Kerala PSC Homoeopathy Tutor in Practice of Medicine paper 2005

A series 166/2005    Maximum : 100 marks Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes
Each correct answer carries 1 mark and for each wrong answer 1/3 mark will be deducted. No negative mark for unattended questions.
Strict compliance of instructions is essential Any malpractice or attempt to commit any kind of malpractice in the Examination will result in the summary disqualification of the candidate.

1. The ‘QRS’ complex in the TOG* Represents :

  • (A) Atrial Depolarisation.
  • (C) Atrial Repolarisatibn.
  • (B) Ventricular Depolarisation.
  • (D) Ventricular Repolarisation.

2. Radio-femoral Delay occurs in :

  • (A) Coarctation of Aorta.  (B) ASD.
  • (C) VSD.    (D) PDA.

3. Eisen Mongers Syndrome occurs in :

  • (A) PDA.(B) Heart Failure.
  • (C) M.S.(D) A.S.

4. ‘a’ wave in the JVP corresponds to :

  • (A) Ventricular contraction.
  • (B) Ventricular filling.
  • (C) Atrial filling.
  • (D) Atrial contraction.

5. Malignant Hypertension occurs in :

  • (A) Diabetes Mellitus.
  • (B) Heart Disease.
  • (C) Renal Disease.
  • (D) None of above.

6. Specific enzyme detected in blood in Acute MI is :

  • (A) CK.M.B. . (B) SGOT.
  • (C) SGPT. (D) Aldosterone.

7. In respiratory distress syndrome of new born (RDS):

  • (A) Cilia is devoid. (B) Hucus is collected.
  • (C) Surfactant in Alveoli is Reduced. (D) None of above.

8. Chronic Corpulmonale means :

  • (A) Heart failure.
  • (B) Respiratory Failure.
  • (C) Heart Disease secondary to lung Disease.
  • (D) Primary heart disease.

9. If the unconscious patient is unarousable by all external stimuli it is caused :

  • (A) Stupor. (B) Deep sleep.
  • (C) Dead. (D) Coma.

10. Koilonychia is seen in :

  • (A) Vit. C deficiency. (B) Malignancy,
  • (C) Folic acid deficiency. (D) Iron Deficiency Anemea.

11. For psoriasis palmaris important medicine is :

  • (A) Sulphur. (B) Arsiodide.
  • (C) Selenium. (D) Lycopodium.

12. Stimulates the growth of Epithelium on ulcerated surfaces and found useful in Gastric and Duodenal ulcer :

  • (A) Symphytum.  (B) Sulphur.
  • (C) Calcare carb. (D) Arnica.

13. In stomatitis, deep longitudinal cracks on tongue and excessive flow of saliva runs out of mouth when sleeping :

  • (A) Syphilinum. (B) Mercsol.
  • (C) Nitric Acid. (D) Muriatic Acid.

14. In Duodenal ulcer canine Hunger and tendency to eat far beyond the capacity to digest:

  • (A) Nuxuomica. (B) Abies Canadensisi
  • (C) Abies Nigra. (D) Sulphur.

16. Best Tonic for Debility after Exhausting Diseases :

  • (A) China. (B) Selenium.
  • (C) Avena Sativa. (D) Psorinum.

16. In Hyperchlor hydria with aversion to milk and fat food :

  • (A) Pulsatilla.   (B) Robinia
  • (C) Acid Sulph. (D) Calcarea carb.

17. Dry Hacking cough expelling an offensive breath from lungs :

  • (A) Pulsatilla. ‘ (B) Kali Iodide.
  • (C) Capscicum. (D) Nitric Acid.

18. Gastralgia relieved with eating with hepatic symptoms :

  • (A) Podophyllum. (B) Chelidonium.
  • (C) Anacardium. , (D) Mercsol.

19. Angina pectoris with sensation as if the heart ceased to beat then starts very suddenly :

  • (A) Cactus. (B) Digitalis.
  • (C) Liliumtig. (D) Convallaria Majalis.

20. Painful cracks of the corner of the mouth with cancer of stomach :

  • (A) Nitric acid. (B) ‘Bismuth.
  • (C) Antim crud. (D) Cundurango.

21. Renal colic with pain in small of back before Hicturation and ceases after flow :

  • (A) Berberis vulg. (B) Lycopodium.
  • (C) Pulsatilla. (D) Nuxvomica.

22. Asthma in children as a constitutional remedy in sycotic subjects :

  • (A) Natrum sulph. (B) Antimtart.
  • (C) Silicea. (D) Heparsulph.

23. Rheumatism associated with urticarea like eruptions :

  • (A) Rhustox. . (B) Graphites.
  • (C) Urtica urens. (D) Dulcamera.

