Dr T K Jithesh
Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Leguminosae group of plants and their preparation, properties and clinical indications
1. Derris pinnata. Sub-order PAPILIONACEAE
2. Astragalus campestris.
3. Astragalus cicer.
4. Astragalus excapus.
5. Astragalus glycyphyllos.
6. Astragalus gummifer.
7. Astragalus menziesii
8. Astragalus mollissimus.
9. Balasamum peruvianum.
10.Balsamum tolutanum. – Balsamum toluiferum.
11.Baptisia confusa acetica.
12.Baptisia tinctoria.
13.Cicer arietinum.
14.Dolichos pruriens.
15.Ervum ervilia. – Vicia ervilia.
16.Ervum lens. – Lens esculenta.
17.Faba vulgaris. – Vicia faba.
18.Galega officinalis.
19.Genista tinctoria.
20.Hedysarum Ildefonsianum.
21.Indigo tinctoria.- Indigofera tinctoria.
22.Jequirity. – Abrus precatorius.
24.Kino australience.
25.Kino malabar.
26.Kino pterocarpi.
27.Laburnum. – Cytisus laburnum.
28.Lathyrus latifolius.
29.lathyrus sativus.
30.Lathyrus sylvestris.
31.Melilotus alba.
32.Melilotus altissima.
33.Melilotus officinalis.
34.Mucuna urens.
35.Ononis natrix.
36.Ononis repens.
37.Ononis spinosa. – Ononis arvensis.
38.Oxytropis campestris.
39.Oxytropis lamberti.- Astragalus Hornii,Ast.Lamberti,Ast.legum.
40.Phaseolus lunatus.
41.Phaseolus nanus.
42.Phaseolus vulgaris.
43.Physostigma venenosum.
44.Physostigminum – Eserinum.
45.Physostigminum salicylicum.
47.Pisum sativum.
48.Robinia pseudacacia.
49.Sarothamnus scoparius. – Genista scoparia.,Cytisus scoparius.
50.Trifolium alpinum.
51.Trifolium arvense.
52.Trifolium dubium.
53.Trifolium elegans.
54.Trifolium pratense.
55.Trifolium repens.
56.Cassia alata.
57.Cassia fistula.
58.Cassia occidentalis.
59.Copaiva. – Balsamum copaivae.,Balsamum copaivae siccum.
60.Gymnocladus canadensis.- Gymnocadus dioicus.,Gym.distica.
61.Haematoxylon campechianum.
62.Joanesia asoka. – Saraca indica.
63.Senna. – Cassia acutifolia.,Cass.angustifolia.,Cass.senna.
64.Tamarindus indica.
65.Tongo odorata.
sub-order MIMOSEAE
66.Acacia farnesiana.
67.Catechu. – Acacia catechu.
68.Mimosa humilis.
69.Mimosa pudica.
Short remedies in brief
Derris pinnata :
- Common Name : Cochin China.
- Is afraid of killing someone with a knife.
- Sense of smell exalted.,Intolerable smell after frequent sneezing.
- Neuralgic headache of rheumatic origin.
- Pain in loose teeth.<night, >heat.
- Copious salivation with aphthae and thready viscid mucous.
- Leucorrhoea with menstruation twice a month.
- Walks as if stepping on down.
- <touch.
Astragalus menziesiI :
- Burning in pharynx, oesophagus, stomach.
- Emptiness in stomach with weakness. Emptiness relieved by eating.
- Pain in face bones.
- Headache.
Astragallus mollissimus :
- Antics.
- Emaciation, sunken eye balls , lusterless hair and feeble movements.
- Irregularities in gait and paralytic affections.
- Loss of muscular co-ordination.
- Purring sensation in right foot outer side from heel to toe.
- Icy coldness of left calf.
Balsamum peruvianum.
- Bleeding from right nostril without coryza.
- Phthisis of mucous type. Cough, mucous and purulent expectoration.
- Indolent ulcers. Rhagades of nipples and fingers. Fissured and chapped lips. ( Externally in all these conditions )
- Externally in scabies. ( All parts are gently rubbed with it at night and a bath taken in the morning. )
Baptisia confusa acetica :
- Congestion of fore part of head.
- Hectic flesh after tea.
- Right molar felt too long < pressure.
- Jaw joints stiff and painful.
- Sciatica left side.
- Pain in left hypochondrium, oppression, fullness, and actual dyspnoea, impelling the patient to assume an erect position.
Cicer arietinum :
- Lithiasis, Jaundice, Liver affections.
- Diuretic.
Dolichos pruriens :
- Itching without eruptions.
- Jaundice.
- Haemorrhoidal diathesis.
- Right sided.
- Pain below right angle of jaw as if a splinter were embedded vertically.
- Colic from getting feet wet.
- Constipation with intense itching; bloated abdomen.
Galega officinalis :
- Backache, Debility.
- Anaemia and impaired nutrition.
- Increases the quantity and quality of milk in nursing women;
- Improves appetite.
Genista tinctoria : Contains scopolamin.
- Frontal headache and vertigo, worse motion, better open air and eating.
- Dry throat, awakes with waterbrash.
- Itching eruption on elbows, knees and ankles.
- Promotes diuresis in dropsical conditions.
Hedysarum ildefonsianum :
- Gonorrhoea and inflammation of penis.
