Madhyapradesh PSC Homoeopathy Medical Officer Exam paper 2008
1. The Scapula is a thin bone placed on the :
(A) Anterolaterral aspect of the thoracic cage
(B) Superiolateral aspect of the thoracic rage
(C) Posterolateral aspect of the thoracic cage
(D) None of’ the above
2. The articular surface of the clavicle is covered with :
- (A) muscle (B) cartilage
- (C) fibrous tissue (D) fibrocartilage
3. Muscles of the first layer of the sole is :
- (A) flexor hallucis longus (B) lumbricals
- (C) flexor digitorum longus (D) flexer digitorum brevis
4. Arch of Aorta lies behind the –
- (A) Lower half of manubrium sterni
- (B) Xiphoid process sternum
- (C) Middle one-third manubrium sterni
- (D) Jugular notch
5. The facial bones are
- (A) 10 in number
- (B) 20 in number
- (C) 13 in number
- (D) 14 in number
6. It is dangerous when :
- (A) diastolic value is high
- (B) systolic value is high –
- (C) both systolic and diastolic value is high
- (D) value is low
7. FSH acts on the :
- (A) Leydig cells (B) Macrophages
- (B) Sartoli cells (D) Purkinje cells
8. In Myopia :
- (A) image falls on the back of the retina
- (B) usually the anteroposterior diameter is shorter
- (C) image falls in front of the retina
- (D) use of convex lens is advisable
9. Sympathetic stimulation has no major effect on the vessel of ;
- (A) skin (B) kidney
- (C) brain (D) lung
10. Class VI (a) includes those drug substances which are only soluble in
- (A) purified water (B) strong alcohol
- (C) alcohol (D) none of these
11. The quality of an ideal prover
- (A) sick (B) emotional
- (C) idle (D) trustworthy
12.Centesimal scale was introduced by Hahnemann in 5th edition Organon of Medicine
- (A) Sec. 269 (B) Sec. 268
- (C) Sec. 271 (D) Sec. 270
13. Triturition is done in :
- (A) unglazed glass mart (B) glazed Porcelain mortar
- (C) glazed iron mortar (D)unglazed porcelain mortar
14. The fifth edition of `Organon of Medicine’ contained :
- (A) 294 aphorisms (B) 293 aphorisms
- (C) 292 aphorisms (D) 291 aphorisms
15. Homoeopathy is a product of :
- (A) deductive logic ( B) inductive logic
- (C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
16. The first edition of Organon of Medicine was published in
- (A) 1828 (B) 1805
- (C) 1810 (D) 1817
17. Fundamental cause is due to :
- (A) acute miasm
- (B) fixed niiasm
- (C) non-recurreent miasm
- (D) chronic miasm
18. Cure has some special meaning in homoeopathic practice. Cure means :
- (A) removal of common symptoms
- (B) removal of symptoms of disease
- (C) removal of the whole of the perceptible signs and symptoms of the disease
- (D) removal of the disease symptoms in some extent
19. Natural law of Cure was discussed in :
- (A) Section 26 (B) Section 18
- (C) Section 19 (D) Section 25
20. Proximate cause means :
- (A) main cause (B) internal cause
- (C) immediate cause (D) first cause
21. The necessary point which comprise the operation of curing is as follows
- (A) cause determination
- (B) investigation of disease
- (C) investigation of medicine
- (D) none of the above
22. ‘Organon of Medicine’ was originally written in :
- (A) English (B) Latin
- (C) French (T) German
23. Psora is the cause
- (A) non-venereal chronic disease
- (B) venereal chronic disease
- (C) all acute and chronic diseases
- (D) both, venereal and non-venereal chronic disease
24. Natural chronic diseases are those which are primarily caused by :
- (A) fixed miasm (B) acute miasm
- (C) both acute and chronic miasm (D) chronic miasm
25. Secondary symptoms of psora is as follows :
- (A) slow recovery of all complaints
- (B) all kinds of functional complaints when arising from emotional disturbances
