) Ng
- (D)gN (E)Bg
13. Aphorism which describes about routes of administration in 5th edition is.
- (A) 274 (B) 290
- (C) 293 (D)288 (E) 292
14. Aphorism which describes natural law of cure.
- (A) 26 (B) 29
- (C) 144 (D)272
15. Diet & regimen is described in.
- (A) § 158-162 (B) § 245-249
- (C) § 259-263 (D) § 264-268
16. When do homoeopathic aggravation occurs in a psoric chronic diseases (psoric origin) when treated with antipsoric medicines (According to Ve).
- (A) 1st few hours (B) Varying periods till cure results
- (C) At the end of the cure (D) Varying hours for first eight to ten days
- (E) Dr. Dzondi
17. What is the appropriate management when accessory symptoms develop while beating acute diseases.
- (A) Antidote the remedy
- (B) Wait till symptom picture become clear
- (C) Retake the case and add new symptoms to original symptoms and prescribe
- (D) Take coffee
18. Local maladies are described in which aphorism.
- (A) 210 (B) 231
- (C)174 (D)1l7 (E) 56
19. Tinea worm) infection occurs in an epileptic person. What can be the result.
- (A) Epilepsy get cured
- (B) Epilepsy and Tinea combines together and exist together
- (C) Epilepsy get suppressed
- (D) Tinea is repelled
20. What can happens when small pox occurs in a person with violent opthalmic causing blindness. —-——-
- (A) Small pox repelled
- (B) Small pox suppress opthalmia ;
- (C) Small pox cures opthalmia and blindness
- (D) Both exist in their own parts
21. The most difficult cases to cures the incurables.
- (A) Psoric miasmatic cases
- (B) Trimiasmatic
- (C) Drug diseases
- (D) Syphilitic cases
22. In proving medicines are given to healthy persons in.
- (A) Large doses (B) Moderate doses
- (C) Minute doses (D) Single minute dose
23.The person who preceded Hahnemann in testing medicines for their pure action in healthy person.
- (A) Brousseou (B) Nening
- (C) Autentrith (D) Albrecht Von Haller
24. Best Prover.
- (A) Medical students (B) Physician
- (C) Oversensitive patient (D) Children
25. How to manage a case of acute mania.
- (A) The indicated antipsoric medicine
- (B) Non antipsoric medicines like Aeon, Bell etc.
- (C) Physical remedies
- (D) Use of non antipsoric medicines like Acon,Bell followed by antipsoric medicine
26.The most efficacious time to administer medicine in case of intermittent fever.
- (A) Anytime (B) At the height of heat paroxysm
- (C) During chill stage (D) Very soon after the termination of paroxysm
27.The chief guide in selection of most appropriate diseases.
- (A) Medicine similar to the most prominent stage
- (B) Medicine similar to all the stages
- (C) Symptoms of patient health during intervals when he is free from disease
- (D) Medicine suitable to his past do fever
28. After administering a remedy the patient became better mentally with few new symptoms. What is your inference. ‘ “
- (A) Indicated medicine good response
- (B) Wrong medicine
- (C) Partially indicated remedy
- (D) Response in a terminal stage of disease – prognosis unfavorable
29. The most suitable degree of minuteness for sure and gentle effect can be found out by.
- (A) experience and experiment
- (B) experiment and research
- (C) Accurate experience and careful observation of sensitiveness of each patient
- (D) proper case taking and miasmatic diagnosis
30. Olfaction is described in foot note of which aphorism.
- (A) 275 (B) 272
- (C) 285 (D)285 (E) 288
31. Which of the parts of body can be used as a route for administration of medicine.
- (A) bloodvessel (B) Skin
- (C) Wounded skin (D) Nerves
32. In 50 millesmal potency 1 part of 3rd tricturation should be dissolved in …………. part of alcohol water mixture.
- (A) 100 (B) 300
- (C) 500 (D) 1000
33. Dynamisation theory was introduced in which edition of organon .
- (A) I (B) II (C) 111
- (D) IV (E) V
34. 3rd edition of organon is known as.
- (A) improved (B) augmented
- (C) improved and augmented (D) original
35. No- of Aphorisms in 4th edition of organon.
- (A) 292 (B) 291
- (C) 294 (D)315 (E) 271
36. Chronic disease was published after…………… years of research study.
- (A) 10 (B) 11
- (C) 12 (D) 14
37. Which is the observation which details the action of medicine on provers.
- (A) 8 (B) 9
- (C) 11 (D)10.
