Materia medica of nosodes with repertory treatise on dynamise micro immunotherapy

Materia medica of nosodes with repertory treatise on dynamise micro immunotherapy 

Book review by Dr Bhagyasree B  MD(Hom)
Medical Officer, Department of Homoeopathy, Govt. of Kerala 

Author : Dr. Othon A. Julian [18.06.1910 – 14.03.1984].
Compiled by: Dr. Ratnakar V. Patwardhan.
First published in India: 1980.
Translation from French to English: Dr. Rajkumar Mukherjee MA, DHMS 

The book has three parts:
The First Part Of The Book Discusses The History And Concepts Of 

Treating Disease With Nosodes.isopathic concretology 

The Second Part Is The Materia Medica Of 66 Nosodes. The Third Part Is A Repertory 

Part I : Isopathic Concretology
Part II: There is the Materia Medica of Biotherapic Nosodes (EX- NOSODES)– containing therapeutic hints of 66 nosodes. 

Every nosode is discussed under the heading of —- Bibliography.History.Stock. Clinical Cortico – Visceral Protocol or Clinical Pathogenesis. Positive Diagnosis.Differential Diagnosis.Posology.Clinical Diagnosis. Commentary. 

Part III: Repertory Index 

Dr. Ratnakar and his team had attempted to pick out key-words from the ‘Materia Medica of Nosodes’ of Dr. Othon A. Julian; arranged them alphabetically like rubrics, and under them group all the nosodes. 

The ‘key-words’ signifies all the words which individually or in a group or in a sentence, constitute meaningful homœopathic information for a prescriber. 

Although this book is structurally similar to a repertory, it does not really constitute a repertory. Dr. Ratnakar said it is a ‘Word Index of Nosodes’. 

It contains 35 nosodes
Only the available drugs have been included 

Medicines which are not available now-a-days, have been dropped [e.g. Marmorek, Flavus etc.] 

Here, medicines are not graded 


Here key words arrange them alphabetically like rubrics.under them group of all remedies in which the words have occurred in the material medica. 

Keywords = rubrics.
Rubrics are arranged alphabetically starting from ‘Abdomen’ and ending in 

Zoster (Herpes) Zosterian’. 

Cross-references are given where needed. 

It is a word index. 

Dr. Ratnakar named the rubric as ‘Card’. 

Eg:Suppose a patient reports “she has a brownish discharge before menses with blood”.she further reported that her menstrual discharge is clotted in nature. 

Available rubrics in word index are 1.menstruation/menses 2.Brown/brownish 3.Before   4.Blood/bloody 5.discharge 

The common medicines arrived at are Prot.,Psor and Tub from O.A JULIAN’S Materia Medica of nosodes. 

Second symptom-Menses with clots.
We have already looked up menses in the analysis above. Only CLOTS/COAGULA rubrics remains to be looked in to Clots/coagula-Prot.
then refer original work of materia medica
Some diagnostic terms like furuncles of the ano-vulvar region
thoracic pannicullitis
sciatica Similar words put together-Noise/noisy 

JULIAN used some unfamiliar expressions eg;fissures of joints of lips for cracks in the corners of the mouth 

Original book does not contain word vein.
Phlebitis is grouped under vein in this work by Rathnakar
A CARD called TIME.All medicines with time modalities listed under this 

The rubric ‘Painful’ or ‘Pain’ contains very few medicines. It contains only those, which have very specific pain. All words qualifying pain have been included in their respective alphabetical order 

The language in O.A Julian’s book is strange 

eg :original expression hygrometric and meterological is added to index word Weather/season 

retro auricular-behinh ear Pollakuria-frequent urination Cystalgia-bladder pain 

Pre buccal herpes-eruption around mouth
– this used to accommodate patients symptoms like-Non  responsive sleep.
In this repertory, some medicines having the same actions and more or less and the same sources have been grouped together under one name. These are —PUTRESCINUM and PYROGENIUM have been grouped under PYROGEN 



OURLIANUM [nosode prepared from the saliva of the patient suffering from Mumps] has been grouped with PAROTIDINUM. 

Some terminologies, used in O. A. Julian’s book of nosodes, not exactly found in the dictionaries, have been changed to modern terminologies. E.g. 

‘Hypdrolipopexia’ has been changed into lipopexia [accumulation of fat in tissue]. 

Dysthermia / Disthermia , was not found in the dictionaries and so discarded 

List of remedies with abbreviations 

ADVANTAGES of Julian’s repertory:
It is an alphabetical repertory; thus, making the search for rubrics easy. 

2.The book contains 35 nosodes in the Repertory part, and in the Materia Medica part there are 66 medicines. Thus for the final selection of the remedy, one need not consult some other Materia Medica. 

The nosodes included are enriched with authentic sources; viz. Bibliography. 

History. Stock.Clinical Cortico – Visceral Protocol or Clinical Pathogenesis. Positive Diagnosis.
Differential Diagnosis.Posology.Clinical Diagnosis. Commentary. 

DISADVANTAGES of Julian’s repertory:
Only 35 medicines have been included in the repertory part. There are no gradations of the medicines.
There are no particular rubrics. It only contains general rubrics.

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