Known and unknown myths of some homoeopathic drugs

Dr. Samarendra Prasad Mishra

There are number of sources of Homoeopathic drugs. Each Homoeopathic drug is different from the other by its source, nature, actions, symptoms etc. The close observation to the sources of each drug seems to speak its hidden stories, which is quite interesting & often related to the proving symptoms. This helps us to memorize the drugs in better way.

Let us discuss about known & unknown myths/facts of some Homoeopathic drugs in a nut-shell.

1. Argentum Nitricum- Acanthite

  • It’s common name is Silver nitrate.
  • The Silver nitrate (a compound of Silver) is extracted from the mineral “ ACANTHITE”, the main ore of Silver.
  • Commercially, Silver nitrate has been used for many years to make baking of mirrors.
  • Silver nitrate is caustic, antibacterial in nature. In older days, it was used medicinally in cauterize wounds & to treat Epilepsy, Eye infections of new born.
  • In Homoeopathy, it is a drug for Epilepsy, Eye infections of new born, Diarrhoea , Throat infections etc. 

2. Aconite napellus

  • One of the common name of the drug Aconite is “Wolfs bane”.
  • This name is because, hunters in older days dipped their arrows in to the plant juice of Aconite(Which is deadly poisonous) before hunting the Wolves.
  • Aconite derives it’s name from the Latin word- “Acon” for “Dart”. 

3. Arnica montana

  • In older days, the mountain climbers were used to chew this plant to relive Sore, Aching of muscles & bruises from fall.
  • So, it is a drug for Injury & Bruises.
  • Freshly crushed Arnica flowers if inhaled, it causes immediate Sneezing.
  • So, it is a drug for Influenza. 

4. Aethusa

  • It’s common name is “Fools Parsley”.
  • This corresponds to its Homoeopathic use for inability to think clearly or concentrate. 

5. Alumina

  • Alumina is prepared from Aluminium , which is also used to make cooking    utensils.
  • Scientists  found that, Aluminium is found in greater amounts in the brain of the people suffering from ALZHEIMER’S disease. So, it is some time blames for this condition.
  • In Homoeopathy, Alumina also uses for Senile Dementia disease. 

6. Cimicifuga 

  • Dr. Richard Hughes  was proved this medicine in Homoeopathy.
  • The rhizome of this plant was used by native Americans as a cure for “Rattle Snake” bite,(Hence it’s common name is Rattle root) for menstrual & Labor pains.
  • This root was also chewed as a sedative & to alleviate Depression.
  • So, in Homoeopathy, it is a drug for menstrual abnormalities, Labor pains, Psychic diseases etc. 

7. Colocynthis

  • Colocynthis-fruit & prophet elisha
  • It’s common name is “Bitter Cucumber”.
  • it was said that, Prophet Elisha, turned this bitter Cucumber , a poisonous gourd, in to an edible fruit during a famine in Gilgal. 

8. Caulophyllum

  • The root of this plant was used as a herbal remedy by native Americans to prevent long  painful Labor & to quicken the child birth.
  • So, in Homoeopathy, it is a good medicine for prolonged Labor pain. 

9. Crotalus horidus

  • The common name is “Rattle Snake”.
  • The name Rattle Snake is due to its tail , which makes rattling sound when it is about to strike. 

10. Carbo veg

  • It is prepared from the Vegetable Charcoal.
  • This charcoal is made by heating woods in the absence of air.
  • Dr. Hahnemann proved this remedy after he learned that doctors were using charcoal  as  a mouth wash for throat ulcers.
  • So, it is a drug for mouth ulcers, bleeding gums etc. 

11. Euphrasia

  • Euphrasia plant &  grace euphrosyne
  • It is a prominent drug for Eye sight.
  • “Euphresia” is derived from “EUPHROSYNE”, the Greek word for “Gladness”.
  • “EUPHROSYNE”, one of the three graces, was well known for her joy. It is thought that the plant was named for her because of its ability to help Eye sight, which brings happiness of the life. 

12. Gelsemium

  • Medicinally, it has been used since 1840s, when it is said a Mississippi farmer who ate the root in error & cured of the fever, he had.
  • This fortuitous incident eventually led to this plants use as Fever remedy in herbalism & in Homoeopathy. 

13. Graphites

  • Graphites medicine is prepared from Graphite, a form of Carbon. Graphite is the main constituent of Pencils.
  • The name Graphite comes from the Greek word- GRAPHIN- means “to write”.
  • This remedy was proved by Dr. Hahnemann who learned that workmen’s in a mirror factory were applying Graphite to heal cold sores (Skin disease).
  • In Homoeopathy, Graphite is a good  drug for Skin complaints. 

