Part.1 Common to all branches
Paper.11 Man in Disease
Time : 3 hrs Marks 100
2010 December
1. What are the characteristics of Tumours which categorise neoplasms into Benign and Malignant.
Give their miasmatic evaluation ? Â Â Â 15
2. Describe the cellular responses to injury. Mention its miasmatic concept and correlate with susceptibility.  15
3. Describe various concepts of Disease. 15
4. “Miasms are most important factor in Homoeopathic practice” – Discuss. 15
5. Write short notes on : (4×10=40 Marks)
- a) Heredity
- b) Cholesterol
- c) Haemosideresis
- d) Exudation.
Sept 2007
1. Describe the Cause of disease as per Hahnemann with suitable example. Add a note on acute miasm.1 5
II. Describe the aetiopathogenesis, lab diagnosis and complications of lepromatous leprosy.15
III. Describe the aetiopathogenesis, clinical fèatures and complications of chronic renal failure.15
IV. Describe the life cycle of entamoeba and clinical features and complications of amoebiasis.1 5
V. Write short notes on:
- I ) Chemical mediators of inflammation.
- 2) Pancoast tumor.
- 3)Lab diagnosis of typhoid.
- 4)Hazards of immunization.          (4x 10=40 Marks)
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