Management of acute cold and cough with The prescriber by JH Clarke

Dr Meera P Ambaliya

Abstract :
It is faulty to say that homoeopathic treatment takes time to treat any acute condition, because before discovery of antibiotics and steroids most of the acute situations were handled by homoeopathic doctors. If the homoeopathic physician can tackle the acute cases with homoeopathic medicines physician him self gain the confidence and patients will develop trust in homoeopathy. One of the most common reason for visiting the doctor is common cough and cold. In acute cold and cough, the chief symptoms are very prominent and impressed on our senses quickly, hence much less time is required for tracing the full picture of the disease. The book prescriber is full of acute diagnostic rubrics, accurate medicines for certain symptoms with its frequency and repetitions. In many rubrics clinical advices are also written, which is very helpful for beginners and students who are facing difficulties in management of acute cases.

Key words : Acute, cold, cough, tendency, the prescriber .

Introduction :
Anatomically acute cough and cold involves the nose, nasal passage, sinuses, tonsils, larynx, pharynx, and trachea. The causes for acute cold and cough are change of weather, contagious spread or by pathogens like viruses and bacteria. Symptoms cause by infection of mucous membrane of upper respiratory tract.

Symptoms :
Common symptoms involves sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal discharge, nasal redness, nasal soreness, sore throat, expectoration, itchy scratchy throat, painful swallowing, excessive sputum, post nasal drip, coughing, headache, malaise, low grade fever. Some less common symptoms patients may feel are reduce ability to smell, sinus pain, foul breath, itchy watery eyes, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, body ache.

About the author : DR J H CLARKE
Dr. John Henry Clarke was born in 1853. He was one of the most eminent homoeopaths of England, who devoted his whole life for the advancement of Homoeopathy. He took his degree at Edinburgh University in 1875 as gold medallist in several subjects, followed it up with the M. D. and further academic successes and appointments in 1877.

He became a keen follower of Dr. Compton Burnett who was himself in the direct hierarchy of Ruddock. In April 1885, Dr. Burnett edited his last volume of The Homoeopathic World and the next month, May 1885, Dr. Clarke commenced as editor. He was editor of ‘The Homoeopathic World’ for twenty-nine years. He was also a consulting physician to the London Homoeopathic Hospital. Clarke was keen in his writing and it is even said that he had a desk in his carriage. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica

The prescriber by Dr J H Clarke
Without any doubt this is the best book for beginners and students of homoeopathy for prescribing. The pocket sized clinical repertory that contains medicines as well as dosages and repetition guide within it. This little book has helped thousand of new practitioners to prescribe successfully and carry a message of homoeopathy world wide. in this book the name of disease are given in alphabetic order like a dictionary and under each


it was first published by firm of Messrs. Keene and Ashwell. Later by B. Jain Publishers.

  • It was first published in 1885
  • Updated by Clarke in 1925-1940
  • Third Edition published in 2006
  • 30thimpression 2009.


The whole book can be divided into two main sections –

  1. Introduction to the prescriber
  2. The Prescriber.


The introduction to the Prescriber is divided into 4 parts.

The Part-I 

  • deals with how to practice Homoeopathy and it throws light on the following topics.
  • Necessary implements
  • The comparative value of symptoms. “The Prescriber” and the “Clinical Repertory”. Cases in point.
  • The dictionary of practical Materia Medica.
  • Boenninghausen “Pocket Book”.
  • The scope of clinical repertories.
  • Kinds and degrees of similarity.
  • Hahnemann’s doctrine of chronic disease.
  • The genius epidemicus
  • The homoeopathic Materia Medica.
  • Symptom repertories

The Part-II deals with Case Taking and it throws light on the following topics.

A suggested form.

  • “totality of the symptoms” and the invisible nature of disease.
  • “treating symptoms”. Hahnemann’s case.
  • Indications from heredity and history.
  • The value of the names of diseases.

The part-III deals with the Plan of – The Prescriber, and How to use it and it throws light on the following topics.

  • The plan.
  • Rules of prescribing.
  • Examples of prescriptions.

The part –IV contains

  • the list of remedies
  • abbreviations



This is the main part which deals with treatment of diseases arranged alphabetically.


