Question Paper of Kerala Public Service Commission Lecturer in Repertory Exam 2004
Maximum : 100 marks Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes
B series
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1. Pain as if bones were all torn to pieces is the particular of:
- (A) Cimicimga. (B) Colocynthis,
- (C) Ipecac. (D) Mag. Phos.
2. Nit. acid is complementary to:
- (A) Arsenic. (B) Caladium.
- (C) Both. – (D) None of the above.
3. “Pains are drawing, tearing, erratic rapidly shifting from one part to another’ is in
- (A) Kali bich. (B) Lac. can.
- (C) Pulsatilla. (D) All of the above.
4. ‘Kali bich’ is antidotes to:
- (A) Arsenic alb. (B) Lachesis.
- (C) Pulsatilla. (D) All of the above.
5. ‘Acridity and putridity’ of all the discharges from mucus membrane is the keynote symptom of:
- (A) Kreosotum. (B) Lachesis.
- (C) Nit. Arid. (D) All of the above.
6. Perspiration, smelling like honey is the characteristic of:
- (A) Calcareacarb. (B) Thuja.
- (C) Both. (D) None of the above.
7. First edition of Organon of medicine was published in
- (A) 1805. . . (B) 1810.
- (C) 1817. (D) 1828.
8. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has given idea about case taking in the Aphorism No :
- (A) Aphorism 1-70. (B) Aphorism 71-82.
- (C) Aphorism 83-104. (D) Aphorism 105-145.
9. Number of aphorism in fifth edition of Organon is :
- (A) 320. (B) 294.
- (C) 291. (D) 318.
10. Who gave the idea of complete symptom ?
- (A) Dr. S. Hahnemann. (B) Dr. Boenninghausen.
- (C) Dr. J.T.Kent. (D) Dr. Stuart Close.
11. General symptoms are those symptoms :
- (A) Which refer to the person as a whole. (B) Which are uncommon in nature.
- (C) Which are common in nature. (D) All of the above.
12. Concomitant symptoms:
- (A) Have no value for disease diagnosis (B) Very important for individualizing the patient.
- (C) Important for homoeopathic therapeutic diagnosis. (D) All of the above.
13. What is ‘Causa occasionalis’ ?
- (A) Exciting cause (B) Maintaining cause.
- (C) Both. (D) None of the above.
14. What is the main object of Homoeopathic case taking ?
- (A) Diagnosis (B) Individualization.
- (C) Prognosis. (D) All of the above.
15. What is the prognosis of third observation of Kent ?
- (A) Good. (B) Bad.
- (C) Very Good. (D) Very Bad.
16. ‘A full time amelioration of the symptoms, yet no special relief to the patient is of Kent.
- (A) Fifth, (B) Sixth.
- (C) Seventh. (D) Ninth
17. The action of the medicine upon prover is the ————— observation of Kent:
- (A) Tenth. (B) Ninth.
- (C) Seventh. (D) Sixth.
18. ‘Lecture on Homoeopathic philosophy’ by Dr. J.T. Kent was published in the year :
- (A) 1870. (B) 1897.
- (C) 1900. (D) 1921.
19. In which year Dr. Hahnemann wrote the book on ‘Medicine of Experience’ ?
- (A) 1803. (B) 1805
- (C) 1810. . (D) 1819.
20. ‘An essay on a new principle for ascertaining the curative powers of Drugs’ was written in the year :
- (A) 1790. (B) 1796.
- (C) 1803. (D) 1810.
21. Author of the Repertory of Hering’s Guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica is :
- (A) Calvin B Knerr. (B) Clara B Knerr.
- (C) Clavan B Knerr. (D) Carol B Knerr.
22. A case history contains :
- (A) Superscription . (B) Inscription.
- (C) Subscription. (D) All of the above.
23. The following symptoms are observed on patients, but not on prover :
- (A) Pathological. (B) Toxicological.
- (C) Clinical. (D) None of the above.
24. Jahr published the Repertory in the year :
- (A) 1805. (B) 1835.
- (C) 1833. (D) 1840.
25. Gentry’s Repertory of Concordance was published in the year
- (A) 1886. (B) 1890.