- Fingers contract with pain.
Indigo :
- Epilepsy with great sadness.
- Pure powdered indigo placed on the wound cures spider and snake poison.
- Stricture of oesophagus.
- Sciatica, pain from middle of thigh to knee.
- Pain in limbs worse after every meal.
- Fits begins with dizziness. Aura from painful spot between shoulders. Reflex spasms from worms.
Jequirity :
- Epithelioma, lupus, ulcers, granular lids.
- Purulent conjunctivitis, inflammation spreading to face, neck and chest.
- Granular ophthalmia. Keratitis.
Jequiritol :
- In cases of trachoma and pannus to engraft a new purulent inflammation.
Kino pterocarpi :
- Haemoptysis and haemorrhage from intestines.
- Otorrhoea with stitches in right ear.
Laburnum :
- Inflammation of stomach and intestines, with vomiting diarrhoea, headache, paleness of the face and cold skin.
- Wide spread anaesthesia. Convulsions.
- Cerebrospinal meningitis.
- Stupefaction. Unequally dilated pupils.
- Constant vertigo,intense sleepiness.
- Hydrocephalus.
- Excessive thirst, constant nausea , vomiting, burning pain in epigastrium.
- Grass green urine.
- Numbness and pain in hands.
Lathyrus sativus :
- Painless, spastic, motor paralysis.
- Exaggerated reflexes.
- Hypochondriacal.
- Vertigo when standing with eyes closed.
- Burning pain in tip of tongue.
- Sleepy, constant yawning.
- Knees knock against each other when walking; heel do not touch the ground.
- Gluteal muscles and lower limbs emaciated.
- Frequent urge to urinate, must hurry, else voided involuntarily.
Melilotus officinalis :
- Congestion and haemorrhages.
- Infantile spasms. Epilepsy from blow on head.
- Wants to run away and hide.
- Sick headache relieved by epistaxis or menstrual flow.
- Neuralgia around and over right side of head and neck.
Melilotus alba :
- Haemorrhages, congestive headaches, engorged blood vessels, spasms
Mucuna urens :
- Haemorrhoidal diathesis and diseases depending thereon.
Ononis spinosa
- Diuretic.
- Lithotripic.
- Chronic nephritis.
- Nosebleed worse washing face.
Physostigminum :
Slows action of heart and increases arterial tension; in ciliary spasm and spasmodic astigmatism due to irregular action
of ciliary muscles; blepharo-spasms; pupils contracted. Twitching of lids, soreness of eyeballs, blurring of vision after using
eyes, pain around eyes and head.
Piscidia :
- A nerve sedative.
- Insomnia due to worry, nervous excitement, spasmodic coughs.
- Pains of irregular menstruation; regulates flow.
- Neuralgic and spasmodic affections.
Robinia pseudacasia :
- Hyperchlorhydria.
- Acidity accompanied by frontal headache.
- Intensely acrid eructation.
- Acrid and greenish vomiting.
- Nightly burning pains in stomach.
- Constipation with urgent desire.
- Nymphomania. Acrid fetid leucorrhoea.
- Inter menstrual bleeding. Herpes on vagina and vulva.
Trifolium pratense :
- Produces most marked ptyalism. Fullness of salivary glands followed by profuse flow of saliva.
- Cancerous diathesis.
- Infantile eczema.
- Mental failure, loss of memory.
- Hoarse and chocking; chills with cough at night.
- Whooping cough.
- Tingling in palms; Tibial ulcers.
Trifolium repens :
- Prophylactic against mumps.
- Feeling of congestion in salivary glands, pain and hardening, especially submaxillary, worse lying down.
- Mouth filled with watery saliva, worse lying down.
- Taste of blood in mouth and throat.
- Sensation as if heart would stop, with great fear, better sitting up or moving about; worse when alone, with cold sweat on face.
Copaiva :
- Acts powerfully on mucous membranes , especially that of urinary tract, the respiratory organs, and the skin, here producing a well marked nettle rash, colds and catarrhs.
- Sensitive to sharp sounds.
- Food tastes too salty.
- Gastric troubles during menstruation or following urtiucaria.
- Dysmenorrhoea, pains extending to the hip bones with nausea.
- Hives with fever and constipation.
- Chronic urticaria in children.
Gymnocladus canadensis :
- Sore throat. Dark livid redness of throat and tonsils.
- Headache with bluish white coating of the tongue.
- Hives.
Haematoxylon :
- Sense of constriction.
- Angina, sensation of a bar across the chest.
- Weak feeling with painful bearing down sensation at menstrual period.
Jonosia asoca :
- Reflex uterine congestive headache.
- Desire for sweets and acids.
- Delayed menses, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia.
Senna :
- Acetonaemia.
- Constipation with colic and flatulence.
- Hepatomegaly.
- Oxaluria. increased specific gravity of urine.
- Hyperazoturia, phosphaturia, and acetonuria.
Tongo : diptrix odorata.
- Supraorbital neuralgia.
- Whooping cough.
- Tearing pains in hip joint, femur and knee especially left.
Mimosa pudica :
- Rheumatism.Knee stiff, lancinating pains in back and limbs.
- Swelling of the ankle.
Dr T K Jithesh BHMS,MD(Hom)
Medical Officer, Dept. of Homoeopathy, Govt. of NCT Delhi
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