  • Nasal – general tendency to, Merc. sol. 6, 8h.
    In pale, fair, strumous subjects, Calc. c. 6, 8h.
    In patients subject to irritation of the skin, Sulph. 6, 8h.
    In chilly subjects with unhealthy complexion and constipation, Na. mur. 6, 8h.
  • Acute nasal.
    refer to Cold.
  • Chronic nasal.
    In weakly, debilitated subjects, Ars. i. 3x, gr. ii. 8h.
    Where there is constipation and tendency to skin eruptions about the orifice, or behind the ears, Graph. 6, 8h.
    Fluent, intermittent with much sneezing chilliness constipation, Nat. m. 3 – 6, 8h.
    Depression, offensive discharge, bones of nose sore, syphilitic or mercurialised subjects, Aur. mur. 3x, gtt. ii. 8h.
    Constant dropping of mucus from back of nose into throat, affection of Eustachian tube, Hydrast. 3, 4h.
    Yellow or white stringy discharge, or thick plugs, Kali bichrome. 3x, gtt. ii. 4h.
    Stinging and tickling in nose, with irritative swelling, with or without free discharge, Sang. 3, 4h.
    Swelling of nose and redness, obstinate catarrh caries of bones, Hippoz. 6, 6h.
  • Chronic catarrh of larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
    Copious white expectoration, rattling in chest, white tongue, nausea, dyspnoea vital depression, Ant. tart. 6, 6h. Broad, flabby tongue, clear mucus, Merc. sol. 6, 6h. In chilly subjects enlarged spleen constipation, Nat. m. 6, 6h.
  • Catarrh of almost any mucous surface yellow or white, tough and stringy, Hydrast. c. 1 – 3, 4h
  1. COLD
    Soon after the exposure to cold, whilst the chill is still present, Camph. 1x, gtt. ii., on sugar (or Camph. pilules ii.) every 15 minutes until the chill passes off and glow succeeds.
    Sometime after the exposure to cold, when the actual feeling of chill has to a large extent or entirely passed of Acon. 1, 1/2h. for six doses afterwards every two hours.
    Exposure to wet and cold when overheated, or from iced-drinks, Bellis p. 3, 2h.
    If coryza has already set in, sneezing and running from the nose, Euphras. 1x, 2h.
    Cold fully established, thick, unirritating discharge, Merc. sol. 6, 3h.
    Thin, irritating discharge, Ars. 3, 2h.
    Catarrh, with inflamed swelling of the nose, which is painful pressure on larynx, hoarseness, Hep. 6, 2h.
    Fluent, watery, acrid coryza constriction in throat ; tickling, dry cough ; tight chest, Sang. 1, 2h.
    Tightness at root of nose, tickling cough from inspiring cold air ; constant sneezing, acrid coryza, > out of doors ; chilly, All. cep. 6, 2h.
    Thin, unirritating discharge, nose red and swollen, Kali iod. 1x, 2h.
    “Stuffy cold,” nose blocked, but little discharge, tightness at the chest, Nux v. 1 – 3, 2h.
    Loss of smell with cold, Sul. 1, 4h.
    Loss of taste with cold, Puls. 1, 4h.
    Loss of taste and smell with cold, Mag. mur. 6, 4h.
  • Influenza cold.
    (1) Arsen. 3, 2h. (2) Nat. mur. 6, 2h.
    If the bone pains are very distressing, Eupat. perfol. 3, 2h.
  • Tendency to: bacillinum – influenzinum 30 (combined) one dose per month.
    May be used in conjunction with other treatment.
    Is purely prophylactic and will not assist acute phase of cold.
    mur. 6, 8h., continued for one or two months.
    In women with too frequent and too profuse menstruation, Calc. c. 6, in the same way.
  1. COUGH.
    According to
  • General characteristics.
    Short, dry, irritative cough cough during sleep, Aco. 3, 2h.Spasmodic, coming on in the night, waking the patient from sleep, ending in bringing away a little phlegm, Ars. 3, 6h.Cough from tickling, as if from a feather in the throat or dust in the larynx, constant tickle under the middle of the sternum, causing a hacking cough. cough during and after eating, Calc. c. 6, 2h.Cough from rawness in larynx, < at night in bed before falling asleep  violent spasmodic cough with copious expectoration of mucus, Sul. 3, 2h.Spasmodic cough coming on between 2 and 3 A. M., stitches in the chest, Kali. c. 6, 6h.Cough on waking, on moving about in the morning, some expectoration at first (sometimes bloody), afterwards dry, < on entering a warm room, sharp pains in chest cough with pain in head and chest as if they would burst, cough on lying down at night, must sit up, Bry. 3, 2h.Dry hacking cough from pharyngeal or laryngeal irritation, Alumina 6, 6h.