- (C) melancholy and condemn themselves
- (D) desire of food hot or cold
26. Hahnemann described in sixth edition of Organon of Medicine’ that the most commonly affected part by the medicine is :
- (A) any part of the body (B) nails
- (C) tongue (D) blood vessels
27. Homoeopathy is a :
- (A) Science (B) Science and art
- (C) Art (D) None of these
28. General quality of all the organism is to receive a stimulus and to react accordingly is
- (A) irritability (B) sensitivity
- (C) indisposition (D) susceptibility
29. Genuine medicine denotes :
- (A) adulterated (B) unadulterated
- (C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
30. Complex disease means :
- (A) mixture of many similar diseases
- (B) mixture of a dissimilar disease with a similar disease
- (C) mixture of more than one dissimilar disease
- (D) mixture of many dissimilar diseases
31. A slight alteration of health manifested by one or more trivial symptoms is : ,
- (A) epidemic disease (B) idiosyncrasy
- (C) sporadic disease (D) indisposition
32. Pseudochronic disease is :
- (A) artificial chronic disease
- (A) local disease
- (C) chronic disease
- (D) inappropriately named chronic disease
33. Alternate constipation and diarrhea : lienteria:
- (A) Kali.sulp (B) Abrotanurn
- (C) Ferrum Phos (D) Cina
34. Adapted to the strumous constitution; glands enlarged, indurated, scirrous or open caner :
- (A) Sepia (B) Borax
- (C) Apis (D) Chamomilla
35. Dropsy : after suppressed sweat; suppressed eruptions; exposure to cold :
- (A) Calcarea carb (B) Baryta carb
- (C) Merc. sol (D) Dulcmara
36.Sensation of growing larger in every direction :
- (A) Nux vomica (B)Phosphorus
- (C) Ipecacuanha (D) Platina
37. The skin feels cold to touch, yet the patient cannot tolerate covering :
- (A) Arnica montana
- (B) Lachesis
- (C) Secale cor
- (D) Silicea
38. Aggravation—at night; from heat at bed; at 3 A.M. and 5 P.M.; from cold, damp air; narcotics :
- (A) Thuja occidentalis
- (B) Sulphur
- (C) Kali carbonicum
- (D) Rhus toxicidendron
39. Bad effects from loss of vital fluids; haemmohrage from any broken down condition of mucous membrane :
- (A) Belladonna
- (B) Hyoscyamus
- (C) Conium maculatum
- (D) Carbo vegetabilis
40. Great sadness and weeping :
- (A) Bryonia
- (B) Sepia
- (C) Pulsatilla
- (D) Natrum sulph
41. Diphtheria aggravated after sleep and cold drinks :
- (A) Podophyllum (B) Nitric acid
- (C) Lachesis (D) Lycopodium clavatum
42. Follows well after Calcarea carb in obesity of young women with large amount of unhealthy adipose tissue :
- (A) Sulphur (B) Lachesis
- (C) Graphites (D) Podophyllum
43. Patient is very chilly yet all the complaints are relieved by cold application :
- (A) Phosphoric acid (B) Apis mel
- (C) Natrum carb (D) Ledum Pal
44. Bad effects of re-percussed eruptions :
- (A) Bovista
- (B) Cuprum metallicum
- (C) Lac caninum
- (D) Sarsaparilla
45. The secretion is not diminished, the bladder is full but fullness is unrecognized :
- (A) Strarmonium (B) Opium
- (C) Sabina (D) Iodum
46. Headache : always hungry during :
- (A) Glonoine (B) Kreosotum
- (C) Psorinum (D) Syphillinum
47. Stammering, repeat: first syllable three or four times; with abdominal ailments, with helminthiasis ;
- (A) Ruta graveolens (B) Spigelia
- (C) Rumex crispus (D) Variolinum
48. Headache of school girls from eve strain or overuse of’ eves :
- (A) Phosohoric acid (B) Cactus
- (C) Sanguinaria (D) Fluoric acid
49. Frequently called for after abuse of mercury :
- A) Petroleum (B) Rhododendron
- (C) Psorinurn ‘D) Sarsaparilla
50. The burning feet of Sulphur and restless fidgety legs and feet of Zincum Metallicum are both found at the same time in :
