The Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) Course will enable health professions faculty to gain deeper insights into student learning process and develop advanced levels of competence for their roles as educators, educational leaders, researchers and scholars in health professions education.
This competency-based program, will build the education-related competencies of health professional faculty integrating all required skills, knowledge and attitude.
The fundamental premise of this in-service program is workplace learning because much of the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to Masters-level training is based in the work that health professions faculty perform every day as they educate their learners in clinical, hospital and classroom settings.
Duration :
Two Academic Years (4 terms of 6 month each including a research dissertation) * * Registration valid till 5 years. Extension will be subject to payment of delay fee.
Intake: 20 per year
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates seeking admission should
- Have a postgraduate qualification or above in medical or other Health Science faculty (M.D., M.S.) OR MSc / PhD in Life Sciences with 5 years experience in teaching/ research in the field of HPE (desirable to have publications in the relevant field of HPE research)
- Have completed a project based Advanced course (MUHS, NTTC, MCI) or FAIMER Fellowship.
- Have minimum 3 years teaching experience
- Be a full –time teacher
The duly filled form along with application fees of Rs.1000/- drawn in favour of “Registrar, MUHS, Nashik” should be sent to the Institute of Medical Education Technology & Teachers’ Training, MUHS, Pune Regional Centre, 3rd Floor, Civil Hospital Building, Aundh, Pune -27
for further processing. The envelope should be superscripted with “MASTER OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION COURSE Application Form”
The LAST DATE for submission of completed applications is 13th July, 2015.
Link :
Institute of Medical Education Technology and Teachers’ Training
MUHS Regional Centre,3rd Floor, Civil Hospital Building,
Aundh, Pune – 411027
Phone: 91-2027280454
Fax: 91-2027280454
E mail:
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