    Irritative laryngeal cough, < in evening and early night, paroxysmal, heat and redness of face and sparkling eyes ; provoked by tickling in larynx as if dust were at the back of it, compelling a hard dry cough ; induced by exertion, lying down, or very deep respiration ; feeling of soreness in larynx, as if internally hot and sore, this soreness is felt when pressing the larynx externally ; oppression and heat in chest, dyspnoea, Bell. 3, 2h.Dry hollow, hoarse cough in single shocks, or fits of coughing ; with worm symptoms, Cina 3, 4h.Dry cough, but with sensation as if something were in the trachea which might be raised, or comes partly up and then goes back again ; provoked by tickling in trachea (below that of Bell.), induced by touching trachea or pressing on it, or pressure of clothes, which the patient therefore loosens, or by throwing the head back, also by eating ; occurring on awaking from sleep ; accompanied by some hoarseness and sore throat, which shoots up into the ear, and by chronic tonsillitis with oily white granules, Lach. 6, 6h.Cough dry, or with scanty rusty sputa ; night and day ; provoked by tickling in the trachea pretty low down, and by a feeling of rawness and soreness in trachea and bronchi ; induced by a very deep inspiration ; accompanied and characterised by a hoarse barking sound, by rawness of trachea and whole chest, and by a peculiar and distressing weight across the chest ; hoarseness, Phos. 3, 2h.Dry cough in evening, provoked by tickling high in trachea, in long paroxysms, induced by speaking provoking discharge of urine, voice almost gone, trachea sore and raw, but not the chest, Caust. 6, 4h.
    Dry, short, and paroxysmal cough or constant hack, in evening and night on going to bed, provoked by tickling in supra-sternal fossa ; induced by pressure in that region and by inhaling a breath of cool air, by a deep inspiration, and by any variation in breathing ; accompanied by great fatigue from coughing and by stitches through the left lung, Rumex crisp. 6, 3h.
    Dry cough with acrid coryza and lachrymation, induced by tickling in larynx, and each cough seems as if it would split the larynx in two, patient cringes under the pain, All. cepa 6, 2h.
    Dry cough, with dyspnoea, from tickling high up in the throat, uninterrupted in the evening, provoked by speaking or stooping, increases more and more, and then stops [no soreness of larynx or fever (Bell.), not affected by respiration (Rumex) not excited by pressure on trachea (Lach.)], Hep. s. 6, 4h.Violent cough as if he would suffocate, ending in vomiting, afterwards a feeling as of a hard body in the epigastrium, then spitting of blood, Hep. s. 6, 4h.
    Dry laryngotracheal cough, with hoarseness, induced by attempting to draw a long breath, accompanied by difficult inspiration, stitches in the lungs, and pain and burning behind the sternum, Brom. 12, 2h.
    Barking cough, with hacking and loss of voice, Spong. 3, 2h.Pains in larynx with desire to cough, smarting and lancinating pain in trachea, hoarseness, croupy cough; cough from tickling in throat, induced by effort to expand chest; increased by movement, Iod. 3x, 2h.
    Chronic dry laryngeal cough with stinging and smarting as if a small ulcer in the larynx, generally on one side, Nit. ac. 1 – 12, 2h.
    Chronic asthmatic cough, whether dry or moist, < night and morning, with constipation, Nit. ac. 1 – 12, 2h.
    Chronic catarrhal cough, mucous expectoration, easy and profuse, Ant. tart. 6, 3h.
    Dry cough even to vomiting, with anxious sweat at nights, cough with hoarseness, shaking the abdomen, tickling and soreness in trachea and chest cough with raising of thick, yellow, lumpy, purulent expectoration, in large masses, offensive, Sil. 6, 4h.
    Catarrhal inflammatory cough, burning soreness from fauces Dow sternum, hoarseness, pains about the chest, Merc. sol. 6, 3h.
    Cough with excessive secretion (with much pale urine), Scilla 3, 2h.
    Cough loose by day, with much mucous expectoration, dry and tickling on lying down at night, disappears on sitting up in bed, Puls. 3, 2h.
    Explosive cough with fetid expectoration and fetid breath, Caps. 3, 2h.
