Long live sport with Homoeopathy

Dr Snehal Deepak Chiparge

Our Life’s Motto is how we want to live our life every day.

Regular Physical Exercise is integral to the body staying healthy. However, stressing the human body beyond its limits may lead to injury. Sports injuries as indicated by the name are the injuries that are related with sports or are associated with training, practicing or playing. Sports injuries occur very often with the players and athletes. After proper diagnosis and with the help of proper selection of totality and Rubrics is simillimum is given the Homeopathy is the best medicine for such type of injuries.

Key words:- Sports injuries ,Acute Extrinsic Injuries, Acute Intrinsic Injuries, Chronic Injuries, Tendon Disease.Homeopathic medicines, Muscle Injuries, Ligaments injuries, athletes. Bursae

Introduction.- Some of the most common sports injuries encountered are as listed below. Injuries can be classified into 3 broad groups:

Acute Extrinsic Injuries.- They are those which arise from a direct external blow. These are commonly wounds, bruises and fractures.

1.  Acute Intrinsic Injuries

They are result from failure of a patient’s structures as a result of excessive loading. Examples are tendon ruptures, avulsion fractures and ligament injuries.

2.  Chronic Injuries

They are those with an insidious or unknown onset, commonly inflammation or failure secondary to repetitive loading. Examples are inflammation of the Achilles tendon and stress fractures.

Tendon Disease.- Tendons can become weak and/or painful as a result of physical damage or as a result of inflammation of the tendon sheath around them (peritendonitis). Tendon injury is either due to overload (the strength of the tendon being exceeded by the force applied) or to overuse (where there is repetitive low-level load to the tendon) leading to fatigue and failure. In this case, the patient may present with inflammation rather than rupture.

Overuse Injuries : Overuse injury can be precipitated in a tendon by:

Internal factors:

  • Decreased oxygen supply
  • Decreased nutrition
  • Hormonal changes
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Aging External factors:

A change in the environment (new running surface), or worn out equipment (old running shoes),May both bring about an overuse injury as can excessive training when the patient is not fit enough to tolerate it.

In younger patients, the weakest area of a tendon is the apophyseal attachment. In adults, the musculotendinous junction is more liable to injury.

In adolescents, the common sites of injury are tendon insertions. Examples are the anterior superior iliac spine (origin of Sartorius), the anterior inferior iliac spine (rectus femoris), the lesser trochanter of the femur (iliopsoas) and the ischial tuberosity (hamstrings)

Muscle Injuries.-

Muscle injuries can be classified into:


  • Partial tear

Complete tear or re-tear (if there has been previous injury)

Most will heal spontaneously but may leave a painless defect in the muscle belly.

Ligaments injuries.-

Ligament injuries are acute intrinsic injuries


Bursae are found between the joints and overlying tissues or muscles and tendons and are small

fluid-filled endothelium-lined Sacks. They decrease frictional forces between structures but can become inflamed. The most commonly affected sites are over the first metatarsal phalangeal joint (bunion), in front of the patella (housemaid’s knee) and behind the elbow (olecranon bursa). They can become inflamed or even infected. If they fail to settle with appropriate treatment then they can be surgically excised.

Bone Fractures and Stress Fractures
True fractures can be encountered in any sport, but the fracture type found more commonly in sportsmen and women is a stress fracture. This is caused by multiple repetitions of moderate loads. Clinically, these lesions give poorly localized pain, which is worse on exercise. They are more common in runners, especially women who may have reduced bone density. The most common sites for stress fractures are the metatarsals and the tibia.

Treatment of Injuries

In the acute phases of a sports injury price describes the treatment plan:

  • Protect
  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

 Sports medicine is the science of understanding how these injuries can be avoided, recognized when they do occur, and then treated appropriately. Sports injuries are, in principle, the same as other injuries. The major difference can be in the expectation of the patients.

Sports medicine has been defined as the scope of medical practice that focuses on:

  1. Prevention, diagnosis treatment and rehabilitation of injuries that occur during physical activity
  2. Prevention, diagnosis, and management of medical conditions that occur during or after physical activity
  3. Promotion and implementation of regular physical activity in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic diseases of lifestyle.

You may be surprised to hear that a number of top athletes use homeopathy to help them maintain their highest levels of fitness. These include 100m world record holder Usain Bolt, former England football team captain and global icon David Beckham, British sprinter James Ellington, and 1992 Olympic 100m gold medalist Linford Christie to name but a few.

Some of the Homoeopathic Sports medicines are as follows:

Each problem that occurs before, during or after physical activity has its own homeopathic treatment. Some treatments can prevent dehydration during a longer event such as a marathon or trekking. They also help reduce the risk of muscle cramps and spasms or digestive problems like nausea, bloating and diarrhea. Others can ensure better muscle recovery and psychological support by reducing anxiety and stress before a competition. Homoeopathic medicines are.-

  • Safe to use for people of all ages and stages and alongside other
  • Promotes natural
  • Encourages a quicker recovery
  • Drug-free way to boost your body’s performance with no risk of dependence and no side

ARNICA MONTANA: this is the remedy of first importance in all kinds of injuries, traumatic or bruised. It is mostly suited to cases, when any injury, however remote seems to have caused the present trouble. It is suited to persons who are extremely sensitive to mechanical injuries, and who feel the effects of them long after. Ecchymosis and Hemorrhages. Relaxed blood vessels, black and blue spots. Tendency to Haemorrhage. Worse, least touch; motion; rest; wine; damp cold. Better, lying down, or with head low.

