MCQs and Self-assessment based on Harrison’s Internal Medicine

In any competitive examinations in medicine…more than 90% questions are from Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine

This book consists of multiple-choice questions that (1) are representative of the major areas covered in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th ed., and (2) parallel the format and degree of difficulty of the questions on the examination of the ABIM.

Questions have been appropriately updated and chosen to reflect important recent developments in internal medicine, such as the increasing contributions of molecular biology to the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of many disorders.

This edition represents a reorganized version in which the sections correspond to those in the parent textbook. Many questions have been revised. Except-type questions have been eliminated to reflect the changing ABIM certification examination format.

New sections in general medicine, pharmacology, nutrition, and genetics have been added. Each question is accompanied by an answer, a paragraph-length explanation, and a reference to a specific chapter in Harrison’s. In some cases references to more specialized textbooks and current journal articles are also given. A list of normal values used in the laboratory studies in this book can be found in the Appendix.

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine: PreTest Self- Assessment and Review has been designed to provide physicians with a comprehensive, relevant, and convenient instrument for self-evaluation and review within the broad area of internal medicine. Although it should be particularly helpful for residents preparing for the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) certification examination and for board-certified internists preparing for recertification, it should also be useful for internists, family practitioners, and other practicing physicians who are simply interested in maintaining a high level of competence in internal medicine.

Study of this self-assessment and review book should help to (1) identify areas of relative weakness; (2) confirm areas of expertise; (3) assess knowledge of the sciences fundamental to internal medicine; (4) assess clinical judgment and problem-solving skills; and (5) introduce recent developments in general internal medicine.

This book is a teaching device that provides readers with the opportunity to evaluate and update their clinical expertise, their ability to interpret data, and their ability to diagnose and solve clinical problems.

Download the book : Harrison-Self Assessment and Board Review (409 pages)


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