Lumbar Spondylosis and Homoeopathic Management.

Dr Sneha M Wagh

Review of  Case studies with Synthesis Repertory

Abstract- Synthesis Repertory information which is widely used by All Homoeopaths and to know the utility in Lumbar Spondylosis

Key Words- synthesis, RADAR, Functions of Repertory, Versions, Philosophy, Spondylosis case report

Aims and objectives- To evaluate the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of Lumbar Spondylosis. To study the scope of Synthesis repertory (9.1 version) in the management of cases of Lumbar Spondylosis. To evolve a group of Homoeopathic Medicines in the treatment of Lumbar Spondylosis.

Introduction: The word Repertory means a store house, repository, store or collection, especially of facts or information. The word originated from the Latin word Repertorium, which means an inventory, a table or a compendium where the information is so arranged it easy to find similimum.

Repertory is a systematically and logically arranged index to the homoeopathic materia medica, which is full of information collected from toxicology, drug proving and clinical experience.

Repertory is a connecting link between materia medica and disease. The aim of repertory is never to replace the materia medica but to help in final choice of the single medicine

Functions of Repertory

The functions are.

  1. Primary as a simple and straight forward index to materia medica
  2. Secondary, but of prime importance to the homoeopathic practitioner, as a distinct system for the purpose of helping him in the elimination of the non indicated drugs.

Synthesis Repertory

Synthesis is the product of a continuous teamwork with superb technology. It is the printed version of RADAR (Rapid Aid to Drug Aimed Research) computer programme.

It is the enlarged version of sixth American edition of Kent’s Repertory authored by Dr Frederick schroyence. Synthesis is based on Kent’s philosophy of generals to particulars and it follows the plan and construction, arrangement of rubrics as Kent’s Repertory.

About the Author (Editor)

Dr Frederik Schroyens was born January 12, 1953 in Mechelen, Belgium.

Schroyens is a1977 medical graduate of the state university of Gen (Belgium)

And at 1978 graduated the one year Homoeopathic training course at the faculty for Homoeopathy in London (MF Hom)

In 19781 Dr Schroyens was the constitutive president at VSU, the largest Homoeopathic School in Belgium. VSU has given a one year introductory training on homoeopathy to more than 1000 students and fully trained over 150 homoeopaths homoeopathic education is built up over a five year program. He also founded the Masiworkshops in Belgium and Holland.Dr Schroyens was one of the first RADAR users in 1986 and became enthusiastic about the increasing possibilities computer science offers Homoeopathy, because of his dedication to the program; he became the homoeopathic coordinator of the RADAR project

Version 9: Synthesis 9.0 was finalized on November 21, 2003 and released as a software program in English on November 24, 2003.

Synthesis 9.1 : This was finalized on June 4,2004 and released as a software program English in July 2004 . Synthesis 9.0 has 926,000 remedy occurrences whereas synthesis 9.1 has 1,066,987 remedy occurrences. Synthesis 9.0 has 1,491,000 author occurrences where as synthesis 9.1 have 1,773,453 author occurrences.

Repertorising in the 21st century provides challenges we have never faced before. The information highway traverses homoeopathy, gathering ever increasing amounts of data from a growing number of practitioners, proving and toxicological reports.

Computers have trawled the materia medica looking for long symptoms and confirmations. This valuable information must be catalogued. Such an incredible amount of new information creats a danger of inflating the rubrics and repertory to unmanageable sizes  . If  we stretch this sycotic tendency ti its extreme, the result will be a large number of giant rubrics, each containing the same remedies and suffering from a lost individual identity . In this new era of Homoeopathy we must proceed with care.

Another challenge that lies ahead is differentiating the quality of information. From the most reliable symptoms, namely proving confirmed by repeated clinical experience or a dream proving the repertory writer must retain , sort, filter and edit information with the utmost caution. It requires extreme discrimination and responsibility.

It is through these turbulent waters that Fredrick Schroyens has navigated his ship and he has done so with remarkable precisions. One of his main tools has been structural and technological innovation. By restructuring sensations and location he has created a more efficient tool. By including remedies from sub rubrics in to their mother rubrics we have been given the choice of a larger and more accurate remedy base. Computers can retaining many of the qualities of its electronic counterpart.