14. Hypericum

  • It’s common name is “St. John’s Wort”.
  • It is said that, “St. John’s Wort” takes its name from the “Knights of St. John  of Jerusalem”.
  • In 16th century, herbalist, John Gerard  described this brightly flowering herb as a most preciously remedy for deep wounds because the juice from the crushed flowers is blood red in colour.

15. Ignatia

  • St. Ignatius loyola  & ignatia seeds
  • This medicine is prepared from the seeds of “ Ignatius amara” tree.
  • The Ignatius amara tree takes its name from “ Ignatius Loyola”(1491-1556), a catholic priest who founded the Jesuit order.
  • The Spanish Jesuit introduced the seed in to Europe in 17 th century.
  • Native of Philippine Islands wore this seeds as amulets to prevent/cure all kinds of diseases mostly the Emotional problems.
  • In Homoeopathy, this is a prominent medicine  for emotional complaints. 


  • Cephalic ipecacuanha & Dr. Helvetius
  • The medicinal use of Cephalic Ipecacuanha was first recorded by a Portuguese friar who lived in Brazil around 1600.
  • Dr. Helvetius(1625-1709), in1670, was first selling a herbal treatment made from Ipacacuanha for Nausea & Vomiting.
  • In Homoeopathy, it is a good drug for Nausea & Vomiting. 

17. Ledum

  • Ledum” gets its  generic name from the Greek word “Ledos”, which means wooly robe & refers to the wooly hairs on the underside of the plant leaves.
  • The fresh herb has an antiseptic smell & since 13 th century, it has been used by the Finns to get rid of  Pests & Vermin.
  • Karl Linnaeus (1707-1778), the Swedish botanist was the first to use it medicinally for Throat infections  & Cough. 


  • Surukuku snake
  • It’s common name is “Surukuku” Snake.
  • The name Suruikuku is because from the humming noise(SU-SU) of the snake makes while waiting for its prey.
  • The venom of the snake acts on blood, making more fluid & causing tendency to hemorrhage.
  • In Homoeopathy, it is used as anti- hemorrhagic & blood poisoning drug. 

19. Sulphur

  • Sulphur ore
  • In16th century hospital, the flowers of  Sulphur was burnt to fumigate the rooms occupied by those with infectious Skin illness.
  • So, this is a good medicine  for Skin complaints. 

20. Stramonium

  • This plant is strongly narcotic & often used as pain reliever.
  • In 16 th century Europe, this plant was eaten by the solders to dull their emotions before a battle. 

21. Sabal serrulata

  • In 1885, Dr. E.M.Hale, an American Homoeopath observed that, during summer, when food was scare, wild animals ate raw “Saw Palmetto”(SABAL SERRULATA) berries & rapidly regained weights.
  • In 19th century, another American Homoeopath claimed that, regularly eating of Saw Palmetto berries could increase the weight & size of body & breast. 

22. Sanicula

  • The common name is “Mineral Spring Water”.
  • Sanicula is the name of a Spring in the state of “Illinois of Ottawa”.
  • In 1890, this Homoeopathic remedy was unintentionally proved by a family who drunk the spring water for a year & suffered various side effects. The water has naturally occurring salts & a rare combination of minerals, many of which are used to make individual Homoeopathic remedies.
  • The Homoeopathic remedy “Sanicula” is a mixture of such remedies. 

23.Veratrum album

  • The crude Veratrum album was used by Hippocrates to cure a case of resembling “Asiatic Cholera” before  it is prepared as a Homoeopathic medicine for “Cholera”.

The Complete Guide to Homeopathy(Principles & Practice of Treatment) by-Dr. Andrew Lockie & Dr. Nicola Geddes.Published by- Dorling Kindersley Limited, London-1995.

(This article is published for the benefit of students & homoeopaths.) 

Dr. Samarendra Prasad Mishra
B.H.M.S(Hons), M.D.(Hom) Utkal.
Professor-Dept. of Materia Medica.
Maharana Pratap Homoeopathic Medical College, New Rajendra   Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.,
Mob-09827910737,  Email :


  1. hello sir,very nice article i am your student from maharana pratap college sir.pls do write many more articles like this sir

    • flowers of sulphur means- it is just a fine powder of pure sulphur.It looks yellow & is obtained from tiny natural deposits of the minerals of Sulphur.
      (This answer is the reply of Dr.Karthik.P question ).

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