Karnataka Governor calls for integrated system of medicine

To ensure health facilities for all, including the poor in rural areas, an integrated system medicine should be adopted, said Governor H R Bhardwaj.

Speaking on the occasion of the World Homoeopathy Day at the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences here on Wednesday, he said, “There is a need to adopt holistic approach towards medicine. Only if everyone is provided enough food, proper education and healthcare at affordable cost can a welfare state be established.”

“The use of traditional systems of medicines, including the Ayurveda, is on the decline. Over the years, Allopathic treatment has gained importance as it cures many diseases. However, people should also not forget the traditional systems of medicine,” he said.He said that Homeopathy was a better and economical system of medicine compared to others. “In places like Rajasthan, the system is highly advanced with homeopathic practitioners performing surgeries,” the governor said.

B T Rudresh, president, Karnataka Homeopathy Society, said that there was a need to popularise Homeopathy to ensure medical facilties for all by 2020.[Source]

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