    Very noisy, dry, hard cough, in violent short bursts, coming from low down shaking the whole body, Osmium 6, 2h.
    Violent cough with little or no expectoration, jarring the head, and straining the abdominal muscles ; tickling in trachea, in middle of sternum, provoking cough ; cough induced by exertion ; after eating ; when lying on back ; in early morning after midnight ; tightness of breath, Nux v. 3, 2h.
    Cough caused by itching in larynx, hoarse, spasmodic ; caused by a feeling as if vapor of Sulphur were in trachea < in evening and before midnight  < by cold and when eating or drinking, especially cold things sputa greenish and tough, or yellow and purulent , Less often watery, offensive, Carb. v. 6, 2h.
    Cough > lying down and at night, Mang. 6, 2h.
    Irritative shaking cough of old people, Seneg. 3, 2h.
    Dry night cough, Verbascum 2h.
    Dry night cough, constant when lying down, > by sitting up, Hyos. 3, 2h.
    Periodical dry cough, excited by itching, grating, tickling in throat and behind sternum, in short bouts, especially by lying down, laughing or talking < at night, Coni. 3, 2h.
    Cough waking the patient after two hours sleep, Aral. racem. 3, 2h.
    Suffocative cough of children, waking them up in the middle of the night, Samb, gtt. i. 1h.
    Spasmodic choking cough in nervous subjects, Ambra 6, 2h.
    Whooping-cough, spasmodic, hysterical cough, “minute-gun cough,” Corall. r. 6, 2h.
    Cough from tickling in the larynx, with vomiting of food, Dros. 6, 2h.
    Dry, violent laryngeal cough, especially with constipation, Nit. ac. 30, 2h.
    Spasmodic cough with catarrh with retching, Ipec. 3, 2h.
    Incessant spasmodic cough threatening to tear the chest excited by peculiar tickling in fauces which is brought on by a sense of suffocation in the throat, Lactuca 3, 2h.
    Incessant dry irritative cough, excited by drawing the least cold air into the larynx, reading aloud or smoke, Menth. pip. 3, 2h.
    Spasmodic cough and dyspnoea in lymphatico-nervous constitutions cough < by day, Viola od. 1, 2h.
    Stomach cough tormenting dry cough, and insufferable tickling in throat, robbing the patient of rest cough in asthmatic subjects, Lobel. 3, 2h.
    Stomach cough < when the stomach is empty, Bism. 1, gr. iii. 3h.
    Spleen cough a spasmodic cough, which seems to come from the region of the spleen or cough with pain in spleen, Scil. acet.  gtt. v. 8h.
    Cough sympathetic of heart trouble spasmodic and asthmatic coughs, wheezing and whistling in trachea and bronchi soreness under sternum prevalent at all times but < night dry, harsh, rasping, hoarse, Pru. virg., gtt. v. 4h.
  • Cough according to circumstances.
    on entering a warm room, bry. 3, 2h.
    During and after eating, Calc. c. 6, 2h.
    During eating, Lach. 6, 2h.
    After eating, Nux v. 3, 2h.
    Caused by exertion, Bell. 3, 2h.
    excited by effort, ipec. 3, 2h
  • Cough causing other symptoms.
    Causes headache, Nat. m. 6, 2h in occiput, Sul. 6, 2h stunning headache, aethus. 3, 2h maddening, as if the skull would burst, Nux v. 3, 2h. pain in heart, Agar. 1, 2h. expulsion of urine, (1) Caust. 6, 2h. (2) Ferr. 6, 2h. (3) Puls. 3, 2h. involuntary emission of urine, with tearing pain, Alumina 6, 2h.
    Night cough with involuntary passing of urine, Colch. 3x, 2h.
    Spasmodic dry cough, causing tears to come in eyes, and passing of urine, Caps. 3, 2h.
    Irritating cough, causing taste of blood in mouth, Amm. c. 3x, 2h.
    Cough causing taste of blood in the mouth, Kali. bi. 30, 2h.
    Cough causing taste of blood in mouth cough arising from pit of stomach by paroxysms, but not in the night, Nit. ac. 30, 2h.
    Cough causing shattering in chest and and sensation of a lump in the chest, Sul. 3, 2h.
    Cough causing soreness of chest and throat, Ant. Sul. aur. 3, gr. v. 4h.
  • Peculiarities of coughs.
    Cold expectoration, Coral. 6, 4h.  sensation as if air-passages full of smoke, Brom. 6, 4h.  painful sensation as of something lodged in the chest to be coughed up, nothing comes up, and coughing aggravates, Abies n. 3x, 2h.
    In many chest troubles a teaspoonful of pure glycerine taken three times a day has a healing effect.
