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Question Booklet Alpha Code : D
Total No. of questions: 100 Time: 75 Minutes Maximum: 100 Marks
1. Bence-jones protein in urine is characteristic of the following conditions, EXCEPT:
(A) Multiple myeloma (B) Osteosarcoma
(C) Lymphosarcoma (D) Hodgkin’s disease
2. Which of the following does not elevate serum glucose
(A) Vasopressin (B) Thyroxine
(C) Glucagone (D) Cortisol
3. Exciting or maintaining causes are otherwise known as :
(A) Prima causa morbid (B) Fundamental Cause
(C) Morbid phenomena (D) Causa occasianalis
4. Natural morbid stimuli affect the health of man
(A) Unconditionally (B) Conditionally
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None
5. According to Hahnemann which is the most deplorable and most incurable disease?
(A) Drug diseases
(B) Acute diseases
(C) Inappropriately named chronic diseases
(D) Miasmatic diseases
6. In the search for a homoeopathic specific medicine which symptoms are given primary importanc
(A) Pathological symptom (B) Basic symptoms
(C) Characteristic symptoms (D) All the above
7. Administration of a partially similar (imperfect) medicine may produce:
(A) Accessory symptom (B) Lessor accessory symptom
(C) Fatal symptom (D) Pathological symptom
8.True intermittent fevers belong to the class of :
(A) Syphilis (B) Sycosis
(C) Pseudo-psora (D) Psora
9. Hahnemann suggested repeating the doses of selected medicines in definite intervals in
(A) Lesser writings (B) Fragmenta de viribus
(C) Sixth edition of Organon (D) Fifth edition of Organon
10. Too short relief of symptoms in chronic diseases after the administration of the similar medicine indicates:
(A) Remedy was only a superficial one
(B) There are structural changes, and organs are being destroyed
(C) The disease was incurable, and the anti-psoric given was too deep
(D) The remedy must be let alone
11.Dispensing alcohol has a concentration of :
(A) 75% (B) 88%
(C) 90% (D) 95%
12. The art of preparing real medicines is called:
(A) Pharmacology (B) Pharmacognosy
(C) Pharmacopraxy (D) Pharmacopallaxyl
13. In the preparation of mother tinctures from dried plants, use:
(A) 5 times its weight of alcohol
(B) Double the weight of alcohol
(C) 2 parts juice and 9 parts of alcohol
(D) Equal parts of juice and alcohol
14.Decimal scale of potency was introduced by:
(A) Hahnemann (B) Finke
(C) Korsakoff (D) Constantine Herring
15.Final standard decided by Hahnemann regarding the number of strokes for centesimal scale of potentisation is :
(A) 2 strokes (B) 10 strokes
(C) 50 strokes (D) 100 strokes
16.Following drugs are derived from Apocyanacea family, EXCEPT
(A) Caladium (B) Oleander
(C) Vinca minor (D) Strophanthus
17.Which of the following does not belong to the class Arachnida?
(A) Theridion (B) Mygale
(C) Tarentula (D) Mephitis
18.Which is not a Sarcode?
(A) Adranaline (B) Thyroidine
(G) Lyssin (D) Cholesterine
19.”Feels complaints more when thinking about them” This symptom is present in the following medicines, EXCEPT
(A) Calcarea phos (B) Camphora
(C) Helonias (D) Oxalic acid
20.Emaciation of upper part of the body is seen in:
((A) Lycopodium (B) Sanicula
(C) Iodum (D) Abrotanum
21.In haemorrhage, Acetic acid follows well after:
(A) Digitalis (B) Phosphorus
(C) Cinchona (D) Secale cor
22.Which of the following is called “The Aconite of chronic diseases”?
(A) Sabadilla (B) Ignatia
(C) Arsenic alb (D) Alumina
23.”In membranous and diptheritic cough, much rattling of mucus during cough, but no choking. Sounds loose, but no expectoration “This is true of :
(A) Bromium (B) Drosera
(C) Iodum (D) Lachesis
24.”What Pulsatilla is at puberty …….. is at the climacteric?
