Int’l Scientific Congress of Homeopathy for Humans, Animals and Plants

Int’l Scientific Congress of Homeopathy for Humans, Animals and Plants
Scientific Int’l Congress of Homeopathy in Skoura Morocco
On 6,7,8 of June 2015
The speakers of the congress are as follow :

  1. Prof Luc Montagnier, virologist, Nobel Prize 2008, France
  2. Dr Farokh Master, homeopath specialized M.D in oncology, India
  3. Dr Maria Olga Kokornaczyk, biochemist, Italy
  4. Dr Muhammed Rafeeque, BHMS, Author, Medical officer, Govt of Kerala.
  5. Dr Jeremy & Camilla Sherr, homeopath specialized M.D in AIDS, Tanzania
  6. Dr Didier Grandgeorges, homeopath specialized M.D in pediatrics, France
  7. Dr Iman Navab, homeopath and historian, Canada
  8. Dr Abdelaziz Yaacoubi, Agronomist, Morocco
  9. Dr Nancy Malik, homeopathic M.D specialized in research, India
  10. Dr Natalia Rodiuc, molecular biologist, I.N.R.A France
  11. Dr Dmitry Orlov, physicist, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  12. Dr Geeta Rani Arora, Research and Development Head B.Jain Pharmaceuticals. Editor – The Homoeopathic Heritage B.Jain Group
  13. Dr Nadia Des Courtis, homeopath M.D specialized psychiatry, Switzerland
  14. Dr Fred Rérolles, Head of Homeopaths Without Borders France
  15. Dr Guy André Pelouze, Cardiologist, France
  16. Steven Gordon, Central Council for Homeopathy, England
  17. Marie Magre, 4 Kenya School of Homeopathy, Kwale Kenya
  18. Tommie Dyzel, salt and biodynamics in agriculture, South Africa
  19. Enzo Nastati, homeodynamics in agriculture, Italy
  20. Mark Moodie, initiator of the first agro homeopathic congress and director of Considera org. 

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1 Comment

  1. Dear Colleagues:
    We would like to have more informations about the way to participate with a small group of portuguese colleagues – inscription, trip (airplane from Lisbon to Casablanca or Marraquexe maybe?), accommodation…
    With Friendship!
    Francisco Patrício
    (President of AMPHSH – Associação Médica Portugesa de Homeopatia)

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