38. Two advices were taken back by Hahnemann mentioned in the preface of 5th edition. One was the use of mild electric shocks the other was.
- (A) Using 2 successions instead of 10
- (B) Using 10 successions instead of 2
- (C) Use of pitch plaster on back to produce it during
- (E) Use of tea in diet
39. What are called ‘morbi intercurrentes’.
- (A) Intercurrent remedies (B) Antimiasmatic remedies
- (C) Nosodes (D) Intermediate diseases
40.Meaning of “Cito”.
- (A) Safety (B) Quickly
- (C) With least amount of medicine
- (D) Pleasantly
41.In a three fold complication of three chronic misaim which miasm is to be treated first.
- (A) Psora (B) Syphilis
- (C) Sycosis (D) Tubercular
42.Greek word for Psora.
- (A) Garab(B) Psora agria
- (C) Scabies jugis (D) Yalephed
43.What is schein symptome.
- (A) Mental symptom(B) Local symptoms
- (C) Subjective symptom
- (D) Symptoms produced as a result of excess homoeopathic medicine
44.Who gave the name ’50 millesmal to the new method of dynamisation.
- (A) Horace (B) Gellert (C) Boenninghausen
- (D) P. Schmidt (E) William Boericke
45.”What influence can it exert whether a homoeopath adopt the theoretical opinion of Hahnemann on not, so long as the holds the principal tool of master and the materia media of our schools. Whose words are they
- (A) William Boericke (B) C.Hering
- (C) Richard Hughes (D) Stuart Close
46.Craving for Potato is a ——– symptom.
- (A) Psoric (B) Sycotic
- (C) Tubercular (D) Syhilitic
47. Craving sweets is…………….. symptoms.
- (A) Psoric (B) Sycotic
- (C) Tubercular (D) Syphilitic
48. Aversion meat is…………. symptom.
- (A) Psoric (B) Sycotic
- (C) Tubercular (D) Syphilitic
49. Amelioration by natural discharge is……………. symptom.
- (A) Psoric (B) Sycotic
- (C) Tubercular (D) Syphilitic
50. Ist part of materia medica was published in the year 1811. It contained………medicines.
- (A) 8 (B) 11
- (C) 12 (D) 10
51. The dose of cinchona bark used be for proving by Dr. Hahnemann.
- (A) 4 drachms (B) 1 drachms
- (C) 2 drachms (D) 3 drachms
52.The term guiding symptoms was coined by…..
- (A) Guernesy (B)Kent
- (C)Hering (D)Boennighausen
53. Number of medicines in fragmenta de viribus….. posilivus.
- (A) 9S (B) 99
- (C) 27 (D)67
53. Cyclopedia of drug pathogenecy was written by.
- (A) Hering (B) Boenninghausen
- (C) Richard Hughes (D) Stuart close
54. Allens encyclopedia contains – volumes
- (A) 8 (B) 9
- (C) 10 (D)12
55. Vegetable analogue of Kali lod.
- (A) Pulsatilla (B) Phytolacca
- (C) Mezerium (D) Belladona
56. Acoustic of renal system / digitalis of kidney.
- (A) Cantharis (B) Sarsaparilla
- (C) Lycopodium (D) Solidago
57. Lack of vital heat in chronic diseases.
- (A) Alumina (B) Led Pal
- (C) Psorinum (D) Sepia
58. ………….. is followed by Kalibi in nasal catairah.
- (A) AurMet (B) Pulsatilla
- (C) Silica (D) Calccarb
59. Acrid exhausting leucorrhoea in little girls with moth spots an forehead.
- (A) Sepia (B) Copaiva .
- (C) Cubeba (D) Caulophylhem
60.Has cured Aphonia when Aeon, Phos and Spongia had failed.
- (A) Brans (B) Caust
- (C) Arun Triphyllus (D) Cina
61. Often cures dropy after Apis and Ars fails.
- (A) Apocy (B) Dig
- (C) Bry (D) Colch
62.Unsteady walking and easy falling of little children.
- (A) Calcphos (B) Caust
- (C) Sel (D) Baryta carb
63.Is often useful after bad effects from spoiled fish and decayed vegetables.