24. In Apoplexy with Headache and sensation of a lump of Ice on the vertex :

  • (A) Glonoine. . (B) Belladonna.
  • (C) Gelsemium. (D) veratrum alb.

25. An important remedy for pericarditis is :

  • (A) Kalicarb. (B) Apis mel.
  • (C) Spigelia. (D) Bryonea.

26. A medicine for post Herpetic Neuralgia :

  • (A) Mezereum.  (B) Sulphur.
  • (C) Bryonea. (D) Phosphorus.

27. Rheumatism of the Right wrist:

  • (A) Sulphur. (B) Viola odorata.
  • (C) Bryonea. (D) BezoicAcid.

28. In plica polomca :

  • (A) Mercsol. (B) Natrum Mur.
  • (C) Vinca Minor. (D) Sulphur.

29. A medicine tor rectal cancer :

  • (A) Ruta. (B) Sulphur.
  • (C) Aloes. . (D) Mercsol.

30. Epistaxis painless with Bright Red Blood :

  • (A) Nitric Acid. (B) Sabina.
  • (C) MillefoUum. (D) Secale cor.

31. Faecal-oral route of spread of infection is found in :

  • (A) Hepatitis-B. (B) Hepatitis-C
  • (C) Hepatitis-D. (D) Hepatitis-E.

32. Clinical finding not associated with Typhoid fever :

  • (A) Splenomegaly. (B) Rose-spots.
  • (C) Erythema marginatum. (D) Abdominal distention.

33. Which of the following is not an AIDS denning condition ?

  • (A) Oesophageal candidiasis. (B) Disseminated Herpeszoster.
  • (C) Cytomegalo virus Retinitis. (D) Kaposi’s Sarcoma.

34. Bradycardia is seen in the following situations except:

  • (A) Hyper thyroidism. (B) Obstructive Jaundice.
  • (C) Hypothyroidism. (D) Complete Heart Block.

35. What is wrong about Kweshiorkor ?

  • (A) Severe wasting. (B) Generelised oedemas.
  • (C) Low serum Albumin. (D) Moon face.

36. All are features of vitamin A deficiency except:

  • (A) Xerophthalmia. (B) Osteomalacia.
  • (C) Follicular hyperkeratosis. (D) Keratomalacia.

37. Chest pain due to pericarditis is :

  • (A) Precipitated by exertion.
  • (B) Radiated to left arm.
  • (C) Relieved by sitting up and leaning forward.
  • (D) Associated with sweating.

38. The *a* wave in the Jugular venous tracing is due to :

  • (A) Ventricular Diastole. (B) Ventricular systole.
  • (C) Atrial Diastole. (D) Atrial systole.

39. Continuous murmur is heard in :

  • (A) Atrial septal Defect. – (B) Ventricular septal Defect.
  • (C) Pallet’s tetrology. (D) Patent-Duetus Arteriosus.

40. The part of Electro cardiogram that corresponds with Ventricular depolarisation is :

  • (A) Pwave. (B) QRS complex.
  • (C) PR interval. (D) ST-segment.

41. The parameter is Liver function Test that is suggestive of acute parenchymal liver damage is :

  • (A) led serum Albumin. (B) fed Alkaline phosphatase.
  • (C) “TedSGPT. (D) Ted Acid phosphatase.

42. Massive splenomegaly can be caused by all of the following except:

  • (A) Typhoid fever. (B) Chronic ryeloid Leukaem*s.
  • (C) Kala Azar. (D) Chronic Malaria.

43. What is not true regarding peripheral cyanosis ?

  • (A) It is produced by increased extraction of oxygen from the stagnant blood by the tissues.
  • (B) The extremities are blue and warm.
  • (C) The earlobes and tip of nose are usually cyanosed.
  • (D) It is usually associated with hypotension.

44. Commonest cause of community acquired pneumonia is :

  • (A) Streptococcus Pneumoniae. (B) Staphylococcus Aureus.
  • (C) Haemophilus Influenzes. (D) Klebsilella Pneumoniae.

46. Predisposition to bronehogenie carcinoma is seen with :

  • (A) Silicosis. . (B) Byssinosis.
  • (C) Coal worker’s Pneumoconiosis. (D) Asbeetosis.

46. Tension Pneumothorax causes all the following clinical signs, except:

  • (A) Severs dyspnoea. (B) Displacement of Mediastinum.
  • (C) increased vocal Resonance. (D) Hyper resonant Percussion note.

47. Which of the following” statements is not true of Type 1 Diabetes Melletus ?

  • (A) They are usually obese.
  • (B) Absolute insulin deficiency.
  • (C) Polyuria, polydipsis and nocturia are frequent.
  • (D) More prone for keto acidosis.

48. Thyrotoxicosis is characterised by the following features, except:

  • (A) Tachycardia. (B) Constipation.
  • (C) Tremor. (D) Weightless.