- (C) 1782. (D) 1990.
26. Gentry’s Repertory of Concordance consists of volumes.
- (A) Two. (B) Five.
- (C) Six. (D) Eight.
27. ‘Repertory of Hemorrhoids’ was written by:
- (A) Gentry. (B) Kent.
- (C) Guernsey. (D) Hering.
28. Repertory of ‘Fevers’ was published by:
- (A) T.F. Alien. (B) H.C. Alien.
- (C) WA. Alien . (D) Milton.
29. ‘C.M. Boger’s Synoptic Key with Repertory’ was published in the year:
- (A) 1931. (B) 1936.
- (C) 1898. (D) 1930.
30. In ‘Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book’ the gradation of medicines is :
- (A) Four. (B) Five.
- (C) Three. . (D) Six.
31. In Kent’s Repertory ‘Urticaria’ is in chapter :
- (A) Skin. (B) Generalities.
- (C) Extremities. (D) All of the above.
32. In Kent’s Repertory “Bubo’ is in chapter:
- (A) Stomach. (B) Abdomen.
- (C) Skin. (D) Genitalia, male.
33. In Kent’s Repertory ‘Lousiness’ belongs to chapter:
- (A) Head. (B) Generalities.
- (C) Skin. (D) None of the above.
34. In Kent’s Repertory ‘Empyema’ is in chapter:
- (A) Abdomen. (B) Stomach.
- (C) Chest. (D) Extremities.
35. In Kent’s Repertory for “Urine Sugar’ look in chapter:
- (A) Generalities. (B) Kidney.
- (C) Urine. (D) Bladder.
36. Rubric “Addisions disease’ in Kent’s Repertory is placed under:
- (A) Bladder. (B) Kidney.
- (C) Ureter. (D) Generalities.
37. In Kent’s method of repertorisation more importance is given to:
- (A) Physical generals. (B) Mental generals.
- (C) Concomitance. (D) Modalities.
38. In Boenninghausen’s Repertory rubric ‘Ecstasy’ is under:
- (A) Abdomen. (B) Hunger and thirst.
- (C) Intellect. (D) Sensorium.
39. In Boenninghausen’s Repertory rubric ‘Impaired’ is under :
- (A) Intellect. (B) Complaints.
- (C) Head. (D) Internal head.
40. Rubric ‘Cyanosis’ in Boenninghausen’s Repertory is under :
- (A) Skin. (B) Generalities.
- (C) Sensations. (D) Complaints.
41. The word ‘Homoeopathy’ is derived from :
- (A) German. (B) Latin.
- (C) French. (D) Greek.
42. The word Organon is a derivation from:
- (A) Latin. (B) Greek.
- (C) German. (D) None of the above.
43. ‘Novum Organum’ was written by :
- (A) Hahnemann. (B) Huges.
- (C) Lord Francis Bacon. (D) None of the above.
44. ‘Aude Sapere’ has originated from :
- (A) Greek . (B) German.
- (C) Latin. (D) None of the above.
45. What is the common name of Apocynum ?
- (A) Honey bee. (B) Indian hemp.
- (C) Indian turnip. (D) None of the above.
46. Great pain throat, burning as if from coal of fire or a red-hot iron with dryness is in :
- (A) Nit add. (B) Lachesis.
- (C) Phytolaca. (D) Belladonna.
47. ‘Chelidonium majus’ belongs to the family of:
- (A) Cucurbitaceae. (B) Liliaceae.
- (C) Loganiaceae. (D) Papaveraceae.
48. ‘Worm Seed* is the common name of:
- (A) Chamomflla. (B) Cina
- (C) Cinchona. (D) Drosera.
49. ‘Vertigo on seeing the flowing water’ is the characteristic of:
- (A) Therridion. (B) Coniummac.
- (C) Ferrummet. (D) All of the above.
50. Nose Bleeding when washing the face is marked feature of:
- (A) Hamamelis. (B) Belladonna.
- (C) Phosphorus. (D) Ammonium carb.
51. Vertigo when ascending is the marked feature of:
- (A) Belladonna. (B) Bryonia.
- (C) Ars.alb. (D) Cal. carb.
