Integrated Hospital Management System by Hompath

Technology has been evolving by leaps and bounds. Mind Technologies is a company dedicated to software development for medical science. It has put in 30 years of hard labour to reach to this level of proficiency.

Mind Technologies has a wide range of products useful for physicians, medical colleges, hospitals, multiple clinics/ dispensaries and it works on both offline and online module.

Integrated Hospital Management System automates activities of each and every department in hospital and generates MIS reports in few seconds. Patient records, clinical status, Human resources, Stock & Asset Maintenance, Accounts, Library, and Dietary – all these can be very efficiently managed from our software. Hence IHMS software is a total solution for Complete Computerization of all Homoeopathic Medical Hospitals.

Hompath Classic (Interlinked with IHMS) is a Homeopathic repertorization and analysis tool to achieve efficiency and accuracy with consistency. Software is designed with most advanced features for Homeopaths who have deeper commitment for Practice, Research Work and Thesis. Modules include Archives, Homutil, Tresorie, Links Tresorie. Includes 29 repertories with Complete repertory, Repertories, Rubric, Do’s & Don’ts, Open Keynotes, Drug relation, Cross references. Cure series from 1 to 9 enhances the knowledge of a Homoeopath. Hence this software is the best solution every Homoeopathic practitioner should opt to enhance their productivity.

Mind Technologies proposes to implement Integrated Hospital Management System interlinked with Hompath Classic at your Homoeopathic Medical College, thus creating a solution by which the whole process is streamlined.

By following this proposal in Hospital:

  1. Doctors will be able to see more patients in less of time
  2. Faster flow of information from the different level and consolidation of Reports at the top level
  3. Help provide information to plan for strategic interventions
  4. Get exact statistical details instantly

By having correct Information from hospital you can plan better allocation of budget, recourses and create healthy people.

  • Integrated Hospital Management System, Hompath Classic are time tested. It has a user base of over 30,000 in 87 countries. So it delivers you local working environment with world class product.
  • The Integrated Hospital Management Software is being used in Hospitals including Government hospital.
  • Excellent after sales support system.

Benefits to Patients:

  • The significant improvement in health care service by saving average waiting time for the out-patients.
  • E-database for every patient will ensure organized record keeping and referral services for all the patients and effective patient care for the patient which will increase clarity and legibility of handwriting.
  • Access to patient data at any time. E.g. Case papers and other diagnosis details can be made available as and when required.
  • Improved patient education regarding health information. 

Benefits to Doctors:

  • Track all patients that they treat quickly and take follow-ups.
  • Maintain detailed case record of every patient along with their photographs at various follow-ups and Investigations done.
  • Full case record of any patient at a click.
  • Interns scheduling and patient treated tracking.
  • Video recording of patients with inbuilt webcam utility and provision to attach a video file recorded with some other equipment.

The scope of the project is defined as a complete Integrated of Hospital Management System (IHMS) and interlinking with Hompath Classic LAN. The Software will be implemented by Mind Technologies as the CLIENT’S internal application to be accessed by the authorized users of the CLIENT’S intranet (LAN) and by the management through the internet.

  • A complete and comprehensive solution for effective management of all hospital processes from start to finish
  • The net result is faster and efficient data processing, quick decision making, and improved maintenance consequentially leading to improved patient care.
  • Real-time updating of the data which is stored in one location but can be referred to from numerous access points on proving username and password.
  • Thus the user has access to the most updated information about the patients, resources, other vital information, etc.
  • Scheduling tasks, streamlining various operations of the hospital, etc. becomes less time-consuming and more efficient
  • Maintenance of inventory, various registers and daily entries made hassle-free
  • Accounts maintenance, generation of various reports at the click of a mouse
  • Foolproof data security with facility to take regular back-up

Features of IHMS

This application will be implemented as primarily an Intranet application accessible by CLIENT authorized users. Solution provided by Mind Technologies consists following features:

  • Different modules provided in IHMS i.e. Patient Management System, HRD and Payroll, Accounts, Administration, Asset Management, library Management, Stock Management, and Dietary Management, Research Module and integration with Hompath Classic LAN Version. These modules will be accessible by authorized users of respective departments and will automate most of the activity in that particular department.
  • IHMS will have uniquely designed Case Record System linked to 29 Repertories. Hospital won’t need Internet Connection for functioning of IHMS but will require for transferring of data.

For complete computerization of medical colleges, hospitals, Mind Technologies is having Integrated Hospital Management System with following modules:

  1. Patient Management                                          5. System Asset Management
  2. Library Management                                          6. Accounts
  3. Stock Management                                             7. Administration
  4. Dietary Management                                          8. HRD and Payroll

Benefits and Objectives

Streamlining Administration
Increase efficiency of Hospital Human Resources which will reflect in the standard of patient care

Efficiently maintain registers, correspondence, patient and doctor data, generate reports and statistics and supervise the entire administration at the click of a mouse.

