Insurance scam homeo doctor accused

SURAT: Investigation into the Rs 3.97 lakh Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY) scam has revealed that the accused Dr Satyendra Singh, a homeopath, used to offer allopathic treatment to the beneficiaries.

The accused was the director of the multi-specialty Om Shivam Hospital in Sachin in Surat.

The government offers Rs 30,000 as one-time insurance cover to a BPL card holder under theRSBY scheme. Singh searched for BPL card holders in the villages of Navsari district to allegedly claim their insurance amount online using their details, police said.

Dr Akhilesh Pande, a doctor from Navsari, had recently filed a complaint in this regard and the police believe that he can provide details about the 59 fraud cases. Police feel the total sum of the fraud could be much higher.

“We are checking the total number of claims made and collecting the details from the hospital,” said N M Chudasma, police inspector, Sachin police station. Police have collected computer data and other documents from Singh’s hospital.

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  1. There are several Homeo and Ayurvedic Doctors having BHMS and BAMS qualifications giving allopathic medicines instead of Ayurvedic and Homeo medicines in allmost all cities.This is not a new thing.

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