Leukaemia managed with homeopathy

Dr  S K. Mamgain  

Hereunder I am presenting a case of Leukemia. I cannot claim this case to be of any academic value or an instructive case, yet this case shows that Homoeopathic medicines act while allopathic treatment was being given simultaneously. And above all, the Homoeopathic medicines were prescribed on meager symptoms without seeing the patient even once. The result of such mixed treatment is evident (from Annexure 1) that after the use of Homoeopathic medicines the pathology became normal and the patient improved to a great extent.

Patient a 65 years old lady.
First consultation on 2 – 6 – 2003.
Clinical diagnosis – Leukemia, detected in December 2002.
History/symptoms as told by the son of the patient.

First of all let us have a look what this disease Leukemia is?
According to the Penguin Medical Encyclopedia:
Leukemia is a cancer-like disease of white blood cells. Whereas most cancer grows and spreads from a single focus, leukemia is a wide–spread affection of the bone marrow and other blood-forming tissue. The essential disorder seems to be failure of developing white cells to mature. Fully developed, effective white cells cannot reproduce themselves; after a life-span of a few days or weeks they are replaced by new cells. But leukemia cells retain the ability to multiply, and they do not develop to a stage at which they can function as a defense against infection. As the disease progresses, these useless immature cells displace normal white cells and the patient is as much at the mercy of infectious diseases as some one with no white cells at all. The abnormal activity in bone marrow also encroaches on the formation of red blood cells and platelets, so that the patient becomes anemic and his blood does not clot properly. Although in some very acute cases the patient may live only a few months, it may be many years before serious symptoms appear – in the most chronic cases, 20 years or more. ……………… .

Complete recovery used to be reported from time to time, but it now seems likely that these were cases of glandular fever, which has many of the symptoms of leukemia at the height of the attack, but clears up completely. Present forms of treatment do not cure the disease. They may prolong life,………………….. .

First time on 2 – 6 – 2003 her son came with earnest request to give some medicine for the lady. He also explained his inability to bring the patient to Dehradun from Haldwani,a far off place, as the lady was not in a position to travel to Dehradun. And it was neither possible for the physician to go to see the patient at Haldwani.

So her son told her story as follows:
The patient was suffering from ulceration in her mouth since October 2002 and was not responding to the treatment given to her by her physician so her blood examination was resorted to. At that time (on December 5th, 2002) her T. L. C. was found to be 1,27,600/cmm. Now she was diagnosed as a case of Leukemia and the proper treatment for the same was started at Haldwani. At that time her Hb. was 10.2 gm%. Though, she responded to the treatment, but only partially. Even after six months of treatment her T. L. C. on May 11th, 2003 was 61,000/cmm and the Hb. 11.8gm%. There was no appreciable improvement in the ulcers of her mouth they were persistently recurring.

Her son told that –

  • The ulcers are persistent, the old one heal and new ones appear.
  • The ulcers bleed easily – while she is eating and also from touch.
  • Throbbing pain in the ulcers.
  • Swelling on lower lip with ulcers on its inner side.
  • Especially when swallowing food feels burning pain in her whole oesophagus.
  • H. O. fall whence incurred fractures in the ribs and injuries to spine, wrists and toes. After the accident she used to feel –
  • Severe pain in both sides of the chest, scapulae and spine.
  • The pain < from any motion.
  • Great weakness.
  • Headache often at night.
  • Itching in spots over the body. Wherever she feels itching dark brown spots have formed on the skin.
  • She is also suffering from hypertension.
  • Unusual feeling in limbs > by hard pressure and jerking the limbs.

The T. L. C. at the commencement of Homoeopathic treatment was 67,100/cmm. It started gradually coming down except once whence it shot up (on 19 – 10 – 2003) to 1,08,000/cmm. Otherwise gradual decrease in T. L. C. continued till it came down within normal range. On 19 – 10 – 2003 the Hb. was 14.5gm%.
In the beginning I prescribed one dose of Medorrhinum 10M followed by Cotalus horridus 30 b.d.

She felt some cheerful but the trouble was as usual.
Now, Natrum sulph. 1M was prescribed one dose after every three days. In Kent’s Repertory (Generalities) Natrum sulph is one of the first grade remedy for leukemia. But it did not give any relief.
After 24 – 7 – 2003 Natrum mur. 1M one dose every fourth day was prescribed. Natrum mur. is one of the remedied for ulceration of mouth. Later one dose every sixth day.

According to Allen’s Encyclopedia :-
Ulcerated spots in the mouth, on the gum and tongue, in which food and drink cause biting,
Ulcerated spot on the inner surface of the lower lip, with sore burning when touched. – * Dryness of the mouth.
Mouth and lips dry. – Dryness of the palate. – Dryness of the hard palate. – * Persistent dryness of the mouth, especially of the. – A sore spot on the inner surface of the right cheek, with burning pain when touched by warm food.

According to Hering’s Guiding Symptoms:-
Mouth, lips and tongue dry.
Sore places in mouth very sensitive, even to liquids. – ¤ Vesicles and ulcers in mouth and on tongue, smarting and burning when touched by food, stomacace. – ¤ Aphthae on tongue, gums and cheeks, with great burning and impeded speech.
Kali chlor. 200 was also given inter-currently at long interval.
She felt lot of improvement in all her complaints including the ulceration of mouth.
The T. L. C. on 15 – 2 – 2004 came down to 8,500/cmm. The normal range is 4,000 – 11,000/cmm.

She improved so much that she became able to travel to Dehradun and she personally visited my clinic on 25 – 2 – 2004.

In conclusion I once again admit that during whole this period the patient was taking the allopathic treatment too. But still can claim that after Homoeopathic medicines her T. L. C. started coming down and became normal. A glance on the following table is an evidence to the fact I have stated above.

Note:- Dr. Mamgain, has prepared documentary videos of acute, chronic and cancer cases from his own practice (covering three CDs) to impress the efficacy of Hahnemannian laws. If any reader is desirous to watch the same can contact him (mail to- drmamgain@yahoo.co.in).

Dr. S. K. Mamgain Gold Medalist
218, D. L. Road, DEHRADUN – 248 001
Phone: 0135 2656578 (Res.)
Email: drmamgain@yahoo.co.in

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