52. Toothache ameliorated by holding cold water in the mouth is marked in :
- (A) Coffea. (B) Belladonna.
- (C) Aconite. (D) None of the above.
53. Palpitation from least exertion is the marked feature of:
- (A) Nat.mur. (B) Lycopodium.
- (C) Arg. nit. (D) lodum.
54. Constipation even soft stool requires great straining is the marked feature of:
- (A) Alumina. (B) Bryonia.
- (C) Sulphur. (D) Nat.mur.
55. Leucorrhoea like white of egg especially after every urination is marked feature of:
- (A) Ammonium mur. (B) Sepia.
- (C) Alumina. (D) Kreosote
56. Irresistible desire to talk in Rhymes is the marked feature of:
- (A) Thuja. (B) Stramonium.
- (C) Lachesis . (D) Antimcrudum.
57. Hardness of hearing, relieved by riding in a carriage or train :
- (A) Pulsatilla. (B) Nat acid.
- (C) Thuja. (D) Capsicum.
58. Corns on soles of feet, which are very sensitive and painful:
- (A) Ranunculus bulbosum . (B) Sulphur.
- (C) Thuja. (D) Nat.mur.
59. Rashes on the body before menses is in :
- (A) Colocynthis. (B) Bryonia.
- (C) Aconite. (D) Dulcamara.
60. Mental symptom “feels that life is constant burden for him” is in :
- (A) Ver.alb. (B) Thuja.
- (C) Aurummet. (D) Sulphur.
61. In Boenninghausen’s Repertory ‘Dislocations’ is in chapter :
- (A) Extremities. ( B) Joints.
- (C) Complaints. (D) Sensations.
62. In Boenninghausen’s Repertory ‘Emaciation’ is in chapter:
- (A) Generalities. (B) Face.
- (C) Sensations. (D) None of the above.
63. For ‘Whooping cough’ refer Kent’s Repertory under chapter :
- (A) Generalities. (B) Expectoration.
- (C) Chest. (D) Cough.
64. Rubric “Lochia’ in Kent’s Repertory in:
- (A) Uterus. (B) Genitalia female.
- (C) Generalities. (D) Menstruation.
65. ‘Reeling’ in Kent’s Repertory is placed under:
- (A) Head. (B) Mind.
- (C) Vertigo . (D) None of the above.
66. ‘Astigmatism’ in Kent’s Repertory belongs to chapter:
- (A) Vision. (B) Eye.
- (C) Generalities. (D) None of the above.
67. ‘Suppression of urine’ in Kent’s Repertory is placed under:
- (A) Bladder. (B) Ureter.
- (C) Urethra. (D) Kidney.
68. ‘Headache and diarrhea alternates’ is an example of:
- (A) Common symptom. (B) Pathological symptom.
- (C) Associated symptom. (D) Alternating symptom
69. ‘Rheumatism worse from motion’ is an example of:
- (A) Uncommon symptom. (B) Common symptom.
- (C) Peculiar symptom. (D) Keynote symptom.
70. Hahnemann attempted to prepare a Repertory known as :
- (A) Fragmenta viribus.
- (B) Fragmenta de Viribus Medica Mentorum Positivis.
- (C) Repertorim Homoeopathrca.
- (D) None of the above.
71. Author of Sensation as if is :
- (A) Dr. Hahnemann. (B) H.A. Roberts.
- (C) W.A. Alien. (D) Boenninghausen.
72. Systemic Alphabetical Repertory was published in 1848 by:
- (A) Robin Murphy. (B) Lippe.
- (C) Clopar Muller. (D) Jahr.
73. T.F. Alien’s Symptom Register was published in the year:
- (A) 1885. (B) 1882.
- (C) 1880. (D) 1925.
74. Analytical Repertory of Hering was published in :
- (A) 1881. (B) 1825.
- (C) 1790. (D) 1921.
75. Repertory of Modalities was published in the year 1880 by :
- (A) Worcester. (B) Kent.
- (C) Lippe. (D) Boricke.
76. Author of Repertory of Urinary Organs is :
- (A) A.R. Morgan. (B) W.C. Alien.
- (C) Possart. (D) Lippe.