49. Hypertension is a feature of all the following except:

  • (A) Renal Artery stenosis. (B) Pheochromo cytoma.
  • (C) Addison’s Disease. (D) Cushing’s syndrome

50. Trousseau’s sign is characteristic of:

  • (A) Hyper Hyroidism. (B) Hypothyroidism.
  • (C) Tetanus. (D) Tetany.

61. Ptosis is caused by paralysis of:

  • (A) III Cranial Nerve. (B) IV Cranial Nerve.
  • (C) V Cranial Nerve. (D) VI Cranial Nerve.

52. Short-shuffling gait is characteristic of:

  • (A) Parkinsonism. (B) Cerebellar dysfunction.
  • (C) Sensory Ataxia. (D) Proximal ryopathy.

53. All are characteristic features of Haemolysis, except:

  • (A) Reticulocytosis. (B) Indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
  • (C) Absent Urobilinogers in urine. (D) Polychromasia.

54. Spasticity is a feature of:

  • (A) Pyramidal lesion. (B) Extra pyramidal lesion.
  • (C) Cerebellar lesion. (D) LMN lesion.

65. Which of the following is not a feature of systemic Lupus Erythematosis ?

  • (A) Malar Rash. (B) Leucocytosis.
  • (C) Serositis. (D) Anti-DNA antibodies.

56. A 22 year old primi gravida on her 7th day of full term normal delivery, developed headache, vomiting, convulsion and weakness both legs. The most likely diagnosis is :

  • (A) Thrombosis of the Middle cerebral Artery.
  • (B) Intracranial haemorrhage. .
  • (C) Brain Abscess.
  • (D) Superior sagital sinus thrombosis.

57. HBsAG is found to be associated with :

  • (A) Poly myositis. (B) Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • (C) Polyarteritis Nodosa. (D) SLE.

58. HaemophiIia-A is :

  • (A) X linked dominant. (B) Mucosal bleeding is a common presentation.
  • (C) Due to factor IX deficiency. (D) Manifested only in males.

59. Features ofcushing’s syndrome include the following, except:

  • (A) Centripetal obisity. (B) Hypotension.
  • (C) Striae. (D) Osteoporosis.

60. Murphy’s sign is characteristic of:

  • (A) Acute pancreatitis. (B) Intestinal obstruction.
  • (C) Acute cholecystitis. (D) Acute pericarditis.

61. Non pulsatile distended neek views are likely to be due to :

  • (A) Congestive Heart failure. (B) Portal Hypertension.
  • (C) Pericardial effusion. (D) Mediastinal obstruction.

62. Koilonychia is seen m :

  • (A) Wilsdn’s Disease. (B) Iron deficiency Anaemia.
  • (C) Haemochromatosin. 0) Megaloblastic Anaemia.

63. Pyogenic Meningitis in Pre-School Children—the commonest organism is :

  • (A) Haemophilus Influenza. (B) Group B streptococci.
  • (C) Neisseria Meningitidis. (D) E.Coli.

64. Features of furidan poisoning include tne following, except:

  • (A) Ted bronchial secretion. (B) Dialated pupils.
  • (C) Fasciculations. (D) Altered consciousness.

65. Haemetemesis is commonly caused by all of the following except:

  • (A) Duodenal ulcer. (B) Carcinoma stomach.
  • (C) Liver Abscess. (D) Erosive gastritis.

66. Incubation period of chicken pox is :

  • (A) 1—7 days. (B) 7—14 days.
  • (C) 14-21 days. (D) 21-28 days.

67. Features of Ted Intra cranial tension include all of the following except:

  • (A) Head Ache. (B) Vomiting.
  • (C) Hyper tension. (D) Tachycardia.

68. Lumbar puncture is contra indicated in :

  • (A) Meningitis. (B) Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.
  • (C) Guillain Barre syndrome. (D) Ted Intracranial tension.

69. Hyperpigmentation is not a feature of:

  • (A) Pheochromo cytoma. (B) Haemochronatosis.
  • (C) Addison’s Diseases. (D) Nelson’s syndrome.

70. Death during first hour of acute Myocardial infarction is mostly caused by

  • (A) Pulmonary oedema.  (B) Arrhythmias
  • (C) Papillary muscle-rupture. (D) Thrombo embolism

71. Flag sign is characteristic to :

  • (A) Psoriasis.  (B) Leprosy
  • (C) Kwashiorkor. (D) Malnutrition

72. Bitot’s spots seen in :

  • (A) Vit A’Deficiency. (B) Vit ‘C’Deficiency.
  • (C) Both A and B. (D) None of above.

73. Anti-Sterility vitamin is :

  • (A) Vit B.   (B) Vit C.
  • (C) Vit D.  (D) Vi tE.

