Kali Group of Drugs in Homeopathy

lab15Dr T K Jithesh  

Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Pottassium compounds  and their preparation, properties and clinical indications

Potassium Compounds assume considerable significance in the Homoeopathic Materia medica right from the very beginning. Here is an attempt to focus attention on the Kali group of drugs and to go through some of their general and characteristic features. Many different Materia Medicas and repertories are consulted to compile this work.

Kali group of drugs include the following

  1. Kali aceticum
  2. Kali arsenicosum
  3. Kali asparticum
  4. Kali aurocyanatum
  5. Kali bioxalicum
  6. Kali bitartaricum
  7. Kali bichromicum
  8. Kali bromatum
  9. Kali borotartaricum
  10. Kali causticum
  11. Kali chioricum
  12. Kali chromicum
  13. Kali citricum
  14. Kali cyanatum
  15. Kali carbonicum
  16. Kali formicum
  17. KaIi fluoratum
  18. Kali hydroxydum
  19. Kali hypophosphoricum
  20. Kali lodatum
  21. Kali lacticum
  22. Kali metalicum
  23. Kali muriaticum
  24. Kali natrum tartaricum
  25. Kali nitricum
  26. Kali oxalicurn
  27. Kali perchloricum
  28. Kali permanganatum
  29. Kali picronitricum
  30. Kali picricum
  31. Kali phosphoricum
  32. Kali salicylicum
  33. Kali silicicum
  34. Kali sulphuratum
  35. Kali sulphurosum
  36. Kali sulphuricum chromicum
  37. Kali sulfo cyanicum
  38. Kali sulphuricum
  39. Kali thiocyanatum
  40. Kali telluricum
  41. Kali tartaricum
  42. Kali Xanthogenicum
  43. Causticum

Group According to Mendeleef
Group I. Lithium

The term Kali or Kahle is German for potash. Potassium (K) as a chemical element is a metal, having an atomic number 19 and atomic weight 39.1. Potassium and all of its compounds are water soluble and are universally distributed.

Earth’s crust consists of 2.45% of Potassium. Human body consists of 35% of Potassium. Potassium is one of the minerals present in blood plasma as well as all tissues. Clarke in his “Dictionary of the Practical Materia medica “, states that Kalis in general cause great disturbance in the circulation of fluids in the tissues.

Empiric uses (Allopathic) of Kalis.

  • (1) Kali ars-Diuretic & Complexion Cleaner
  • (2) Kali bich-Antiseptic for wounds
  • (3) Kali bitartrate-Saline purgative
  • (4) Kali iodide-For syphilis, expectorant, certain Mycoses
  • (5) Kali nitrate-For fever, asthma
  • (6) Kali permanganatum-as an oxidising agent.
  • (7) Kali brom-Sedative and hypnotic, antiepileptic. Men with excessive sexual desire (prisoners)
  • (8) Kali phos-Diuretic
  • (9) Kali suiph-Laxative

General Characteristics of Kali Group
(1) Constitution: (Adaptability)
Fat chubby persons.
Tendency to obesity, heavy built.
(Kali bich-2, Kali brom- 1, Kali carb-2) Kali bich->Suited to fair haired, fat per sons, especially fat chubby children, fat sluggish people.
Kali brom->Adapted to persons inclined to obesity, to children
Kali carb->Suited to persons of soft tissues with tendency to be fatty.
Suited to aged rather than obese, lax fiber, to dark haired persons of lax fiber & inclined to be fat.

(2) Mental (Adaptability): Mental sluggishness: Dullness,
Loss of memory,
Easily initiated by trifles
Mental pictures of…

Causticum :-

  • Sad, hopeless, melancholic
  • Looks upon dark side of everything.
  • Hopeless weeping mood expecting
  • Ailments from… long lasting grief, Sudden emotions,
  • Thinking of the complaints.
  • Weakness of memory
  • Absent minded Understands questions only after
  • Inattentive, distracted mind Uses wrong words

Kali bich:

  • Great weakness of memory
  • Frequent vanishing of thoughts, sense less staring at an object
  • Low spirited
  • Ill humoured
  • Indifferent
  • Aversion to motion, inclination to be down.
  • Disinclination to mental or bodily labour.
  • Anthrapophobia.

Kali brom  

  • Loss of memory
  • Inability to concentrate mind on any thing
  • Forgets how to talk, had to be told the word before he could speak it. (Amnesic aphasia)
  • Single words forgotten, syllables are dropped.
  • Perception slow, answers slowly.
  • Deep depression
  • Great despondency
  • Profound indifference
  • Disgust of life
  • Brain fag
  • Fits of uncontrollable weeping and pro found melancholic delusions.

Kali carb:

  • Absent minded.
  • Dull, confused, stupid as after intoxication
  • Cannot express herself.
  • Dread of labour, fear of being alone.
  • Alternating moods- Frequently hopeful, frequently despon dent. Despondency in open air, disappears entering the room.
  • Noise is disagreeable, easily startled.

