Karger GmbH published research article on Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial in HIV

aidsResearch article on Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial in HIV

Shah R.
Life Force, Mumbai, India

Background: Deriving clinical indications for the HIV nosode by conducting a double-blind, placebo-controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (HPT) with the aim to introduce a new nosode to the profession. Method: The HPT was conducted in 22 volunteers, 15 of which received HIV nosode in 30c potency pills, while 7 received identical placebo pills orally, once a week, for 4 weeks.

The volunteers’ symptoms during initial 7 days of run-in period were noted. All symptoms for both groups produced during run-in period were excluded from final analysis. Informed consent form, approval by Ethics Committee, laboratory investigations as well as safety and ethical measures were provided.

The volunteers were trained to write data in prescribed diaries, and the data were analyzed. Results: The HPT of the HIV nosode exhibited qualitatively distinct symptoms, which can be applied in clinical practice. Number of symptoms reported in verum group was 130, in placebo group 60. Quantitative pathogenetic index was 0.285 in verum group, 0.238 in placebo group; qualitative pathogenetic index was 0.1402 in the verum group as compared to placebo (0.0907). Safe use was documented. Conclusion: This study brought in guiding symptoms, which will help the profession to employ this nosode in practice.

© 2015 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg


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