In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Homoeopathy Medicines

research10Dr Puneet Mishra

Since beginning of homoeopathy the high dilution form of the homeopathy drugs is discussion theme of their activity. Many theories are present to show the activity of homoeopathy drugs.

1. Vital force theory

2. Storing energy Dr Benvenistye- Theory of the memory of water

In present era the homoeopathy medical stream proves their utility in all type of illness. The harmful stimuli, be it bacteria, virus or toxins cause a reaction in the vital force ( interior atmosphere of  body ) that depends on the health of the human as well as strength of harmful stimuli. The present study shows the “In vitro antibacterial activity of homoeopathy drug/remedy “ the present study shows the activity of drug against a particular class of bacteria in form of Q, 30 C, 200 C dilution.

Selection of Medicine:
In the selection of medicine firstly takes the main symptoms of bacterial illness which are mentioned in the leading book of practice of medicine, secondly the symptoms are repertories by repertory and higher graded drug were used for the experimental trial. The selected drugs are used in the standard form on the particular class of bacteria separated from 25 different patients’ sample.

Methods and Materials 

  1. Source of bacteria: The bacteria are isolated from the sample of patients, which come for the drug susceptibility test of allopathic medicines (antibiotic).
  2. Culture of bacteria: The bacteria are cultured by streak culture / surface plate method on solid media.
  3. Identification of bacteria: Bacteria are identified by colony characteristics, staining and by the biochemical tests.
  4. Examining the action of homoeopathic drug on bacteria using appropriate media, method and material, which are recognized in modern medicine. The evaluation of the results by the reaction of drug on bacteria.

a. Measure instrument  – Hot air oven, Incubator, Autoclave, Laminar flow bench, Microscope, Electronic Balance, Micropipette., centrifuge, freeze, densitometer.

  1. Test Material: –

(i)  Glassware – Petri dishes, Culture tubes, Slides, Cover slips, Glass pipettes, Flask, Measuring cylinder,

(ii)  Reagents – Solid and liquid media, staining reagents, different medicines.

(iii)  Plastic wares – Tips of micropipettes, Applicators

(iv) Others – Inoculation loop and needles.

Drug / remedy : – In this study , drugs of recognized pharmaceutical companies are used which are available in market. Frequently used different potencies of the drugs will be used to assess their in vitro action.


Table No-1                

Summary of 25 Cases
Total Case Action Seen No Action Seen
25 16 09
100 % 64 % 36 %


Details of Cases According to Potency

Potency Q 30 200
Action Seen 11 08 06
No Action Seen 14 17 19
Total Case 25 25 25

 Table No.3

Details of Action Seen According to Potency
Potency Q 30 200 Q 30 Q 200 30 200 Q 30 200 Total Case
Q 6 2 1 2 11
30 2 2 2 2 8
200 1 1 2 2 6

Discussion: There are two forms of activity in present study

1. Action seen (table no 1 (16) & table no 2 (11, 08, 06) Shows the activity against the bacteria means the harmful stimuli in the body is having less strength to the medicinal power.

2.  No action seen (table no 1, (09) & table 2 (14, 17, 19) shows no response against bacteria means the harmful stimuli is more powerful than medicinal strength.

In the mentioned process if any drug in standard condition shows the activity against the bacteria the drug is totally antibacterial in nature and if any drug in standard condition shows no any activity against the bacteria means it has no nature of antibacterial and if any drug shows the variable activity against the bacteria proves the variable power of bacteria inside the body. The above-mentioned details shows the activity of drug on the bacteria then this bacteria infect any part of the body is cured / controlled by this drug and corresponding dilution. This proves that homoeopathy theory single medicine treats whole body.

This study is an attempt to find out the variation in susceptibility of patient towards various drugs / remedy through the action of these drugs/ remedies against bacteria under in vitro conditions. This study provides supportive evidence to various observations made by Kent (twelve observation of Kent’s). This study provides tools for drugs standardization and the results support the uses of these medicine for the treatments of infections.


  1. Allen H.C. – Keynotes and characteristics with compression of some of the leading   remedy of materia medica.
  2. Boericke – Pocket manual of Homoeopathic meteria medica with repertory.
  3. Kent – Lecture on materia medica with new remedy.
  4. Clark J.H. – Dictionary of Practical Materia medica (3 volumes).
  5. Clark J.H. – Clinical Repertory.
  6. Kent – Repertory (Expended).
  7. E.B.Nash – Leaders in Homoeopathic therapeutics grouping and classification.
  8. E.A. Farrington – Clinical materia medica.
  9. Organon of Medicin.
  10. D.D. Banerjee – Homoeopathic pharmacy.
  11. Todd.Sanford. Davidsohn – Clinical diagnosis and management by laboratory method (17th Edition)
  12. Emma Sheppard Oakham school, rutland, UK Homoeopathy A multifaceted scientific  renaissance Homoeo times  Vol-2 issue 11November 2005
  13. Davidson ‘s principles and practice of medicine Eighteenth edition
  14. Harrison’s Principles of internal medicine
  15. Robbinss and cotran Pathology basis of disease 17 th edition
  16. Ananthanarayan and Paniker’s Textbook of Microbiology 17 th edition

Dr. Puneet Mishra B Sc. B.H.M.S.
Technologist Paliwal Diagnostics P. Ltd.
Instructor Paliwal Institute of Medical Sciences
Lecturer J.S. Institute of Paramedical Sciences
Kanpur U.P,India 208020,

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