Kali ferrocyanatum
Inclination to weep

Kali iodatum :-
Intellectual weakness Paroxysms of dementia

Kali muriaticum :
Alternating moods

Kali nitricum :-

Kali phos :-

  • Loss of memory, weak memory
  • Shyness, disinclination to conversation
  • Melancholia from deranged mental functions
  • Depression of spirits, lassitude
  • Home sick
  • Slightest labour seems heavy task
  • Great despondency about business.

(3) Time aggravation:

  • Early morning (2-5 A.M). Kali bich- 2 to 3 A.M.
  • Kali brom- Night, 2 A.M. Kalicarb-2to4A.M.
  • Kali cyan- Night, daily 4 A.M. (Neuralgia cease at 4 P.M.)
  • Kali ferrocyanatum- On rising, waking (Periodic neuralgia like Kali cyan)
  • Kali iod- (Chest symptom) 2 to 5 A.M.
  • Kali mur- morning on rising
  • Kali nit- 3 A.M.(cough)
  • Kali phos- 3 to 5 A.M.

In “Synthesis” Generals

  • Night- midnight, after 2hours- Kali bich 2, Kali brom 2, Kali carb 3, Kali phos 1.
  • Exceptions:-(in time aggravation)
  • Causticum-Evening & Night
  • Kali ars-Night, Midnight before
  • Kali suiph-Evening

(4) Thermal Reaction: Most of the Kalis are chilly according to Gibson Millers classification.

  • Chilly Hot ( Kali.i 3,Kali.s 3)
  • Causticum 3
  • Kali ars 3
  • Kali bich 2
  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali chlor 2
  • Kali phos I
  • Kali sil 2
  • Generalities, cold in general agg :- Causticum 3, Kali ars 3, Kali bich 2, Kali carb 3, Kali phos 3
  • Generalities, warmth amel Kali bich 2, Kali carb 3, Kali phos, Causticum 2.

Side affinities
             Right                       Left

  • Causticum 2         Kali bich 1
  • Kali carb 1            Kali mur 2
  • Kali nit 2               Kali chl2
  • Kali.m1                 Kali.n 1
  • Kali.c1
  • Rt side then Lt side- Causticum

(6) Desire and Aversions:-
      Desire-sweets            Aversion-Meat

  • Kali ars 1                      Causticum I
  • Kalicarb2                      Kali ars 2
  • Kali phos I                    Kali bich 2
  • Kali sulph 2                  Kali carb 2
  • Kali phos 1
  • Kali sulph 1
  • Exceptions
  • Causticum 2, has got aversion to sweets Causticum 3, has got desire for smoked

(7) Character of Pain:
Stitching type

  • Gen. pam stitching (Externally)
  • Causticum 2
  • Kali ars I
  • Kali bich 2
  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali nit 2
  • Kali phos 3
  • Kali suiph 3

Gen. pain stitching (Internally)

  • Causticum 2
  • Kali ars 1
  • Kali bich 2
  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali iod 2
  • Kalinit2
  • Kali suiph 3

(8) Fatty food, rich food aggravation:
In Synthesis Gen. fat, agg.

  • Kali ars 1
  • Kali carb I
  • Kali chlor 2
  • Kali mur 2
  • Kali nit I
  • Kali suiph 1
  • Causticum 2

(9) Anti tubercular:.
Majority of Kalis are anti tubercular.

In Synthesis

  • Chest phthisis Pulmonalis Kali ars I
  • Kali bich I
  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali nit 2
  • Kali phos 2
  • Kali suiph 3

(10) Dropsical tendency:
Majority of Kalis produce oedema, dropsy, ascites etc.

  • Causticum 1
  • Kaliars2
  • Kali bich 3
  • Kali carb 2
  • Kali mur I

(11) Increased perspiration during night:

  • Kali ars 3
  • Kali bich I
  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali nit I
  • Kali phos 2
  • Kali sulph 3
  • Causticum 3

(12) Ulceration of the Mucous mem brane & Skin:
In Synthesis Skin ulcers

  • Kali ars 2
  • Kali bich 3
  • Kali chl 3
  • Kali carb 2
  • Kali iod I
  • Kali phos 1
  • Kali Sil 1
  • Kali suiph 3
  • Causticum

(13) Aggravation after coition
In Synthesis- Kali bich I

  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali iod 1
  • Kali phos 3
  • Kali sil I
  • Kali bich- attacks were caused by and al ways followed by coitus
  • Kali carb- agg from coition, during coition
  • Ka!i phos- agg after coition.
  • Kai iod- pain in urethra coming on after coition
  • Causticum-> Headache and stupid feel ing in head day after coition.