- (A) Syphillinum (B) Medorrhinum
- (C) Sambucus (D) Causticum
52. Menses : flow on lying down:
- (A) Hydrastis (B) Lac caninum
- (C) Natrum carbo (D) Kreosotum
52. Convulsion with pale face, no heat, except perhaps in occiput, no increase in temperature :
- (A) Camphora (B) Conium mac
- (C) Zincum metallicum (D) Stannum metallicum
53. The benign epithelia tumor is :
- (A) Adenoma (B) Liposarcprna
- (C) Mesothelioma (D) Neuroblastoma
54. The Polycystic kidney disease occurs :
- (A) young (B) adult
- (C) old (D) none of these
55. The lesions of Bacillary Dysentery is mainly found in :
- (A) duodenum (B) stomach
- (C) colon (D) rectum
56. The common name of Ascaris lumbricoids ;
- (A) Threadworm (B) Tape worm
- (C) Guineaworm (D) Roundworm
57. Coroner is only a court of :
- (A) trial (B) inquiry
- (C)both trial and inquiry (D) none of these
58. Suicidal strangulation is :
- (A) rare (B) commen
- (C) uncommon (D) none of these
59. Where dose rigor mortis starts from :
- (A) kidney (B) Heart
- (C) Stomach (D) Eye
60. The local action of carbolic acid :
- (A) burning (B) painless condition
- (C) painful condition (D) tingling
61. Medico legal importance of abrasion helps :
- (A) to know the age of abrasion
- (B) to know the type of weapon used
- (C) to detect the direction of’ force
- (D) none of the above
62. External atmosphere means :
- (A) the space inside the room of a building
- (B) the space outside the room of a building
- (C) both A and B
- (D) none of the above
63. Direct water borne disease is :
- (A) Gunea worm (B) Schistasomiasis
- (C) Ascariasis (D) Hepatitis
69. Smallpox was eradicated in the year :
- (A) 1977 (B) 1978
- (D) 1989 (D) 1980
65. Primary prevention included :
- (A) rehabilitation (B) early diagnosis and treatment
- (C) disability limitation (D) health promotion
66. The Medical Termination of act passed by Parliament of India
- (A) 1905 (B)1865
- (C) 1960 (D) 1971
67. Neurogenic ulcer is :
- (A) Varicose ulcer (B) post thrombotic ulcer
- (C) Gravitational (D) Diabetic ulcer
68. The initial typical pain of Acute Appendicitis is
- (A) localized and aching (B) diffused arid burning
- (C) widespread and pressive (D) diffused and dull
69. Benign tumour of breast is usually localized at :
- (A) upper part of breast
- (B) upper quadrant of’ breast
- (C) outer quadrant of breast
- (D) lower part of breast
70. The rare form of hernia is :
- (A) inguinal (B) obturator
- (C) incisional (D) umbilical
71. Fever in Pyogenic Liver Abscess usually is :
- (A) intermittent type (B) relapsing type
- (C) hectic type (D) continuous type
72. Pruritus vulvae is present in :
- (A) Bratholine cyst (B) vulvo vaginitis
- (C) Non-specific hectictype (D) senile vaginitis
73. The cause of Retroversion of uterus is .
- (A) inflammatory
- (B) congenital
- (C) inflammatory and congenital
- (D) congenital and acquired
74. The incidence of Primary Dysmenorrhea is found commonly in
- (A) middle age (B) old age
- (C) adolescents (D) none of these
75. The odor of Lochia is :
- (A) odorless (B) offensive fleshy
- (C) irritating (D) none of these
76. Preterm labour is defined as one where the labour starts before
- (A) 36th completed week (B) 37th completed week
- (C) 35th completed week (D) 30th completed week
77. Atrial septal defect is common in :
- (A) males (B) females
- (C) both male and female (D) none of these
78. The serious complications of a rupture of tuberculous lesion into the pleural space is :