CALENDULA: It is a great homoeopathic antiseptic. Injury caused by clean cut injury, Surgical cuts, Lacerated wounds, Suppurating wounds. It prevents suppuration, promotes healthy granulation of tissues & rapid healing. It is excellent Haemostatic.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON: ailments from strains, over lifting. Hot, painful swelling of joints. Pains tearing in tendons, ligaments, and fascia. Better motion. Soreness of condyles of bones. The coldfresh air is not tolerated; it makes the skin painful. Numbness and fornication, after overwork andexposure. Tenderness about knee-joint.

RUTA: complaints from straining flexor tendons especially. Tendency to the formation of depositsin the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially wrist. Overstrain of ocular muscles. Sprains. Lameness after sprains. Injured “bruised” bones. Fractures & Dislocations. Hamstrings feelshortened. Tendons sore. Aching pain in tendo-achilles. Tennis Elbow.

SYMPHYTUM: It is considered to be orthopedic specific medicine. It is of great use in wounds penetrating to perineum and bones, and in non-union of fractures; It facilitates union of fractured bone by favoring production of Callus. Pain in eye after a blow of an obtuse body. For traumatic injuries of the eyes no remedy equals this.

BELLIS PERENNIS: First remedy in injuries to the deeper tissues, after major surgical work. It acts upon the muscular fibers of the blood-vessels. Much muscular soreness. Lameness, as if sprained.Venous congestion, due to mechanical causes. Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. It is indicated when sprain has been removed but the pain remains.

HYPERICUM: A great remedy for injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails. Crushed fingers, especially tips. Excessive painfulness is a guiding symptom to its use. Prevents lockjaw. Punctured wounds. Relieves pain after operations. Quite supersedes the use of morphia after operations (Helmuth). Spasms after every injury.

LEDUM PALUSTRE: Easy spraining of ankle. . For punctured wounds, produced by sharp-pointed instruments or bites particularly if the wounded parts are cold.

BOVISTA: Swelling of the foot after sprains.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICUM: It is especially indicated in bone disease non-union of fractured bones. It has a special affinity where bones form sutures or symphyses, and all its symptoms are worse from any change of weather. It helps to unite bones quickly.

DULCAMARA: Sprain of neck, lying on affected side.

RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS: Various kinds of pains and soreness, as if bruised in sternum, ribs, intercostal spaces. Muscular pain along lower margin of the shoulder-blade; burning in small spots from sedentary employment. Worse, open air, motion, contact, atmospheric changes, wet, stormy weather, evening.

NATRUM SULPHURICUM: It is specific medicine for injuries to head. Ill-effects of falls and injuries to the head, and mental troubles arising there from. < changing posture.

References / Bibliography :

  • SHORT PRACTICE Of SURGERY: Bailey & Love’s 26th EDITION. Edited By Norman S. Williams MS FRCS Fmed Sci Professor Of Surgery And Director Of Surgical Innovation, Barts And The London School Of Medicine And Dentistry, Queen Mary, University Of London And President, The Royal College Of Surgeons Of England, London, Christopher J.K.
  • Bulstrode MCH FRCS(T&O) Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford, Oxford, P. Ronan O’Connell, MD FRCSI, FRCPS Glas., Head, Surgery and Surgical Specialties, UCD School of Medicine and Medical Sciences Consultant Surgeon, St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine (Vol.1 Injuries) By Brukner & Karim Khan. McGraw-Hill Medical; 5th edition (11 September 2018)
  • Boericke’s New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory: Third Revised &Augmented Edition Based on Ninth Edition by Garth W. Boericke , REPERTORY by Oscar E.BOERICKE, M.D. Publisher: B.Jain.
  • Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann; E.Dudgeon. Publisher: B. Jain Low Priced; Fifth & Sixth edition (23 September 2013)

Dr. Snehal Deepak Chiparge M.D. Hom
Reader & H.O.D. FMT  Department
Late Mrs. Housabai Homoeopathic Medical College, Nimshirgaon.
Dist.- Kolhapur ( Maharashtra).

1 Comment

  1. At the outset I must say sorry for this type of collections of information without having any evidence based observations about the application of professionalism as a Homoeopathic Physician about different levels of established and confirmed clinical cases ,right from beginning to the end of clinical management as seems to be claimed in such articles.Since the reform in education and training (C B D C) in Homoeopathy has been initiated,no serious student will ever appreciate this kind of writings unless he or she will get evidences which will guide them to reproduce the result in their clinical work for their own observations as learner.
    It is my earnest request to the profession, especially those who are more responsible as per their post of occupancy in the teaching institutions,era has been modified in the approach of science not philosophy.

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