Combined written test for the following subjects will be held at various centres in Kerala on 13.10.2011
Validity of Rank list : Probably 3 year
Total candidates applied for each subject : 1300-1400
Rank List : Separate rank list will be published for each subjects as in allopathic system medicine. They have common examination but separate interview and rank lists.
Maximum Marks : 100
1 for each correct answer
1/3 Marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Total questions : 100
Duration: 1.15 Hours
Subjects : Pathology, Repertory, Surgery, Ptractice of Medicine, Materia Medica, Anatomy, Physiology
Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:Topics to study
1.Anatomy 2.Physiology including Bio-chemistry, 3.Organon of Medicine 4.Homoeopathic Pharmacy
5.Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Therapeutics.6.Pathology and Micro-biology,7.Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 8.Practice of Medicine,9.Surgery 10.Obstetrics & Gynaecology,11.Community Medicine 12.Castetaking and Repertory
(Date of Organon & Pharmacy will be published later and will be conducted as separate exam)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through the Website from 22/09/2011 onwards.
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