This repertory is based on kents philosophy. That is Generals to particulars  This method of Repertorization . Kent has several criticized the faulty method of giving importance to parts and over generalizing the symptom and favored the selection of medicines on the basis of generals. In order to understand a person, his expressions at the level of generals. In order to understand a person , his expressions at level of generals. In order to understand person , his expressions at the level of generals must be noticed and relied upon . he symptoms of parts come next in order of importance.

Lumbar Spondylosis is a degenerative disorder of lumbo- sacral spine giving rise to disc degeneration, osteophyte formation and sometime vascular degeneration, leading to spinal deformity, low back pain radiating down one or both lower extremities and features of lumbar radiculopathy.

Clinical symptoms : There  is pain localized over spine or root distribution with aggravation on coughing, sneezing, straining. Sensory paraestesia, numbness or cold sensation especially in lower limb, with nerve compression, cauda equine syndrome.

Signs- Weakness of extensor hallucis longus muscle, weak dorsiflexion of great Toe, absent ankle jerk, pain in great toe, antalgic gait . 

Diagnostic Criteria – The diagnosis of the lumbar Spondylosis is by the history and physical examination and X ray of the lumbo-sacral spine, diagnosis of a disc disease is a suspect if – leg pain is minimal and back pain is predominant, if pain is bizarre or continous,if the forward bending of spine is normal, if the lumbar spine deviates to opposite side, if tenderness is elicited over the midline, The hall mark of a disc disease is repetitive low backache and buttock pain which is relived by rest.

Homoeopathic management- Homoeopathy was discovered 300 years ago, homoeopathy created a revolutionary views on pathogenesis, disease concept, treatment  methodology constitutional and holistic approach to problem will remove the cause of disease and remove the process of pathology to bring about lasting cure. The tendency to abnormal condition can be arrested by constitutional approach and or miasmatic approach.

In the law of Similar, Hahnemann quotes “ A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism  by a stronger one , if the latter is very similar to former in its manifestation. The artificial medicinal diseases is stronger than natural diseases , have tendency to replace , it which is similar in nature. Portrait of natural diseases helps in selection of the remedy which produces the artificial medicinal disease.

Case studies

Sex index No of Patient Percentage
Male 18 60%
Female 12 40%
Family history No of patient percentage
Joint complaints 4 13.33%
Hypertension 17 56.66%
Diabetes Mellitus 8 26.66%
Bronchial Asthma 7 23.33%
Cardiac complains 2 6.66%
Pulmonary Tuberculosis 4 13.33%
Hemorrhoids 2 6.66%
Facial palsy 1 3.33%
Rheumatism 4 13.33%
others 4 13.33%

Miasmatic Background

Miasms No of cases Percentage
Psoro-sycotic 11 36.67%
Psoro-syphilitic 2 6.67%
Psoro-syco-syphilitic 17 56.66%

Acute /sectoral remedies

Acute /sectoral remedies No of cases Percentage
Rhus tox 17 56.66%
Kali Carb 1 3.33%
Bryonia 4 13.33%
sulphur 3 10.33%
Belladonna 4 13.33%
colocynth 1 3.33%

 Constitutional Remedies

Constitutional Remedies No of cases Percentage
Lycopodium 5 16.66%
Nat- Mur 2 6.66%
Calc Carb 2 6.66%
Staphysagria 1 3.33%
Nux Vomica 6 10.00%
Thuja 2 6.66%
Sepia 3 10.00%
Pulsatilla 5 16.66%
Sulphur 3 10.00%
Arsenic album 1 03.33%


Remedies No of cases Percentage
Medorrhinum 1 3.33%
Tuberculinum 2 6.66%
Sulphur 1 3.33%
Mercurious 1 3.33%
Thuja 2 6.66%

Intercurrent remedies

Result of Treatment

Result No of Cases Percentage
Recovered 8 26.67%
Improved 20 66.66%
Not Improved 2 6.67%
total   100%

In the study of total 30 cases , 8 cases got recovered accounting for 26.67% , 20 cases improved accounting 66.67% and 2 cases did not respond . It was seen that acute remedies failed to bring about well beingness at the general level though they helped to relieve most distressing acute symptoms. Therefore constitutional approach was very much required to get result. Result shows that by using the synthesis repertory 9.1 version in the treatment of Lumbar Spondylosis was more effective.

Dr Sneha M Wagh
HOD Professor
Department of Repertory
D K M M Homoeopathic Medical College Aurangabad

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