( A) Lachesis (B) Sepia
(C) Graphites (D) Medorrhinum
25. Sweat on the face on a small spot, only while eating:
(A) Anacardium (B) Ignatia
(C) Silicea (D) Veratrum alb
26.”Hears better when in a noise; when riding in a carriage or car, when there is a rumbling sound”. This is true of :
(A) Ignatia (B)Hepar sulph
(C) Nux vomica (D) Graphites
27.Common retrogressive changes include all EXCEPT
(A) Atrophy (B) Hypoplasia
(C) Degeneration (D) Necrosis
28. Farunculosis is caused by infect ion with :
(A) Streptococci (B) Pseudomonas
(C) Staphylococci (D) All the above
29. Diptheria is mainly a disease of children in the age group of
(A) 6 – 9 years (B)1 – 3 years
(C) 9 – 12 years (D) 3 – 6 years
30.Most frequently encountered organism in Gas gangrene is:
(A) Clostridium Welchi (B) Clostridium sporogenes
(C) Clostridium. Histolitica (D) Clostridium septicum
31.Caseous necrosis is a characteristic feature of :
(A) Fatty liver (B) Baciliary dysentery
(C)Nasopharyngeal diphtheria (D) Tuberculosis
32. Potassium deficiency is associated with:
(A) Severe muscular weakness (B) Dental caries
(C) Atrophy of muscles (D) Capillary bleeding
33.Germ cell tumors are derived from:
(A) Epithelial cells (B) Mesenchymal cells
(C) Pluripotent cells (D) Hemopoietic cells
34. Most usual Habitat of Entatnoeba hystolitica is :
(A) Small intestine (B) Large intestine
(C) Liver cells (D) RE system
35.The following are true of an exudate, EXCEPT:
(A) Fibrinogen absent
(B) Clots quickly
(C) High protein content: more than 2 gm/ml
(D) Specific gravity above 1. 018
36.Magistrate’s inquest is done in cases of :
(A) Death in police custody (B) Death due to police firing
(C) Exhumation (D) All the above
37.The following are true of Dying declaration, EXCEPT:
(A) Executive magistrate is the authority to record
(B) The doctor can record the declaration in the presence of two witnesses
(C) An oath is to be administered before recording the declaration
(D) If the declarant survives, the declaration is not admitted, but has corroborative value
38.Which is true of an incised wound?
(A) Edges are always inverted
(B) Edges are free from contusions and abrasions
(C) Width is less than the edge of the weapon
(D) Wounds are shallower at the beginning
39. In criminal cases, the doctor who appears as witness in the court cannot claim:
(A) Conduct money (B) Conveyance charges
(C) Daily allowance (D) A11 the above
40.Medico-legal report is an example of :
(A) Direct evidence (B) Documentary evidence
(C)Circumstantial evidence (D) Hearsay evidence
41. In properly performed judicial hanging, death occurs due to
(A) Asphyxia
(B) Atrial fibrillation
(C) Fracture-dislocation of upper cervical vertebrae
(D) Cerebral anoxia
42. After death, bone decomposition starts in
(A) 3 – 10 years (B) 1 – 2 years
(C) 15 – 20 years (D) 10 – 15 years
43.Fatal dose of Nitric acid poison is :
(A) 1-5 ml (B) 5-10 ml
(C) 15-20 ml (D) 10-15 ml
44.Very high ESR, often exceeding 100 mm/hr is commonly found in the following conditions, EXCEPT:
(A) Rheumatoid arthritis (B)SLE
(C) Osteoarthritis , (D) Infective arthritis
45. Which of the following is a hereditary connective tissue disease?
(A) Ehler’s-Danles svndrome (B) Cushing’s syndrome
(C) Chrug-Strauss syndrome (D) Behcet’s syndrome
46.In digital clubbing, the terminal portion of the phalanx and nail appears as a drumstick or a parrot beak in :
(A) Grade 4 (B) Grade
(C) Grade 2 (D) Grade 1
47.Chest radiograph showing bilateral, irregular and patchy shadows indicates :
(A) Pulmonary emphysema (B) Acute bronchitis
(C) Allergic alveolitis (D) Bronchopneumonia
48. Nutritional megaloblastic anaemia is caused by:
(A) Folic acid deficiency (B)Iron deficiency
(C) Vitamin B12 deficiency (D) All the above
49.The most common disorder among the group of plasma cell dyscrasias is
(A) Myelomatosis (B) Lymphomas
(C) Chronic granulocytic leukaemia (D)Agrarulocytosis
50. The following are the pre-renal causes of acute renal failure, EXCEPT:
(A) Hypovolemia (B) Renal artery stenosis
(C) Acute tubular necrosis (D) Reduced cardiac output
51.A lesion beginning in the centre of the optic chiasma causes:
(A) Ipsilateral blindness (B) Bitemporal hemianopia
(C) Homonymous hemianopia (D) Upper quandrananopia
52. Disease caused by immunologically mediated response initiated by gliadin present in gluten ;
(A) Celiac disease (B) Tropical sprue
(G) Crohn’s disease (D) IBS
53. The following are congenital swellings, EXCEPT:
(A) Cystic hygroma (B)Meningocele
(C) Dermoid cyst (D)Implantation dermoid
54.Which of the following has no regional lymph node enlargement?
(A) Malignant melanoma (B) Squamous cell carcinoma
(C) Basal cell carcinoma (D)Hodgkin’s disease
55. Erb’s paralysis is due to:
(A) Upper lesion of Brachial plexus (B)Long Thoracic nerve
(C) Lower lesion of Brachial plexus (D) Median nerve
56. Which bony swelling is traumatic in origin?
(A) Von-Recklinghausen’s disease (B)Chronic osteomyelitis
(G) Myositis ossificans (D)Osteogenesis imperfecta
57.Which of the intracranial tumors is intracerebral ;
(A) Acoustic neuroma (B)Glioma
(C) Teretoma (D) Retinoblastoma
58. Which of the following does not constitute the triad of Patterson-kelly Syndrome?
(A) Vomiting (B) Dysphagia
(C) Glossitis (D)Hypochromic anaemia
59.Post operative complications of subtotal thyroidectomy include all, EXCEPT:
(A) Tension haematoma (B) Respiratory obstruction
(C) Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis (D) Dysphagia
60. Neurogenic cause of acute intestinal obstruction is :
(A) Meckel’s diverticulum (B)Hirsch run ‘s disease
(C) Intussusception (D) Volvulus
61. Most common cause of first trimester abortion:
(A) Chromosomal abnormalities
(B) Syphilis
(C) Rh Isoimmunisation
(D) Cervical incompetence
62.`Peg’ cells are seen in:
(A) Vagina (B) Vulva
(C)Ovary (D) Fallopian tubes
63. Serum FSH level is raised in:
(A) Sheehan’s syndrome
(B) Woman using Combined oral contraceptive pills
(C) Post menopausal women
(D)Meig’s syndrome
64.An individual has maximum number of oocytes at:
(A) 20 weeks of gestation . (B) Birth ;
(C) Puberty (D) 20 – 22 years
65.The peak level of 17 B estradiol during each ovarian cycle :
(A) 50 – l00 pg/ml (B) 100 – 150 pg/ml
(C) 200 – 250 pg/ml (D) 300 – 400 pg/ml
66. Chromosomal pattern of Swyer’s syndrome:
(A) 45XO (B) 46XY
(C) 46XX (D) 47XXX
67.Schauta operation is done for :
(A) Ca Endometrium (B) Ca Cervix
(C) Ca Vagina (D) Ca Vulva
68. The following are true of the mechanism of labor in breech presentation, EXCEPT:
(A) Compaction (B) Internal rotation
(C) Extension (D) Lateroflexion
69. Daily requirement of Vitamin D in children and infants:
(A) 100 IU (B) 200 IU
(C) 400 IU (D) 300 IU
70.Incubation period of H1N1 influenza is:
(A) 2 – 3 days (B) 2- 3 weeks
(C) 8 – 14 days (D) 3 – 4 weeks
71.”Action that halts the progress of a disease at its incipient stage and prevents complications” belongs to the level of
(A) Primordial prevention (B) Primary prevention
(C) Secondary prevention (D) Tertiary prevention
72. The following are true of a cohort study, EXCEPT:
(A) Cohorts are identified prior to the appearance of the disease under investigation
(B) It is otherwise called a prospective study
(C) Basic approach is to work from Cause to Effect
(D) Basic approach is to work from
73. Vision 2020 is an initiative to:
(A) Promote National Rural Health Programme
(B) Reduce avoidable blindness .