    In general, Cr. k. s. (chromium kali sulphuratum) 3x, gr. vi. – 3, 4h.
    This covers a large number of cases, and is equally valuable as protective if given before the season sets in.
    Violent sneezing with lachrymation, redness and swelling of eyelids, contractive stupefying headache, Sabad. 3x – 30, 4h. the same dilution to be snuffed up the nostrils, or a spray of Sabad. Ø one drachm to 3 ounces of water.
    Catarrhal symptoms < indoors, > in open air, All. c. 12, 1h.
    With fever and prostration, Arsen. 3, 6h.
    As a prophylactic, Ars. 3, 8h., for a week or two before the hay-season begins, and a week or two after.
    Constitutional, in psoric subjects, great sensitiveness to cold air, desire to lie down, Psorin. 30, 2 – 4h.
    Excessive sneezing, Gels. 3, 4h.
  • Epidemic, russian or siberian influenza
    As prophylactic, let all who are exposed to infection, or when epidemics are about, take Ars. 3, pil. iii. 8h.
    Another excellent prophylactic is Bacillinum 30 and Influenzinum 30, a dose of each taken together or as a combination remedy once a week during influenza epidemic.
    In general, Infl. 30, 2 – 4h.
    Aching in all limbs, headache, pains in eyes, foul tongue, fever, restlessness, with general soreness of body, heaviness and drowsiness, Bapt. 3x – 30, 1h.
    Chills in back, bone pains predominating, Eup. perf. 1 – 30, 1h.
    Violent throbbing, bursting headache bursting headache with cough, Glon. 3 – 30, 1h.
    Headache, sore throat, teasing, tickling cough, < on lying down, delirium, neuralgia, especially on right side of head and face, inflammation of the ears, Bell. 3 – 30, 1h.
    After Bell. or when suppuration occurs, Merc. sol. 6 – 30, 1h.
    Chills up and down spine, red face, weakness, relaxation, no thirst, Gels. 1 – 30, 1h.
    With low typhoid condition, Echin. Ø, 1 – 2h.
    Cough < by least movement, pain in head with cough pains in limbs or body, < by movement foul, wash-leather-like tongue thirst, Bry. 3x – 30, 1h.
    Cough, with blood-streaked expectoration, difficult to detach, cannot get breath pains worse in right side, Sang. 3x – 30, 1h.
    Teasing cough, worse at night thirst, restlessness, anguish, fear of death, rheumatic headache, Ars. 3 – 30, 1h.
    Fever, restlessness, fear of death pains in the region of heart, with pallor and faintness, fear of death, Acon. 3 – 30, 1h.
    (Acon. may be given at night intercurrently with other remedies, when there is nocturnal restlessness and sleeplessness.)
    Bronchitis, suspiciously like tuberculosis, Aviare 30, 1h.
    With herpetic or “diphtheritic” sore throat, Phytol. 1 – 30, 1 – 2h.
    Metastases of other symptoms to heart with pain and collapse, Camph. one drop of Rubini’s tincture or one pilule every 5 or 10 minutes.
    Sharp pain at heart, with palpitation and weakness, inability to lie on left side, Spigel. 1 – 30, 1/4h.
    Pleuritic pains, worse on coughing, cough causing pain in head tearing cough, heat in head, nightly per
    Weakness after influenza, (1) Psorin. 30, 4h. (2) China 3x – 30, 2h.
  • Sequelae of influenza.
    Chronic illnesses brought on by an attack of influenza, Tuberc k. 30 – 200, once or twice a week.
    Debility after influenza, Bapt. 1x, 4h.
    Debility with nervous symptoms of restlessness and insomnia, Scutel. Ø, gtt. v. 4h.
    Nervous debility, symptoms > by diversion of mind, Piper. methyst. Ø – 12, 2h.
    Nervousness, sleeplessness, weakness and despondency, Cyprep. 1, 2h.
    Loss of taste and smell. Mag. mur. 5, 2h.
  • Irritating, hacking cough, with restlessness, anxiety, and fever, Acon. 3x, every half-hour, and at longer intervals as improvement takes place.
    If within six hours there is no improvement, the following medicines are to be given :
    Barking cough, hoarseness, aphonia, Spong. 3, 1/2h.
    Thick, glutinous, stringy expectoration, yellowish, hard to get away, Kali bich. 3x – 3, 1/2h.
    when the cough has become loose, but hoarseness remains, hep. s. 6, 2h.
  • Oedema glottidis.
    Apis 3x, 1/2h.
  1. NOSE
  • Soreness of.
    Graphites 6, 8h. locally, Vaseline at bedtime.
    Suppurating nostrils, soreness, pustulation, Kali bich. 3x, gr. I. 4h
  1. OZENA