- (A) Bronchitis
- (B) Bronchial asthma
- (C) Pleural effusion
- (D) Empyema
79. The most conrmon cause of Chronic diarrhea is :
- (A) malabsorption (B) dyspepsia
- (C) irritable bowel syndrome (D) none of these
80.The incubation period in men with Gonoeocccal urethritis is :
- (A) 2-5 days (B) 3-7 days
- (C) 2-15 days (D) 2-10 days
81.Pigmentation in Addion’s disease is usually seen on :
- (A) eyelid (B) forearm
- (C) Knee (D) Leg
82. Dietary management in diabetes mellitus included :
- (A) abolish symptoms of hyperglccaemia
- (B) low protein intake
- (C) high fat intake
- (D) none of the above
83.A high MCV suggests :
- (A) Iron deficiency anaemia (B) Vitamin B12 deficiency
- (C) Acute blood loss (D) Thalassaemia
84. A diagnosis of Scabies is confirmed by :
- (A) Blood test
- (B) scraping the mite out of burrow
- (C) Urine test
- (D) none of the above
85. The investigation for Simple Mechanical Low Back Pain is :
- (A) Blood test (B)Radiograph
- (C) No blood test or radiograph (D) MRI
86. The CSF of meningitis contains
- (A) less lymphocytes
- (B) excess lymphocyte
- (C) normal lymphocyte
- (D) none of the above
87. The lesion of cerebellar hemisphere leads to :
- (A) lack of co-ordination on the opposite side of the body
- (B) lack of co-ordination on both the sides of the body
- (C) lack of co-ordination on the same side of the body
- (D) none of the above
88. Bell’s Palsy is a common condition affecting
- (A) male (B) female
- (C) both (A) and (B) (B) none of these
89.The common variety of leukaemia is
- (A) Acute myeloblastic Leukaemia
- (B) Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
- (C) Chronic Lympoblastic Leukaemia
- (D) Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
90. The blood picture of Dengue is :
- (A) thrombocytosis
- (B) leucocytosis
- (C) monocytosis
- (D) thrombocytopenia
91. Hahnemann told that the duty of physician after case taking should be as follows :
- (A) he will pick up the common symptoms
- (B) he will pick up the mental symptoms
- (C) he will pick up the characteristic symptom
- (D) he will pick up the general symptoms
92. The eliminating symptoms must come from :
- (A) basic symptoms
- (B) particular symptoms
- (C) common symptoms
- (D) general symptoms
93. Minute peculiarities are :
- (A) drug symptoms (B) disease symptom
- (C) clinical symptoms (D) patients symptoms
94.Necessity of record keeping is :
- (A) selection of potency
- (B) selection of medicine
- (C) portrait formation
- (D) none of the above
95. First Alphabetical Pocket Repertory was written by :
- (A) Weber Peschier
- (B) Adolph Von Lippe
- (C) Glazer
- (D) James Tyler Kent
96. “I’he biggest chapter of Kent’s Repertory is :
- (A) extremities
- (P) Mouth
- (C) skin
- (D) larynx and trachea
97.First card repertory appeared in the form of :
- (A) disc
- (B) strip
- (C) slip
- (D) spindle
98. Dr. C.M. Boger explained that the peculiarity of the symptoms are judged on :
- (A) 3 considerations
- (B) 5 considerations
- (C) 2 considerations
- (D) 7 considerations
99. Some of the emotional rubrics have been placed in Boenninghausen’s repertory under the chapter :
- (A) fever
- (B) sleep
- (C) sensations and complaints
- (D) aggravation
100. The sources of Boger-Boenninghausen’s Repetory is :
- (A) Aphorism’s of Hippocrates
- (B) Jhar’s Repertory
- (C) Lippe’s Repertory
- (D) Bigger’s Repertory
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