Interview with Dr Ramjee Singh CCH president

I will concentrate on improving the quality of Homeopathic education – Dr Ramjee Singh

Interview with Dr.Ramjee Singh – CCH president
Interviewed for by Dr.Lokesh Dave
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Dr.Lokesh dave : First of all on behalf of I congratulate you to be elected as the president of CCH (Central Council of Homeopathy. India)
What message you want to give to homeopathic community?

Dr.Ramji Singh: My message to all homeopathic graduates is to become a homeopath and practice homeopathy.
Now a days many of homeopathic graduates are working in call centers and other places.
I want all those students and doctors studying homeopathy should practice homeopathy.

Dr.Lokesh dave: As the CCH president what are your plans?
How you are planning to improve and develop homeopathy?

Dr.Ramji singh: I had started my work.
My aim is that all the graduates passing from 186 Homeopathic Medical  Colleges should be trained in a qualitative way that when they enter the field they are able to practice homeopathy and become good homeopaths.

I will show it comes true.

Sept.6th 2009


  1. How about starting stipends for interns of homoeopathic medical colleges? How about proper inspections of homoeopathic colleges and stopping falsifying of records in various colleges? I think if Dr Ramjee can rectify these points, we can look forward to a brighter homoeopathic environment.

  2. we are eager to know the detailed steps that the honourable president CCH has planned towards improving the quality of education.So that we can be rest assured that our future generation are not going to be fooled by many of the below standard faculties of homeopathic colleges’.

  3. dear Dr.Lokesh Dave if Dr.Ramji singh saying he have planning to improve and develop homeopathy is not true.

    My message to Dr.Ramji singh by this time i mail to sir about homoeopathy eduction development but i awaited for responce
    dr puneet

  4. Thnx.4 inviting such suggestions. To improve Homoeopathy, we have 2 improve our Colleges & Standard of Education, Standard Faculty as well college attached Hospitals.We have 2 prepare our own Text Books in all branches.Stop Extr. P.G.Salary of the H.M.O.s, Faculty Should be as par other branches of medicine, in all states.

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