    (1) Cad. Sul., 3x, gr. ii. – 30, 8h. (2) Lutetium=syphilinum. 30- 200 at bed-time ; (3) Hydrastis 3, 4h. ; locally, spray of a solution of Muriate of Hydrastia, one grain to the ounce ; (4) Hippoz. 6, 4h.
    In strumous subjects, Iod. 3x, 4h.
    In strumous and syphilitic subjects, with or without caries, Aur. met. 6, 6h.
    In psoric subjects, Psor. 30, 4h.
    From overdosing with mercury, Nit. ac. 6, 4h.
    With discharge of thick plugs, Kali bich. 3x, gr. ii. – 30, 4h.
    [Spray of Condy’s fluid solution is sometimes useful to remove the odour.]
  • Of nose.
    (1) Thuja 30, 6h. locally, Thuja Ø, to be used as paint night and morning (2) Formica 3x, gtt. v. 8h. (3) Calc. c. 30, 6h., Thuja Ø locally (4) Kali nit. 5x, gr. x. h. s. s. (5) Kali bichr. 3x, gr. ii. 6h. locally, the polypi to be painted with a solution of Kali bichr. (gr. ii. – one ounce.) night and morning (6) Nit. ac. 6, 6h.  (7) Teucr. 1x, 6h. locally, Teucrium snuff, or paint with Teucr. Ø.
    When accompanied with asthmatic rose-cold symptoms, or sick headache, Sang. 3, 8h.
    Tightness at root of nose, tension in nose, offensive discharge, Cadm s. 3 – 30, 8h.
    Polypus bleeding easily by touch. green or yellow mucus from nose, Phos. 3, 8h.
    Chronic naso pharyngeal discharge, chilliness, debility, Psor. 30, 6h.
    Initial chill and fever, anxiety and restlessness, with pain and soreness in throat, Acon. 3, 1h.
    After Acon., if the local action is more pronounced, Baryta c. 6, 1h.
    Severe tonsillitis, pricking pains, Sil. 12x, gr. iv. 2h.
    Acute tonsillitis, right tonsil much swollen, dark red, constant aching pains, sharp stitches toward ear or swelling, Guaiac. 3x, 2h.
    With eruption of vesicles on mucous membrane, Phytol. 3, 1h. gargle of Phyt. Ø, gtt. x. to Oss.
    Commencing right side, spreading to left, Lyc. 6, 2h.
    Commencing left spreading to right side, Lach. 6, 2h.
    When suppuration is inevitable, Hep. s. 6, 1h.
    Septic tonsillitis, Gunp. 3x, gr. iv. 4h.
    [This may be alternated with Baryt. c. 6.]
    Dryness in trachea ; crawling in upper parts, as if something were there provoking cough ; hoarseness ; < in damp, cold weather, in the evening, and from speaking, Carb. v. 6, 2h.
    Adherent mucus high up in trachea, causing cough ; upper parts feels constricted ; tickling and itching in trachea, in the middle of sternum, causing cough, < on expiration, Nux v. 3, 2h.
    Tickling irritation in trachea, as if from feather-down ; cough provoked by this or by eating ; sensation as if something loose in trachea ; difficult loosening of phlegm, especially at episternal notch ; wheezing in trachea ; sensation as if a lump of phlegm moving up and down trachea, Calc. c. 6, 2h.
    Dryness and burning in larynx and trachea ; irritation at bifurcation of trachea, formation of mucus there which is difficult to expel, Ars. 3, 2h.
    Rawness of larynx and trachea with frequent hacking cough and hawking ; irritability of lower part of trachea with suffocative pressing ; coughing up of much purulent phlegm, constant tickling-scratching sensation at bifurcation of trachea, Phos. 3, 2h.
    In the morning, tough mucus in lower part of trachea, which cannot be dislodged by hawking or coughing ; after hawking and coughing trachea is raw and sore ; finally the mucus loosens itself and he must hawk constantly, Cann. sat. 3, 2h.
    Irritation to cough in trachea, as from mucus ; sore sensation low down in trachea after every cough ; expectoration of yellow mucus from trachea, of foul taste or sweet, Stan. 6, 4h.
    Constant irritation in trachea ; deep down ; cough dry and spasmodic ; or with copious mucus ; < at night, Sul. 3, 2h.
    Rawness and soreness in the morning after rising, with dry cough, Carb. a. 6, 2h.
    Pain in trachea, < by smoking or talking soreness after coughing ; sensation of vapor in trachea ; < on going into warm out of cold air, Bry. 3, 2h.
    Crawling and tickling in larynx and trachea after lying down in the evening tickling in trachea causing violent sneezing, Caps. 3, 2h.
    Pain in larynx and trachea extending to middle of sternum as if raw and sore, cough very violent, Osmium 3, 2h.
    Expectoration of mucus from trachea immediately after eating, Sil. 6, 2h.
  3. THROAT.