(14) General weakness & Action upon Nervous system
In Synthesis

  • Kali ars 3
  • Kali bich 2
  • Kali brom 1
  • Kali cyan I
  • Kali carb 3
  • Kali chl 1
  • Kali fey 3
  • Kali fer3
  • Kali iod 2

Paralysis one sided

  • Causticum 3 (Rt. sided)
  • Kali carb 2
  • Kali phos I
  • Kali mur 1
  • Kali iod 2 (Rt. sided)

(15) Heart affections & Myocardial weakness

  • Chest- pain heart Causticum 1
  • Kali ars 3
  • Kali bich 2
  • Kali carb 2
  • Kali ch 2
  • Kali iod 1
  • Kali phos I
  • Chest -palpitation heart
  • Kali ars 2 Kali nit 2
  • Kali bich 2 Kali phos 2
  • Kali carb 3 Kali suiph 2
  • Kali chi 2 Kali suiph 2
  • Kali fer 2 Causticum 2
  • Kali iod 2

(16) Pulse- character:
Soft, irregular intermittent pulse
Soft Irregular Intermittent

  • Kali bich I Kali bich 2 Kali bich 1
  • Kali brom 1 Kali carb 2 Kali carb 2
  • Kali carb I Kali chi 2 Kali chi I
  • Kali chi 1 Kali iod 2 Kali iod 2
  • Kali cyan I Kali phos I Kali phos I
  • Kali nit 1 Kali cyan 1 Kali mur 1
  • Kali mur 2 Kali mur 1 Kali sulph I

(17) Nearly all pains are ameliorated by motion: –

  • Gen. Motion Agg
  • Causticum I
  • Kali bich 2
  • Kali nit 2
  • Gen. Motion Amel
  • Causticum 2
  • Kali iod 2
  • Kali phos 2
  • Kali suiph 3

(18) In general Kalis are never constipated
However each salt may have some constipation in its pathogenesis.

(19) Kali conditions as a rule are afebrile.
However few of them are represented under the rubric fever heat in general (Kent)

  • Kali bich 1,
  • Kali chi 1,
  • Kali iod 3
  • Causticum 1

(20) Mucous discharges: From vagina, urethra, nose, stomach
Generals-Mucous secretion increased-

  • Kali mur 1
  • Kali nit 1
  • Kali oxal 1
  • Kali perm 1
  • Kali phos 3
  • Kali sulph 1
  • Kali sil 1
  • Kali tart 1
  • Causticum 2
  • Kali ars 1
  • Kali bich 3
  • Kali carb 2
  • Kali chi I
  • Kali iod 2
  • Kali mur I
  • Kali nit
  • Kali. sil
  • Kali sulph

Corrosive- Caust 3, Kali ars I, Kali bich 2, Kali iod 2,

  • Greenish- Kali bich 2, Kali carbl, Kali iod2, Kali sulph 1
  • Milky-Kali mur 2, Kali phosi
  • Ropy tenacious- Caust 1, Kali bich 3, Kali carb 2, Kali mur 2, Kali sulph 1
  • Salty-Kali iod 2
  • Sour-Kali carb, Kali nit
  • Watery-Kali iod 1, Kàli nit 2, Kali suiph 2, Caust 2
  • White-Kali mur 2, Kali nit 1
  • Yellow-Caust 2, kali ars2, Kali bich 2, Kali carb2 , Kali mur 2, Kali nit 1, Kali sil, Kali suiph 2,
  • Yellowish green- Kali bich

Dr T K Jithesh BHMS, MD(Hom)
Medical Officer, Dept. of Homoeopathy, Govt. of  NCT Delhi


  1. Kali Brom is mental tonic to restore semi paralytic body functions by way of improving functions of internal organs restoring vital force.with due regards to modern homeopaths,even long back rademacher made a name in medicine science by simple prescription with simple explanation.Kali Brom is equivalent to as if blood and tissues has been poisoned as by LEAD making one paretic perforce has to indulge in some activity we think he or she is very energetic,paretic mind paretic body do not ask questions see fidgety fingers and keep eye on fidgety feet also then switch over to zinc met,body is controlled by brain and existance of whole controlled by some invisible force.linking kali brom with acne of young girls limits its role.repertory says it can dissolve unwanted fat.simple science complicated with modern test repots leads no where.Hubbard said IOD is for essential hypertension one feels comfortable after homeo potency but if one wants to read his blood pressure also corrected seen on instrument it does not work that way.Govt should encourage multinationals open charitable homeopathic dispensary requiring ten by ten feet room instead of going big building hospitals require crores.

  2. Kali Iod is anti syphilitic remedy with hot nasal discharges frontal sinusitis but modality no temperature rise internal wants hot drinks for external body comfort wants cool air does not tire by walking,comparing arsenic discharges wants heat warmth both internal and external.Kali Iod infiltrates soft tissues even to bones.Kalis are weak heart low temperature and mucus formation, Iod alone has fever plus thirst plus hunger and emaciation,Kali Iod thus a blended remedy a preventor of tissue degeneration.Eli Zones said Kali Mur low potency has power to prevent inflammatory deposits stimulates absorption exudates after apoplexy strokes along with arnica 30x.each remedy has epicentre of action secondary reflex symptoms have secondary value like Sepia pelvic circulation defect headache is reflex.

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