- (A) Ass alb (B) Carboveg .
- (C) Carboan (D) Pyrogen
64. Opium belongs to the family.
- (A) Ericacea (B) Melanthacea
- (C) Loganacea (D) Papavaracea
65. Hydrastis belong to the family of.
- (A) Rubiacea (B) Solanacea
- (C) Ranunculacea (D) Umbilifera
66.Breath smells like urine
- (A) Petroleum(B) Graph
- (C) Carboveg (D) Mercurius
67.Remedy for worms, nephritis and purpura.
- (A) Terebinth (B) Phos
- (C) Crotalushor (D) Hamamelis
68. Daily colic in infants at 5 a.m.
- (A) Nalsulph (B) Nux vom
- (C) Kalibrom (D) Mag phos
69. “Whenever….. is chosen you must above all observe the moral symptoms, and be careful that it closely resembles them. The anguish of mind and body, the restlessness, the disquiet not to be allayed.” Which is the medicine referred to.
- (A) Chamomilla (B) Sepia
- (C) Arsalb (D) Aconite
70. Idiocy in children in capacity to think confused.
- (A) Baryta carb (B) Picric acid
- (C) Aethusa (D) Agaricus
71. Late to walk and talk.
- (A) Barycarb (B) Natm
- (C) Calccarb (D) Agaricus
72. Complaints of imaginary odour before the nose, as of herring or musk.
- (A) Agnus castus (B) Calc
- (C) Nax.v (D) Sulph
73. Adapted to indolent weary persons averse lo either mental or physical labour mental labour fatigues.
- (A) Alumina (B) Psomium
- (C) Acid Phos (D) Aloes
74. Time passes too slowly, an hour seems half a day-
- (A) Arg.n (B) Cocc
- (C) Gcon (D) 1 & 3 (E) All
75. Adopted to those who are fat and sluggish on body large and fat, but legs too then.
- (A) Calc Carb (B) Graph
- (C) Capsicum (D) Ammo mur
76. Old people with morning diarrhoea, suddenly become constipated on alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
- (A) Con . (B) Baryta Carb
- (C) Ambra Grisea (D) Antim Crud .
77. For bad effects of vaccination when thuja fails and silica is not indicated
- (A) Sarsaparilla (B) Malandrinun
- (C) Antimtart (D) Sulph
78. After Baryta carb will often eradicate the constitutional tendency to quinsy.
- (A) CalcCarb(B) Mere sol
- (C) Psor (D) Sil
79.Lung disease of tall slender, rapidly growin^youthupper third of righthmg.
- (A) Phos(B Tub
- (C) Ars (D) CalcCarb
80.In Euphrasia menses is, .
- (A) Late (B) Profuse
- (C) Early (D) Late and Scanty
81. Women inclined to obesity, who suffer from habitual constipation, with a history of delayed menstruation.
- (A) Puls (B) Capsicum
- (C) Calc.ars (D) Graphics
82.Pulse irregular in force regular in rhythm.
- (A) Dig (B) Naja
- (C) Lil.tig (D) Cactus
83.At every menstrual nisus mouth throat and tongue became intolerably dry,especially when sleeping.
- (A) Bry(B) Sep
- (C) NuxMoschata (D) Sulphur
84.Poke root is the common name of.
- (A) Sang(B) Phytolacca(C) Collinsonia
- (D) Asclepius (E) Spigelia
85. Bitter cucumber is the common name of.
- (A) Amygdalus (B) Dulcamara
- (C) Coloc (D) Parthenium
86.Kali Bi is the inimical of.
- (A) Phos (B) Puls
- (C) Sil (D) Calc Carb
87.Complementary to Baryta Carb.
- (A) Mag Carb (B) CalcCarb
- (C) Dulcamara (D) Ammo Carb
88. Antidote of Aesculus H.
- (A) Op (B) Nux
- (C) Aloes (D) Collinsonia
89. Can only void urine while sitting bent backwards.
- (A). Sars (B) Med
- (C) Zinc.met (D) Chimaphila
90. Vertigo on opening eyes.
- (A) Theridion (B) Sep
- (C) Tab (D) Am
91. Convulsions with consciousness.
- (A) Stram (B) Op
- (C) Hyos (D)Nux (E) 1&4
92. Children are obstinate, headstrong, cry when spoken kindly to.
- (A) Sil (B) Lyco
- (C) Puls (D) Stann
93.Pain in places where the bones are least covered, as tibia, back of hands.