(C) Select and train ASHAs
(D) Promote Reproductive and child health programme
74. Which of the following is a third generation IUD?
(A) CU-T 380 A (B) ML-CU-375
(C) ML-CU 250 (D) Progestastert
75. Which of the following are micronutrients?
(A) Carbohydrates (B) Vitamins and minerals
(C) Proteins (D) Fats
76. Recommended maximum limit of concentration of Arsenic in drinking water is :’
(A)0.01 mg/lit (B) 0.005 mg/lit
(C) 0.003 mg/lit (D) 0.07 mg/lit
77. Who is known as the Father of Repertory?
(A) Hahnemann (B) Boenninghausen
(C) Kent (D) LiPPe
78. In which Repertory, Nosodes are well represented:
(A) Boger (B) Kneer
(C) Kent (D) None of the above
79. Which repertory is based on the concept of Particulars to Generals?
(A) Therapeutic pocketbook by Boenninghausen
(B) Repertory of Homeopathic material medica by Kent
(C) Lippe’s Repertory
(D) Synthetic Repertory by Barthel and Klunker
80.Which is the first card repertory?
(A) Kishor’s card repertory (B) Sankaran’s card repertory
(C) William Jefferson’s card repertory (D) Boger’s card repertory
81.Doctrine of Pathological Generals was introduced by:
(A) Barthel (B) Boenninghausen
(C)Boericke (D) Boger
82.In Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic book, the rubric VERTIGO is given under the section:
(A) Mind – Intellects (B) External Head
(C) Internal Head (D) Sensations
83. In Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory by Boger, the rubric HYDROPHOBIA appears in the section :
(A) Sensorium (B) Mind
(C) Sensations and complaints (D) Conditions in General
84. In Kent’s Repertory, the THREE mark medicine for lumpy lochia is:
(A) Carbolic acid (B) Pyrogen
(C) Kreosote (D) Secale cor
85. Carpel tunnel transports the following structures, EXCEPT:
(A) Flexor digitorum profundus (B) Flexor Pollicis longus
(C) Ulnar nerve (D) Median nerve
86.’Foot-drop’ results from the injury to:
(A) Deep peroneal nerve (B) Superficial peroneal nerve
(C) Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve (D) Medial plantar nerve
87. Following are the anterior relations of Right kidney, EXCEPT:
(A) Liver (B) Diaphram
(G) Ascending colon (D) Duodenum
88. Pouch of Douglas is positioned between:
(A) Rectum and Bladder (B) Bladder and Uterus
(C) Bladder and pubic symphysis (D) Rectum and Uterus
89. Thickest cutaneous nerve in the human body is :
(A) Greater occipital nerve (B) Trigeminal nerve
(C) Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (D) Greater auricular nerve
90. Components of circle of Willis are all, EXCEPT:
(A) Anterior cerebral arteries (B) Posterior cerebral arteries
(C) Internal carotid arteries (D) Middle cerebral arteries
91.The -first endocrine gland of the body to develop:
(A) Thymus (B) Thyroid
(C) Pituitary (D) Parathyroid
92.Length of the Thoracic duct in adults is :
(A) 15-20 cm (B) 26-30 cm
(C) 38-45 tm (D) 51-56 cm
93.The following are the structures in the posterior mediastinum, EXCEPT:
(A) Oesophagus (B) Thoracic duct
(C) Azygos vein (D) Heart
94. The stage of mitotic cell division in which two chromatids are farmed by longitudinal splitting of each chromosome:
(A) Prophase (B) Metaphase
(C) Anaphase (D) Telophase
95.Sarcolemma is the cell wall of the:
(A) Muscle fibre (B) Neurone
(C) Usteoblast (D) F’ibroblast
96.- Which of the following is an essential amino acid?
