LMHI National Homoeopathic conference at New Delhi

Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis Chapter in India is proud to host the FIRST ever LMHI National Homoeopathic conference in India 
at Hotel Piccadily (Alias Hotel Hilton), Janak Puri, New Delhi, India,
On 24 – 25 May, 2014
This conference is in collaboration with The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI), Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians(IIHP) & Asian Homoeopathic medical League(AHML).
The Theme of the conference is: Homeopathy Success Stories through Basic and Fundamental Research & in Paediatric disorders
You all are cordially invited to join the Indian Homoeopathic community for a unique experience of the very best in Homoeopathy and a weekend full of fun, laughter and sharing of experiences.
The details: http://ligaindia.wix.com/conference
Mail : ligaindia@gmail.com

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