- (A) Acid.Phos (B) Ruta
- (C) Symphytom (D) Sang
94.The word pharmacy is derived from pharmakon wirch is………….. word.
- (A) Latin (B) Greek
- (C) Arabian (D) Roman
95. 1st Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia was published in the year.
- (A) 1882 (B)1870
- (C) 1825 (D) 1897
96. 1st Indian Pharmacopoeia was published in.
- (A) 1974(B) 1978
- (C) 1982 (D)1971
97.—–is included Radiata.
- (A) Sepia (B) Murx
- (C) Asterias ruberis(D) Spongia
98….. is taken from grease of horse.
- (A) AmbraGrisea (B) Anthracinum
- (C) Malandrinum(D) Variolinum
99.Example of plant nosode,
- (A) Ustilago (B) Secale.Cor
- (C) None (D) 1&2
100. Magnetis Polics Australia is.
- (A) Whole Magnet (B) North Pole
- (C) South Pole (D) None
101. Sugar of milk is prepared by.
- (A) Hahnes Method (B) Stapf Process*
102. Belladona Q is prepared by,
- (A) Class I (B) Class II
- (C) Class III (D) Class IV
103. Carcinocin is prepared by.
- (A) Class.1 (B) Class II
- (C) Class 4 (D) Class IV
104. Abbreviation of Send
- (A) Mitt (B) M
- (C)m (D) MDu
105. Part used for homoeopathic preparation in Belladonna.
- (A) Root (B) Flower
- (C) Whole plant (D) Fruit
106. How many minutes of triturating is done to convert 1 c to 2 c
- (A) 20(B) 60
- (C) 120 (D) 40 minutes
107. Carbolic acid is prepared under.
- (A) IV (B) Va
- (C) VI b (D)VIa
108. Drug power in Class V(b) preparation is.
- (A) 1/100 (B) 1/10
- (C) 1/6 (D) 1/1000
109. Drug and magic remedies act was passed in.
- (A) 1954 (B) 1930
- (C) 1957 (D)1934
110. Rectified spirit contains………… % of water.
- (A) 26*/2% (B) 37%
- (C) 471/2 % (D) 16 % (E) 58%
111. Repetition of medicine is called.
- (A) Posology (B) Pharmacononay
- (C) Phannacognosy(D) Pharmacopallaxy
112. Main object of Homoeopathic case to kind is.
- (A) Prognosis (B) Diagnosis
- (C) Individualisation (D)All
113. A well taken case is half cured – According to:
- (A) Kent (B) Stuart Close
- (C) Elizabeth Wright (D) Hahnemenn
114. Boenning Bausen’s Reporting of the Anti psorics was prefaced by.
- (A) Hahnemann (B) Boeninghausen
- (C) H.A. Robert (D) Hering
115. 1s1 Indian repertory the ‘Manual of Homoeopathy’ was published by.
- (A) Fr Augustus Mullar (B) Augustine Mullcr
- (C) Dr. S.K. Tiwari (D) C. Hering
116. Repertory of the more characteristic symptoms of the Materia Medica – Published by.
- (A) A. Lippe (B) C. Hering
- (C) C. Lippe (D) Jabr.
117. Which among the following is not a puritan repertory.
- (A) Knerr’sRep. (B) Jahr’sRep.
- (C) Hering’s Analytical Repertory (D) Murphy’s Repertory
118. The chapter mind in Kent’s repertory was made by.
- (A) Kent Alone (B) Lee and Kent
- (C) Lee Alone (D) Clar a Kent
119. BBCR is mainly based on.
- (A) TPB
- (B) Boenning Bausen’s Repertory ofAntipsoric
- (C) B.H’s Repertory of Medicines which are not antipsoric
- (D) All the above
120. Repertory of sensations as if made by..
- (A) H.A. Robert (B) Honi Comb
- (C) None (D) Both
121. Ist Card Repertory was available to the profession in which year.
- (A) 1888 (B) 1892
- (C) 1896 (D)1893
122. Size of the card in Jugal Kishore’s Card Repertory is.
- (A) 9″x3″”(B) 9″x2
- (C) ll”x3″ (D)iix2″
123. 1st Indian edition of Murphy’s Repertory is in the year.