  • Mucus in.
    Increased secretion of mucus and hawking dropping from posterior nares rawness and soreness, Hydrast. 3, 4h.
    Dropping of mucus down back of throat in psoric, chilly subjects, Psor. 30, 4h.
    Constant hawking and sensation as of a lump in the throat thick mucus, Alumina 6, 4h.
    Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat, obliging to hawk in the morning, Arg. n. 6, 4h.
    Tough mucus in the throat, as though a lump was there which cannot be swallowed, Carb. v. 6, 4h.
    Constant hawking and clearing of the throat mucus grey and salty or sour, acrid, or rancid, Phos. 3, 4h.
    Hawking of blood accumulation of mucus on waking from sleep, Sul. 3, 4h.
    Spitting of frothy saliva streaked with blood, Canth. 3, 4h.
    Hawking of bloody mucus yellow, purulent granular, Lyc. 6, 4h.
    Violent hawking up of thick mucus, which continually collects again, Nat. c. 6, 4h.
    hawking of mucus with dryness in the throat, after a nap in the daytime, lach. 6, 4h.
  • Sore, acute, (acute inflammation or catarrh of the mucous membrane of the throat).
    Simple, from cold, accompanied with fever, Aco. 3, 1h.
    Dryness and burning, bright red swelling, feeling of constriction, difficulty in swallowing, face flushed and hot erysipelatous sore throat, Bell. 3, 1h.
    Bluish, dark livid, Gymnoclad. 3, 1h.
    Subacute, pale, or bluish, red swelling, Merc. v. 6, 2h.
    Dark red, larynx involved, Naja 6, 1h.
    Much oedema of mucous membrane appearance as if stung with a bee swallowing painful or difficult inability to swallow a single drop, Apis 3x, 1h.
    Rawness difficulty in swallowing, Iod. 3x, 2h.
    Constant secretion of mucus in the throat, difficult to discharge and causing retching mucus descends from the back of the nose to the throat sore throat with difficulty in swallowing and frequent empty swallowing sore throat with pain on swallowing saliva, Merc. i. fl. 6, 2h.
    Tenacious mucus in throat sensation as of a hair in the throat, Kali bich. 3x, 2h.
    Dark red, swollen mucous membrane, great soreness and difficulty of swallowing pustular spots (herpes of the pharynx), swelling and tenderness of glands externally at the angle of the jaw, Phytolacca, 3, 1h.
    Locally, Phyt. Ø (gtt. xx. to the tumbler of water), to be used every two hours as a gargle.
    Septic sore throat – (1) Gunp. 3x, gr. iv. 2h. (2) Ecchin. Ø, 2h (3) Pyro. 6, 2h.
    Gangrenous of phagedenic sore throat, Merc. cy. 6, 1h. locally, Phytolacca gargle every hour.
    For inflammation of the tonsils see Quinsy.
    [Medicines recommended below under chronic sore throat are equally applicable to acute, if the particular indications correspond.]
  • Sore, chronic, (Chronic Inflammation or Catarrh of the Mucous Membrane of the Throat, or Relaxed Throat with Clergyman’s Sore Throat, or Follicular or Granular Sore Throat).
    -Rawness, soreness, and swelling dropping of mucus from back of nose, Eustachian tubes involved granular sore throat, Hydrast. 3, 4h.
    -Chronic relaxed condition of throat general debility especially if tonsils are chronically enlarged, Calc. phos. 3, gr. v. 4h.
    -Burning pain dark red swelling ulceration difficult and painful swallowing, even of fluids spasm of the glottis on attempting to swallow swelling of glands, Merc. cor. 3, 4h.
    -Mucous membrane dry, glazed, and red, with cough, Alumina 6, 4h.
    -Chronic catarrh common chronic ulcer syphilitic sore throat tenacious mucus sensation as of a hair in the throat, Kali bichr. 3x, gr. ii. 4h.
    -Dryness, burning, sensation of constriction, difficult swallowing, burning thirst, Ars. 3, 4h.
    -Scraping sensation, with deep, hoarse voice, Brom. 3x, 4h.
    -Smarting pain in the throat when swallowing, though most on empty swallowing, Baryta carb. 6, 4h.
    -Pain in the upper parts of fauces between the acts of deglutition, as if the parts were sore and being spasmodically drawn together as in waterbrash burning with constriction spasmodic contraction of throat ; difficult swallowing, Caps. 3, 4h.
    Nervous sore throat ; sore pain on swallowing ; feeling of “lump” in the throat ; throat symptoms < when not swallowing, and when swallowing liquids ;> when swallowing food, Ign. 2, 2h.
