Websites on Medical & Homeopathic Research
Compied by Dr Mansoor AliÂ
Please send your favourite medical website links …the websites you often visit …..which you think will help other doctors also…many of our fellow doctors are unaware of such websites…
Scientific Research in Homeopathy
204 human studies published in 86 peer-reviewed international medical journals out of which 96+ are FULL TEXT out of which 94 are PDF which can be downloaded at
Pdf Scientific Framework of Homoeopathy
NHS Evidence – complementary and alternative medicine collection
International Journal of high dilution research
A good website for medical researchers & professionals
G*Power 2 performs high-precision statistical power analyses for the most common statistical tests in research
HyperStat Online Statistics Textbook
The Clinical Trials Registry- India
Hosted at the ICMR’s National Institute of Medical Statistics (NIMS), is a free and online public record system for registration of clinical trials being conducted in India.
Biomed Central
BioMed Central is an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate open access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.All original research articles published by BioMed Central are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. BioMed Central views open access to research as essential in order to ensure the rapid and efficient communication of research findings. Registration is valid for all BioMed Central journals and is completely free.You can even start a new journal of your own. BioMed Central has developed the technology for groups of researchers, whether informal groups or formal societies, to start open access journals under their own editorial control
PubMed Central
Is a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), developed and managed by NIH’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM). With PubMed Central, NLM is taking the lead in preserving and maintaining unrestricted access to the electronic literature, just as it has done for decades with the printed biomedical literature.
Health and Life Sciences is the subject group of Intute that provides the very best web resources for education and research for Medicine,Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health,Agriculture, Food and Forestry,Veterinary Medicine, Bioresearc,Natural history. Intute is a free online service providing you with a database of hand selected Web resources for education and research.
Indian Medlars Centre
Prime content of this site consists of Indexing Data [Metadata] of articles published in Indian Biomedical Journals. Other content includes a compilation from other resources with suitable references. The site is maintained by a Group of Library and Information Professionals. A Bibliographic database of Indian biomedical journals ,A database containing journal holdings of major medical libraries of India.
The National Library of Medicine
This extensive library collects materials and provides information and research services in all areas of biomedicine and health care.Is a part of the National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NLM has nearly 12 million books, journals, manuscripts, audiovisuals, and other forms of medical information on its shelves, making it the largest health-science library in the world.Plus vast online holdings is PubMed Central. The network consists of 5,600 member institutions, including eight Regional Medical Libraries that receive NLM support, 125 resource libraries connected to medical schools, and more than 5,000 libraries located primarily in hospitals and clinics. Grant Programs: The Extramural Programs Division provides grants to support research in medical informatics, health information science and biotechnology information, as well as for research training in these areas.
Health Care Research Report
Provides e-publishing solutions – health care research, international health care research report, analysis global health care services, market research solutions, India global food market research analysis, research and analytical tools India, market research company in India, outsourcing research and consultancy in India.
MyNetResearch is a worldwide online network of academic and corporate researchers with over a thousand knowledge specializations. Purpose is to assist you in maximizing your research productivity through global collaborations.
CAM Database
Covers about 80,000 bibliographical records from more than 30 journals on complementary medicine most of them not listed in MEDLINE. User friendly, can type in his request as a naturally spoken phrase
Cochrane collaboration CM Field
Abstract of reviews can be read
Ways to find medical information on the Internet
Med Ind- Biomedical Journals from India
One point resource of peer reviewed Indian biomedical literature covering full text of IndMED journals. It has been designed to provide quick and easy access through searching or browsing.
A database adressing “Basic Research on Homeopathy” contains research on effects of homeopathic preparations in bioassays and physico-chemical effects of the
preparation process (potentization).It contained more than 1190 experiments in more than 900 original articles, including 1014 biological studies.
Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication
Referencing methods at US NLM’s Citing Medicine site
University Grants Commission
Systematics and homeopathy
Web database for the systematics of remedies and provings. More than 2000 remedies in their scientific systems and taxonomy with latin, english, german and customary homeopathic names. More than 700 provings listed, old and new ones (e.g. all provings of Hahnemann directly linked).
Database on plants and fungi used in homeopathy
A database on plants and fungi used in homeopathy on the website of the Natural History Museum in London, United Kingdom. It contains details of hundreds of plants and fungi as well as lichens, brown and red algae. The database reconciles the old homeopathic codes with the current botanical code. The information is based on long established remedies in the Homeopathic Materiae Medicae that are now revised and updated and the online access means it can be maintained and updated easily in line with current concepts of botanical nomenclature.
Central Council for Research in Homeopathy
Conducting extensive research on various aspects of homeopathy
Interdisciplinary Research based website of Dr. Mahendra H. Gaushal
Tantalus Online: Interfacing Homeopathy & Biolumanetics
Digital Biology (Benveniste’s Research Site – Interesting scientific theories)
Society for the Establishment of Research in Classical Homeopathy
Homeopathy: Scientific Proofs of its Efficacy
Vaccination Alternatives Using Homeopathy Links @ Holisticmed.Com
James Randi : James Randi critically explains homoeopathy
High Dilutions : In this work, the authors springing from different scientific disciplines set down in common their knowledge and experiences to provide one explicit model of the nature and of the working of “High Dilutions” in Homoeopathy. This discovery has a lot of applications among which the modeling of Hahnemann’s work is not the least.
Te research evidence in homeopathy at faculty of homeopathy
James Lind Institute
Provides training and clinical research site setup support to physicians who would like to upgrade their medical practice into well trained and equipped clinical research sites.
Homeopathic Provings
School of Homeopathy
It is part of the School’s UK program that students take part in the proving of a new remedy. Participation in this process provides invaluable insights into the philosophy of healing as well as the action of homeopathic remedies. The results of these provings are made freely available to anyone, along with details of other provings undertaken by some of the School’s faculty.
The Dynamis School
This site houses Jeremy Sherr’s Dynamis School provings.
The Homœopathic Information Service
The complete provings of a number of New Remedies including: AIDS Nosode, Falcon, Heroin and Positronium and many others.
HMC Provings
Some of the latest provings are available from here from Luminos Homeopathic Courses Ltd. Check out hummingbird, brown recluse spider, argentum sulphuricum and many others.
Informationen zur Homöopathie
This page provides access to a comprehensive list of new provings and their links.
SciVerse Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources.
It worked for me – homeopathy for IBS
Homeopathic and conventional treatment for acute respiratory and ear complaints: A comparative study on outcome in the primary care setting
James Randi : James Randi critically explains homoeopathy
but why this is involved in this ????
would appreciate your valued advice on whether Homoeopathy can help.
am 52, have cataracts and diplopia in both etes, as well as palmo-plantar eczema. all of many years standing.
your kind cooperation is requested for and will be most appreciated.
best regards,
This case require detailed case taking… definitely get result …consult a qualified a homeopthay doctor in ur area