MD Homoeopathy Pharmacy Question Bank


Question Bank for  Postgraduate Courses  in Homoeopathy Pharmacy prepared for RGUHS Karnataka

Section I  – Philosophy

Long Essay:     (20 marks)

  1. Describe the evolution of cardinal principles of Homoeopathy.
  2. Justify the concept of the use of External Applications in Homoeopathy.
  3. What are the Do’s and Don’ts in case of administration of Remedy?
  4.  Compare Hahnemann’s logic on potentisation with that of the modern science.

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Write about any one modern concept of potentisation.
  2. Give Dunham’s guidelines for dose selection in Drug Proving.
  3. Write down Stuart Close’s view point on Susceptibility and Posology.

Knowledge of drug substance

Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. Describe the taxonomical and pharmacological classification of Homoeopathic drugs.
  2. Write an essay on the constituents of Drugs. How these constituents can influence the action of drugs?
  3. Write about the depth, intensity and miasmatic action of Staphysagria.
  4. Write about the depth, intensity and miasmatic action of Lycopodium.

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Toxicological action of  Aconitum napellus
  2. Collection of Cantharis
  3. Preparation of Calcarea carb
  4. Chemical constituents of Stramonium


Section II – Drug standardisation

Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. Explain the basic procedure of Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC).
  2. Describe the importance of chemical tests in the identification of Mother Tinctures. State the chemical tests for at least three mother tinctures.
  3. What are the methods of estimating moisture content in a drug substance?

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Determination of Weight per Millilitre.
  2. Use of UV spectro-photometer in the identification of Homoeopathic Medicines.
  3. Determination of alcohol content in a mother tincture
  4. Describe Bio-assay.

Drug proving

Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. Write in detail about the dose of drug (proving substance) in drug proving, as described by Hahnemann and that accepted by the CCRH.
  2. Describe the duties of a prover during drug proving
  3. How will you record the symptoms in drug proving

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Write a short note on complete proving of a drug
  2. What are the guidelines of proving a second drug on the same prover?
  3. Write a note on the publication of authentic materia medica and Repertory.


Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. Write in detail about indications and contra-indications for high potency.
  2. Discuss in detail the basic concepts in determining the dose and repetition of Homoeopathic medicines.
  3. What are the variables in determining the dose of a drug?

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Write a short note on minimum dose.

Industrial pharmacy

Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. What are minimum requirements for Homoeopathic Pharmaceuticals specified in Indian Laws?
  2. Explain the standard operating procedures for manufacturing and standardisation of Lactose.
  3. Explain the standard operating procedures for manufacturing and standardisation of Globules.
  4. Explain the standard operating procedures for manufacturing and standardisation of Tablets.
  5. Classify Solid Dosage Forms and explain each of them.
  6. Classify liquid Dosage Forms and explain each of them.
  7. Classify Semi-Solid Dosage Forms and explain each of them.
  8. Give an account of packaging of Homoeopathic pharmaceuticals.
  9. What are the different extraction methods? Enumerate the merits and demerits of Homoeopathic extraction process.
  10. Discuss the functions of production planning and control in homoeopathic pharmaceuticals. Explain the procedures with application.
  11. Define the terms ‘sales’, ‘promotion’ and ‘advertisement’. Describe their functions in marketing of homoeopathic pharmaceuticals.

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Explain the term ‘pharmaco kinetics’ in context of homoeopathy and modern science.
  2. Outline the human resource distribution in a homoeopathic pharmaceuticals company.
  3. Write down the details required for the preparation of batch production and control records.


Section I – Experimental pharmacology

Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. What are the important behavioural and pharmacological models currently available for the evaluation of learning and memory process? What is your opinion about utility of these in testing homoeopathic medicines?
  2. Describe an experiment to the study CNS depressant property of a drug using an activity cage. State the possible utility of this experiment in studying homoeopathic medicines.
  3. What are ethical requirements for animal experimentation?
  4. What are the effects of Psycho active drugs on consciousness? Explain with reference to Alcohol, Caffeine and Tobacco. What is the scope of Homoeopathy in dealing with the addition of these substances?
  5. Discuss the different animal models used in experimental pharmacology.

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Social interaction test.
  2. General screening method of Hypnotic drugs.
  3. Physiologic salt solutions
  4. Animal house facility


Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. Explain the HPI with respect to changes in each volume
  2. Write in detail about the arrangement of monographs in under each class of sources of drugs.
  3. What are the methods adopted by GHP for the preparation of Homoeopathic medicines?

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. Describe the history and development of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia with special emphasis to HPI.
  2. Finished product standards recommended by HPI and their importance.
  3. What are anomalies of HPI
  4. Write down the degree of coarseness or fineness of a powder and various sieves as specified in HPI.
  5. Describe about the method of preparation of Nosodes as recommended by HPI.
  6. What are the special features of Homoeopathic pharmacopoeia of France?


Section II – Legislation

Long Essay:(20 marks)

  1. Define the terms ‘Drugs’, ‘Cosmetics’, ‘Manufacture’, ‘Patent and Proprietary medicine’, ‘Spurious drugs’, ‘Misbranded cosmetics’ and ‘Standards of Quality’.
  2. Write down the general procedure for obtaining a Licence for manufacturing of homoeopathic drugs.
  3. Write down the general procedure for obtaining a Licence for sale of homoeopathic drugs.
  4. How far have the provisions of the Narcotic and Psychotropic substance Act been instrumental in saving people from addiction to Narcotic drugs and Psychotic substances?
  5. Discuss the provisions relating to manufacture of Homoeopathic preparations containing Alcohol.

Short Essay:(10 marks)

  1. How does the manufacture of alcoholic preparations ‘Outside bond’ differ from that ‘Inside bond’? Discuss the merits and demerits of each.
  2. Define the ‘Magic Remedies’. What types and classes of advertisements are exempted under the act?

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