- (A) 1973 (B) 1974
- (C) 1994 (D) 1993
124. Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic medicine published by.
- (A) Murphy (B) Phathak
- (C) Boericke (D)Clarke
125. Total number of chapters in Knerr’s Repertory is.
- (A) 38 (B) 48
- (C) 47 (D)37
126. Eliminating symptoms are first coined by.
- (A) MLDhawale (B) MLTyler
- (C) Hering (D) Hahnemann
127. Reportorium synthaticum homoeopathicum published by.
- (A) Barthel and Will Klunker (B) JostKunzli
- (C) Boger (D) Frederik Schroyens
128. Kent says: “The greatest of all comparers of the materia medica was Boenningbausen. The concordances of Boenning baussn’s book are wonderful. These are the most important part of the book and they would not fail.” The chapter concordance of Boenning bausen’s reporting contains.
- (A) 124 Med (B) 141 Med
- (C) 125 Med (D) 144 Med
129. The 3rd volume of synthetic reporting contains.
- (A) Mental Symptoms (B) Physical Generals
- (C) Sleep, Dream & Sex
130. Integrated approach for repertory section was put forward by.
- (A) MLDhawale (B) HA Robert
- (C) Boger (D) Boeiming Haucen
131. Three mark medicine for abuse of sulphur in Kent’s Repertory is.
- (A) Calc(B) Mere
- (C) Ars. (D)Puls
132. In Kent’s Repertory septicemia belongs to the chapter.
- (A) Extremities (B) Generalities
- (C) Skin (D) None
13o. Medicines for Anthrax in Kent’s Repertory .
- (A) Anthracinum only (B) Ars.
- (C) Sec (D) All the above
134. Bums belong to ……………. chapter inBoenninghaucen’s repertory,
- (A) Aggravation (B) Sensations
- (C) Both sensations and aggravations (D) Skin
135. Cross reference given for Humorous in Kent’s repertory is.
- (A) Mood (B) Justing
- (C) Joy (D) Joyous
136.Match list I (symptoms) with list II (Medicines) and select the correct answer using cods.
- (A) Speaks continually in questions – Vertrum Alb.
- (B) Repeats the questions first – Aurum
- (C) Precocity – Mere. sol
- (D) Swallows his feces – Zincum Met
137. The chapter relationship of remedies was worked out by.
- (A) Boenninghaucen(B) Gibson Miller
- (C) Dr. J.T.Kent (D) Dr. William Boericke
138. Aggravation from seashore. Medicines are,
- (A) Ars. (B) Mag.mur,
- (C) Sep.(D) All.
139.Menopause is included in Kent’s repertory under.
- (A) Generalities (B) Gentalia female
- (C) Genitalia – male (D)All
140. Boenninghaucen makes four divisions of the back. In this TPB – Steiss means.
- (A) Sacral region (B) Region of coccyx
- (C) Lumbar region (D) Back in general ‘
141. Rubric scurvy belong to which chapter in TPB.
- (A) Mouth (B) Sensations
- (C) Aggravations (D) Ameliorations
142. Rubric for loathing of life in BBCR is.
- (A) Depression (B) Tedium
- (C) Listlessness (D) Desire death
143 Non union of bones is found in the chapter in kents repertory
- (A)extremities (B)generalities
- (C)head (D) back
144 Photophobia is found in the chapter in kents repertory
- (A) vision (B) generalities
- (C) eye (D) mind
145 A patient desires to die due to his severe pains .which is the rubric for him
- (A)desire death (B) Pain
- (C) suicidal (D)Kill
146 Cannot look at knife or blood
- (A)Phos (B) Alumen
- (C)Alumina (D)sulph
147 Women with aversion to her own sex
- (A)Plat (B) graph
- (C) lyco (D) raph
148 Exostosis of lower jaw
- (A) Sil (B) Thuja
- (C) Calc flour (D)Phos
149. Rubric worms is found in …. Chapter in kent’s repertory
- (A) generalities (B)rectum
- (C) abdomen (D) stomach
150. Hoarseness is found in the chapter
- (A) Respiration (B) Cough
- (C) larynx and trachea (D) Nose
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