(A) Glycene (B) Alanine
(C) Valine (D) Serine
97.Coagulation of blood is the property of
(A) Plasma (B) Red cells
(C) White cells (D) All the above
98. In which derivative of haemoglobin, iron remains in the ferric form?
(A) Oxyhaemoglobin (B) Carbohaemoglobin
(C) Sulph-haemoglobin (D) Methaemoglobin
99. Volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration:
(A) Inspiratory capacity (B) Functional residual capacity
(C) Residual volume (D) Expiratory volume
100. Following are true of Liver, EXCEPT:
(A) Synthesis of immunoglobulin (B) Synthesis of Phospholipids
(C) Synthesis of Bile (D) Storage of Fat
Answer Key prepared by SIMI LIMA team
1 .B | 21.C | 41.C | 61.A | 81.D |
2. A | 22.D | 42.A | 62.D | 82.A |
3. D | 23.A | 43.D | 63.C | 83.B,C |
4. B | 24.C | 44.C | 64.A | 84.C |
5. A | 25.B | 45.A | 65.D | 85.C |
6. C | 26.D | 46.B | 66.B | 86.A |
7. A | 27.D | 47.D | 67.A | 87.B |
8. D | 28.C | 48.C | 68. | 88.D |
9. C | 29.B | 49.A | 69.C | 89.A |
10.B | 30.A | 50.C | 70.A | 90.D |
11.B | 31.D | 51.B | 71.C | 91.B |
12.C | 32.A | 52.A | 72.D | 92.C |
13.A | 33.C | 53.D | 73.B | 93.D |
14.D | 34.B | 54.C | 74.D | 94.C |
15.B | 35.A | 55.A | 75.B | 95.A |
16.A | 36.D | 56.C | 76.A | 96.C |
17.D | 37.C | 57.B | 77.B | 97.A |
18.C | 38.B | 58.A | 78.D | 98.D |
19.B | 39.A | 59.X | 79.A | 99.C |
20.A | 40.B | 60.B | 80.C | 100.A |
Download answerkey published by KPSC for all version
Link : www.homeobook.com/pdf/kpsc-answerkey-tutor-2011.pdf
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Qn. 9. The published key is correct.
Ref. § 246 (5th edition) : “… if this minutest yet powerful dose of the best selected medicine be repeated at suitable intervals,…”
Ref. § 246 (6th edition) : “… that experience has taught as the most suitable in definite intervals,… ”
Qn. 15 Hahnemann adopted 2 succussions instead of 10.
So the published key seems to be incorrect.
Ref. § 270 – footnote1 (5th Edition) : ” In order to maintain a fixed and measured standard for developing the power of liquid medicines, multiplied experience and careful observation have led me to adopt two succussions for each phial, in preference to the greater number formerly employed (by which the medicines were too highly potentized).
Also refer § 287 – footnote2 (5th Edition) : “The higher we carry the attenuation accompanied by dynamization (by two succussion strokes),…”