Scheduling tasks and various operations of the hospital, etc. becomes less time-consuming and more efficient

Enhancing patient care
Faster and efficient data processing, quick decision making and improved maintenance consequentially leading to improved patient care

Maintenance of patient information such as OPD / IPD details, various reports, registers; certificates, etc. can be automated thus leading to more time being devoted to better patient management

Better Utilization of resources
Better patient care and automated facilities make way for a good reputation Streamlined process makes better utilization of funds and/or resources

Additional Benefits 

1. Disease / Patient Related

  • Having complete clinical data at one location so that it could be used for any kind of statistical analysis. For e.g.
  • Diseases occurrence
  • Gender dominance
  • Effectiveness of particular medicine
  • Efficacy of homoeopathy or any form of alternative medicine
  • To find genus epidemics very easily from data received from various centres.
  • Even epidemic control programme can be integrated which will help to find right medicine and save life & suffering of hundreds of citizens.

2. Research / Practitioner Related

  • Centralized collection of important clinical information
  • New research work, new experiences, can be shared instantaneously, so knowledge base of all physicians will improve, giving better service to mankind.
  • Uniformity & standardization can be brought about in the whole operations of system leading to rapid growth and evolution of the system.
  • Monthly statistical data like number of patients, disease wise, and remedy wise can be generated very easily.
  • Having so much clinical data allows us to create knowledge base for future generations.
  • Physicians who have experienced similar cases and have got result can guide others in such cases and share their experiences.
  • Hompath Classic LAN software (Optional) can help all students in writing thesis. The tedious manual work of months can be reduced to few seconds. So they can concentrate on actual work and use the saved time and energy.
  • Younger generation / M.D. students / teachers / research workers can easily access this centralized database to get better insight of homoeopathy.
  • Facility to create and print various certificates in predefined format.

3. Saving Of Time – Using Hompath Classic LAN software ( Optional )

  • Transfer of report instructions and messages is instantaneous, so there is no loss of time. Every action takes place in realistic time so no time loss or delay because of human or system limitations.
  • Can have conference consultation on difficult cases
  • The software is very user friendly and gives alternative option from 29 different repertories in matter of 2 / 3 seconds. Normally this process may take minimum 1 hour. So imagine number of hours saved of physician, multiplied by number of patients and multiplied by number of institutions – A gross national saving
  • Advanced training of using of software can be provided to show basic and advanced features
  • Once the repertorization is present, one can apply different filters and come to nearest SIMILIMUM within no time, which is a boon to all practitioners.

4. Administration Related

  • Allows DIRECTORATE  to monitor the functioning of their institutes remotely
  • Major expenses of post, telephone etc. can be reduced.
  • Transferring of thousands of documents to and fro, loss during transfer, loss because of natural calamity can be minimized or it can be as good as zero.
  • The Institutions or Physicians who are not working efficiently or are facing problems can be guided in correct direction, very easily.
  • Administrative activities can be easily auto activated. Even reports like joining duty, pay certificate, transfer certificate, leave letters and filing can be arranged. Everything can be in proper standard format so that lot of duplication of work can be minimized

Security of data:  The whole Data will be backed up on reliable servers. So even if a system of the whole network of a hospital crashes the data will be safe.

A.  Patient
PMS allows efficient storage and retrieval of patient’s information.

Salient features of this module include:

  • Generation of a unique Registration number for patients in OPD and IPD: Patient number generation is automatic which always restricts human errors. This is very user-friendly to operate.
  • Tracking of the Patients in Hospital: PMS has unique patient tracking system which enables users to see information whenever it is required.
  • Bed occupancy statistics: You can have different types of bed details entered. At any point, users can keep a record of occupied/vacant beds. It can also keep track whenever a patient is being transferred.
  • Doctors’ availability: This can be seen at a glance and effectively assists in allotting appointments to the patients and other visitors.
  • Auto-generation of the Discharge Card: PMS offers auto-generation of discharge card based on the treatment given, its duration, next care to be taken and follow-ups.
  • IPD Cases: Various kinds of departments have been configured such as OBG, Surgery, Pediatrics, Medical, Gynecology, etc. and facility is provided to enter the case details, examinations findings, investigations ordered, etc.
  • Lab Investigation: Lab investigation section stores all the reports and at any given point of time, you can access, preview and print the reports.
  • Forms and Certificates: Various forms and certificate formats are available with the system and it can be customized as per need.
  • Registers: HMS allows you to maintain and update electronic form of various registers thereby eliminating the need to maintain and store hard copies of the same. A number of registers such as those routinely maintained for ECG, MLC, Sonography, Immunization, Physiotherapy, etc. have been included.
  • Administration: Scheduling various appointments, checking and allotting timings for nurses, interns and doctors can be done easily without any hassles. Various lists have been provided such as Remedy list, Diagnosis list, Investigation list, Potency list, etc. and these can be updated as and when required.

B. Human Resources Management
HRD and Payroll module is used to store employee information and their salary details. It keeps track of employee information, recruitment process, employee leave records, performance appraisal, employee loans and advances, training schedule, training plan, promotion, termination, retirement statistics, etc.