    Nervous sore throat, when the aching is out of proportion to the inflammation ; chronic irritation of the throat, always uneasy, choking, hawking, coughing ; dry spot or general dryness on waking ; sensation of a “lump,” or of two lumps, closing in the throat, on empty swallowing ; pain or difficulty swallowing, not on swallowing food, Lach. 6, 1h.
    Clergyman’s sore throat from over-exertion of the voice, Arn. 3, 4h.
    Granular sore throat, especially in persons with tendency to piles, mucous membrane dark red, Aesc. h. 1, 4h.
    Chronic granular sore throat, Phyt. 1x – 3, 4h.
    [Medicines recommended above under acute sore throat, are equally applicable to chronic, if the particular indications correspond.]
  • Acute inflammation of.
    refer to quinsy
  • Chronic enlargement of.
    Scrofulous subjects, pain on swallowing, feeling of plug in throat,.
    (1) Baryt. mur. 5 – 30, 8h. [A dose of Bacil. 100, gl. v. once a week is often of great assistance in these cases.]
    (2) Baryt. c. 6, 6h.
    Chronic suppuration, Gunp. 3x, gr. iv. 4h.
    Pale large swelling, Calc. phos. 3, gr. v. 6h.
    Pale swelling,urine dark- coloured and strong-smelling, Benz. ac. 1x, Tab. ii., 8h.
  1. VOICE
  • Loss or weakness of.
    From over exertion, Arn. 3, 2h.
    From simple catarrh, Caust. 3, 2h.
    Hysterical, Ignat. 3, 2h. locally, galvanism.
    Loss of voice at menstrual periods, Gels. 3, 2h.
    Loss of voice every time the patient is exposed to heat, Ant. crud.
    Paralysis of vocal muscles, Oxal. ac. 3, 4h.
    With general weakness, wasting, Iod. 3x, 4h.
    Chronic hoarseness, Baryt. c. 6 – 30, 4h.
    Laryngeal phthisis see under laryngitis: chronic
    Prevention :
    When whooping-cough breaks out in a family, all those members who have not had it should take Dros. 6, night and morning, [In giving medicine for whooping-cough it is a good plan to give a dose after each coughing fit.]
    To begin with, Coqueluchinum. 30, 4h. (the pertussis nosode)
    This will cut short a large proportion of cases.
    It may be given alone or in alternation with some other well-indicated remedy.
    When the stage of catarrh has set in, with teasing cough, Aco. 3, 2h.
    Spasmodic fits of coughing, Ipec. 3, 2h.
    Convulsive cough, with much eructation and hoarseness ; deep cough with flow of water into the mouth ; tough expectoration, Ambra 6, 2h.
    Spells of hacking cough, followed by vomiting if the mucus does not come up, < after midnight, Dros. 6, a dose after each paroxysm of the coughing.
    Vomiting of thick, viscid mucus ; frequent passage of much pale urine with tenesmus, Cocc. c. 3, 2h.
    When the child begins to cry as soon as it feels the cough coming on ; rupture of blood-vessels of the eye ; bleeding from the nose or spitting of blood, Arn. 6, 2h.
    Cries after coughing, Caps. 3, 4h.
    With puffiness of upper eyelids, Kali c. 6, 2h.
    Where there is sublingual ulcer, Nit. ac. 6, 2h.
    Spasm very severe, convulsions threatening, Hydrocy. ac. 3x, 2h.
    Spasms, cramps, or convulsions, Cupr. met. 6, 1 – 2h.
    When there are symptoms of oppression of the brain between the convulsions, Op. 3, 1h.
    Convulsions and oppression of the brain in full-blooded children ; cries before the cough, Bell. 3, 1h.
    When capillary bronchitis occurs, rattling on the chest, prostration, perspiration ; cough brought on by fit of anger, Ant. t. 6, 1h.
    Spasmodic cough, rattling on the chest, child cannot bear the least draught, Hep. 6, 2h.


  • = minute.
  • = hourly repetition
  • = one rising.
  • s.s. = at bed-time.
  • = globule.
  • = drop.
  • = grain.
  • Ø = mother tincture
  • 1,2,3 = centesimal scale
  • 1x,2x,3x = decimal scale
  • < = worse, or aggravation.
  • >= better, or amelioration.


  • Shashi Kant Tiwari. Essentials of Repertorization. Fourth edition. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.2005; New Delhi.
  • J. H. Clarke. The Prescriber. Third edition. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.2006; New Delhi.

Dr Meera P Ambaliya
PG Scholar, Part II, Department of Case taking and Repertory
Baroda homoeopathic medical college, Vadodara, Gujrat.

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