74. The function of selenium is :

  • (A) An enzyme.
  • (B) To increase sperm motility.
  • (C) Both A and B.
  • (D) None of above.

76. In Diphtheria sudden death occurs due to :

  • (A) Tachy cardia.
  • (B) Atrial Fibrillation.
  • (C) Ventricular Fibrillation.
  • (D) None of above.

76. Complication of Cholera is :

  • (A) Hypokalemia.  (B) Fever.
  • (C) Dehydration.  (D) None of above.

77. Kaposi’e sarcoma is associated with :

  • (A) Lymphoma. (B) Hepatoma.
  • (C) AIDS.  (D) None of above.

78. Kala-Azar is caused by :

  • (A) Leishmania.
  • (B) Streptococci.
  • (C) E.Coli.
  • (D) Leishmania Donovani.

79. Kussmaul’s respiration occurs in :

  • (A) Respiratory failure. (B) Metabolic Acidosis.
  • (C) Cardiac failure. . (D) Headinjury.

80. Leukoplakia is a : –

  • (A) Vit deficiency. (B) Thickened Mucous Membrane.
  • (C) Cancerous condition. (D) Pro cancerous condition.

81. Duodenal ulcer is more common in Blood Group :

  • (A) AB. (B) 0.
  • (C) A. (D) B.

82. Virchow’s sign is a feature of:

  • (A) Carcinoma stomach. (B) Hepatoma.
  • (C) Renal cell carcinoma. (D) Tuberculosis.

83. Cullen’s sign is a feature of:

  • (A) Hepatitis. (B) Chronic pancreatitis.
  • (C) Acute Pancreatitis. (D) None of above.

84. Acute complication of Diapetes is :

  • (A) Coma. (B) Blindness.
  • (C) Diabetic Keto Acidosis and Coma.(D) Heart Failure.

85. Non metastatic Endocrine Manifestation of Malignancy is :

  • (A) Pruritis. (B) Hypercalcemia.
  • (C) Both A and B. (D) None of above.

86. Proximal inter phalangeal joints are affected in :

  • (A) Rheumatic fever. (B) Rheumatoid artritis.
  • (C) Psoriatoc Arthritis. (D) Osteoarthritis.

87. Erythematous, Photo sensitive, Butterfly Rash affecting the cheeks and nose are Diagnostic to :

  • (A) RA. (B) OA.
  • (C) SLE. (D) None of the above.

88. Replacement fibrosis of the lung parenchyma occurs in :

  • (A) Tuberculosis. (B) Pnumoconiosis.
  • (C) Pulmonary oedema. (D) Lung Abscess.

89. Permanent Dialatation and Distortion of Bronchi is called :

  • (A) Emphysema. (B) Bronchitis.
  • (C) Fibrosis of Lung. (D) Bronchiectasis.

90. Clubbing of the fingers is seen in :

  • (A) Tuberculosis. (B) Lung abscess.
  • (C) Chronic bronchitis. (D) Punmothorax.

91. Gross enlargement of spleen occurs in :

  • (A) Chronic Myeloid leukemia. (B) Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia.
  • (C) Acute Lymphatic Leukemia. (D) Anemia.

92. Painless Asymmetrical circumscribed enlargement of lymphnodes of Rubbery consistency is seen in:

  • (A) Lymphoma. (B) Tuberculosis.
  • (C) Malignancy. (D) Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

93. Severe Bleeding occurs when the platelet falls below :

  • (A) 1 lakh/cmm. (B) 50,000 per cmm.
  • (C) 20,000 per cmm. (D) 1.5 lakhs/cmm.

94. Presence of RBC cast in urine is indicative of:

  • (A) A/C Glomerulo nephritis. (B) A/C pyeno nephritis.
  • (C) Nephrotic Syndrome. (D) Renal failure.

95. Electrical reaction of the affected muscles are not altered in :

  • (A) LMN lesion. (B) UMN lesion.
  • (C) Cerebellar lesion. (D) Autonomic nervous system lesion.

96. The commonest cause of intracranial haemorrhage is :

  • (A) Rupture of aneurysm. (B) Diabetes Mellitus.
  • (C) Hypertension. (D) Trauma.

97. Verruca vulgaris is caused by :

  • (A) RNA virus. (B) DNA virus.
  • (C) Both A and B. (D) Papilloma virus.

98. The commonest form of MND is :

  • (A) Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis. (B) Western Pacific form.
  • (C) Progressive Bulbar palsy. (D) Primary Lateral Sclerosis.

99. Bell’s Palsy is a :

  • (A) UMN type of facial palsy. (B) LMN type of facial palsy.
  • (C) Both UMN and LMN type. (D) None of above.

100. Common psycho somatic respiratory disorder is :

  • (A) Bronchitis. (B) Emphysema.
  • (C) Bronchial Asthma. (D) Pneumonia.

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