This module also generates pay slips, reports such as bank statements, monthly progress report, income tax report, employee details, etc.

Salient features of this module include:

  • Complete information about all employees available at one click. Their Training schedule, Training Plans, etc can be seen at one go.
  • Easy maintenance of their recruitment process, leave records, performance appraisal, etc. is achieved.
  • Promotion, Termination, Retirement statistics can be easily generated.
  • Pay slip generation, Tracking of Loans and advances, TDS calculations, Salary summary Report, Form 16, Income tax statement, LIC deduction of employee, etc. are other processes that can be easily documented and maintained.
  • Various masters can be maintained such as Grade and Designation master, Department master, Organization master, Responsibility master, Training master, Appraisal master, Grade allowance master, etc.
  • The Reports Menu allows you to generate various kinds of reports such as Employee list, Employee details, Employee leave yearly record, Appraisal ratings, Monthly progress, etc. and this can be done department wise or for all employees together.

C. Accounts
Accounts Module is an attempt to automate and organize the various processes that are involved in the accounting process for a Hospital. Accounts Module tries to take into consideration various processes that need to be integrated, with minimal user intervention, thus providing a better means of managing accounts.

Accounts Module incorporates the following features:

i) Scheduled Accounts Management

All Journal Entries/Receipts/Payments are accepted for a Department/Sub-Department. Thus, all entries can be grouped under various cost centres. Department wise budgeting also enables tracking down expenses/income for each Department/Sub-Department.

ii) Auto Completion of Frequently Entered Data

In various Data Entry procedures, there are a lot of fields, which the user needs to enter every time. An attempt has been made to auto fill such values (if already present in the system). Thus the user is saved of the burden of filling the values again and again. Also it drastically cuts down on the time and effort taken for Data Entry.

 iiI) Drill Down Technique for Tracking Transactions

In “HMS Accounting Module”, users can track any financial transaction starting from “Balance Sheet” and reaching up to the corresponding Journal Entry. This enables the user to individually track the impact of any financial transaction on the “Books of Accounts”.

The following aspects of accounting are made simplified:

  • Balance Sheet at any point of time
  • Instant P & Ls accounts
  • Instant Financial reports & MIS reports
  • Department wise expenses record, Budget info, etc.
  • Generating detailed receipts
  • Details of payments made
  • Income and Expenditure statement 

D. Administration
The Administration Module allows you to maintain various Masters, Correspondence and Registers thus streamlining the entire administrative process from start to finish.

Salient features of this module:

  • Easy maintenance of various Masters such as Assets master, Location master, Organisation master, Institutes master, Vehicles master, Village master, Sub Contractor master, Calibration Maintenance, AMC Register, Village Camp Register, Sub Contractor Ratings, etc..
  • Inward and outward correspondence details can be updated, seen at one glance and printed when required.

E. Stock Management
Stock Maintenance System which takes into account the entire procedure right from filling in the Quotation to making an Invoice. Different Stock Registers are maintained such as Central Stock Register, Central Receipt Register, and Central Issue Register.

Salient features of this module include:

  • Inventory management & auto indenting
  • Control on the consumption of Items
  • Vendor Rating & Quotation process

F. Asset Maintenance:

All information relating to AMC of Assets, equipments & Vehicle maintenance, Vehicle fuel & KM reading is managed here.

G. Library Management:

All Information relating to Books, CD, DVD, Articles, Magazines are maintained here along with details to which member it is issued and when it is received back. Reminders for non returning books can also be generated and sent to members. Filtered Quick search feature gives exact status of a media at any moment of time.

H. Dietary Management:

This module will help you manage your Hospital Kitchen efficiently. You can plan Weekly diet menu according to which food can be prepared and given to Patients and guests. Requisition has to be raised first against which food will be prepared and consumption details will be entered to reduce the stock. Purchasing of material and Stock Adjustment can be done and balance stock can be generated accordingly.

Reports Generated

  1. Patient Appointment Register
  2. OPD Register – Date wise/CAMP wise/Department wise/Gender wise/Doctor wise/Research Project wise
  3.  IPD Register – Date wise/Gender wise/Department wise/Ward wise
  4. OPD Ticket
  5. Bed Occupancy status
  6. Bed Maintenance Register
  7. Patient Transfer Register
  8. Attendant Card
  9. Case Records – History / Family details /Complaints/ Constitutional / Physical / Systemic / Symptom Classification / Delivery & Birth Record / Temperature & Blood Pressure / Intake & Output chart/RMO Round/
  10. Investigation Requisition – Individual/Register(date wise/doctor wise/project wise)
  11. Lab Findings -Urine/Feaces/Elisa/Biochemistry/Haematology/Xray/Ultrasound/USG/ Brain MRI / ECG/Echocardiogram/Sonography (Individual & Project wise register)
  12. Diagnosis – Individual/Disease wise & Project wise
  13. Prescription – Individual/Date wise, Remedy wise & Project wise Register
  14. Patient Bill – Individual/Register
  15. Patient Discharge register – Date wise/Status wise
  16. Follow-up – individual/register

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