Book review by Dr Mansoor AliÂ
Full Name : Manual of psychiatry for Homoeopathic students & Practioners.
Author : J.P.S.Bakshi
Classification : Logical utilitarian / Clinical repertories
Price : Rs.350.
Pages : 575 Size : 22×14 cm
Published by : Cosmic healers (p) Ltd New Delhi
1st Edition : 1998
Grading : 3 First Grade : Capital bold
Second Grade : Bold italics
Third Grade : Plain type
Number of chapters ” 14 ( Excluding Repertory part )
Addition from 151 authors
Total number of Medicines : 1124
Consulted works :
14 Computer programmes
13 Books on Psychiatry & Medicine
15 Repertories
04 Materia medica
18 Books on alternative therapy
04 Dictionaries
Glossary : Having 863 words related to Psychiatry explained.
Aim of the book
To correctly understand the various psychiatric illness with aetiology, C/F, prognosis, conventional treatment which are comprehensively correlating with the rubrics.
Content of the book
Introduction to Psychiatry
Case taking in Psychiatry
Classification in Psychiatry
Personality disorders
Anxiety, OCN & dissociative disorders
Mood disorders
Paranoid disorder
Delirium & Dementia
Child psychiatry
Sexual disorders
Sleep disorders
Behavioral syndrome
Psychological factors
Psychiatric emergencies
Homoeopathic Rep.references
List of remedies
List of sources & authors.
This book will serve the following purposes
Total understanding of human psychology & psychiatric disease in simple language
Selection of proper rubrics to work out various cases  of psychiatric diseases.
Workable repertory section for finding the true similimum.
Repertory covers extensive list of rubrics & medicines with additions from 151 authors
Proper understanding of each rubric of mind section of our classical repertories _ Kent, Kunzhili, Synthesis, knerr etc.
Knowledge about conventional treatment of psychiatric ailments
Practical hints on various alternative therapies like color therapy, art therapy, music therapy, behaviour therapy etc.
Tips on counseling.
Mode of presentation
Each disorder with definition,epidemiology,aeitiology,C/F prognosis/D, managment,self treatment, psychological treatment, repertorial references and special investigations.
The book
Having 2 parts
Psychiatric disorders with C/F ,management & reportorial references
Homoeopathic reportorial references in general
Rubrics are arranged in alphabetical order
Some rare remedies represented
Abel moschus Adax ukah Amni liquor
BCG Choclate Co- Enzyme A
Flor-de-piedra Follicullinum   Holly
Itu Granite Levo me pramazine
Mate Pitutaria glandula ant & posterier
Rajania subrasamrata Sinusitunum
Star of bethlehem         Tub.marmoreck
Vaccinia attnubile
Various preparations of Merc & Zinc.
Some special rubrics
Adulterous Anorexia mentalis Borrows trouble
Coquettish Dress Eloquent
Extroverted Exuberance Moral perversions
Retarded children Schizophrenia Singing
Delusion & fear are explained in detail.
Rubrics with medicines from 151 authors
New remedies & rubrics
Bibliographies & references are given separately which add authenticity
Nosodes, Sarcodes, Bowel nosodes, Bach flower remedies are well represented
Gives a complete idea about various psychiatric disorders with their management including case taking in psychiatry
Highly  helpful for selecting the rubrics to work out a particular case.
Easy to read & understand, even a lay man can understand
Chapter child psychiatry is highly useful
Hard bound cover with quality paper & neat printing.
De -merits
Repertory part is poor compared to other classical repertories
No cross references
Whole array of psychiatric disorders are not mentioned
Arrangements of chapters in repertory part is different from other classical repertories.
5.cured cases or practical applications are lacking.
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