77. Hydrocele belongs to the chapter in Kent’s Repertory :
- (A) Generalities. (B) Abdomen.
- (C) Skin. (D) None of the above.
78. In Kent’s Repertory rubric Exopthalmic goiter is placed at:
- (A) Face. (B) External throat.
- (C) Internal throat. (D) Generalities.
79. In Boenninghausen’s Repertory “Haughtiness” is found in the chapter :
- (A) Mind. (B) Sensorium.
- (C) Complaints. (D) Intellect.
80. In Boenninghausen’s Repertory “Photmania” is found in the chapter :
- (A) Mind. (B) Eyes.
- (C) Intellect. (D) Vision.
81. Hahnemann died at the age of:
- (A) Eighty one. (B) Eighty five. .
- (C) Eighty eight. (D) Ninety seven.
82. Who has published Repertory of Anti Psoric ?
- (A) Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. (B) Dr. J.T. Kent.
- (C) Dr. Constantine Hering. (D) Dr. Boenninghausen.
83. Total number of section in Kent’s repertory:
- (A) 37. (B) 07.
- (C) 38 . (D) None of the above.
84. Total number of sections in Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book”:
- (A) 37. (B) 07.
- (C) 38. (D) None of the above.
85. Total number of sections in Boger Boenninghausen’s characteristic Materia Medica and Repertory is:
- (A) 37. . (B) 07.
- (C) 38. (D) None of the above.
86. Idea about Hydrogenoid Carbogenoid and Oxygenoid constitution was given by :
- (A) Dr. Grauvogl. (B) Dr. Adolph Lippe.
- (C) Dr. Roger Morrison. (D) Dr. Pierce Smith.
87. Who has worked on the chapter relationship of remedies ?
- (A) Dr. R.Gibson Miller. (B) Dr. J.T. Kent.
- (C) Dr. William Boericke. (D) None of the above.
88. Who is the editor of synthesis repertory ?
- (A) Dr. Fredrick Schroyens. (B) Dr. George Vithoulkas.
- (C) Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. (D) Dr. Julian Winston.
89. The cause of disease action is from:
- (A) Center to circumference. (B) Circumference of center.
- (C) Below upwards- (D) None of the above.
90. Objective symptoms are the symptoms:
- (A) Noted by relatives. (B) Noted by friends.
- (C) Noted by physician. (D) All of the above.
91. Subjective symptoms are the symptoms, which are noted by:
- (A) Patient. (B) Friends of patient.
- (C) Relatives of patient. (D) Physician.
92. Rare symptoms are the symptoms :
- (A) Which appear in every prover. (B) Appear on maximum prover.
- (C) Appear only on few prover. (D) Appear on fifty percent prover.
93. Most difficult task in a case is recording is to obtain :
- (A) Common symptoms. (B) Mental symptoms.
- (C) Physical symptoms, (D) Individualizing characteristic symptoms.
94. Object of a Homoeopathic case taking is :
- (A) to get idea about common symptoms.
- (B) to get idea about mental symptoms.
- (C) to get idea about symptoms of body
- (D) to obtain individual picture of the disease.
95. In which Aphorism, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has given idea about Homoeopathic specific remedy?
- (A) Aphorism No. 18 . (B) Aphorism No. 70.
- (C) Aphorism No.71. (D) Aphorism No. 147
96. Who amongst the following brought the analogy of complete symptom with location, sensation,concomitant and Modality ?
- (A) Dr. J.T. Kent . (B) Dr, Boenninghausen.
- (C) H.A. Roberts . (D) Dr. Kneer.
97. Total number of chapters in Knerr Repertory is :
- (A) 38, (B) 48.
- (C) 47. (D) 37.
98. Outwardly reflected picture of the internal essence of the diseases are :
- (A) Objective symptoms. (B) Subjective symptoms.
- (C) Totality of symptoms. (D) None of the above.
99. The one affect or modify a symptom is called :
- (A) Aggravation. (B) Amelioration.
- (C) Causa occasionalis. (D) Modality.
100. Totality of symptom was introduced in Aphorism:
- (A) Aphorism 2. – (B) Aphorism 5.
- (C) Aphorism 7. (D) Aphorism 20.
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