PowerPoint Presentations & Lectures on Research
for All Medical Professionals

Compiled by Dr Mansoor Ali
An appeal
: If any of you have PowerPoint presentations please mail to homoeobook@gmail.com.
Broken links if any please report.

Tips for a better PG dissertationDr Mansoor Ali

How to conduct a literature review with the help of free online toolsDr Mansoor Ali

REFERENCES ‘Vancouver StyleDr Kirtida desai

Sampling techniques – Dr Meenu Priya A

Sampling fundamentals and designs – Dr Meenu Priya

DRUG PROVING CCRH Dr. Berly Bernnabas

A study to compare the efficacy of eschscholzia californica mt and passiflora incarnata mt in insomnia   Dr. Berly Bernnabas

A retrospective study of homoeopathic treatment in patients with heel pain with or without calcaneal spur Dr. Berly Bernnabas

The role of homoeopathic treatment in women suffering from post-caesarean backache: An open observational clinical trial Dr. Berly Bernnabas

Lycopodium clavatum for the management of urolithiasis: A randomised double blind placebo controlled trial  Dr. Berly Bernnabas

Comparison of the efficacy of ibuprofen and belladonna in the control of orthodontic separator pain Dr. Berly Bernnabas

Efficacy of homeopathic medicines in controlling stress Dr. Berly Bernnabas

Updated Covid 19 research Dr. Rajeswari KR

Assessment of the effectiveness of homoeopathic remedies in improving quality of life of chronic urticaria patients in a typical clinical setting Dr. Berly Bernnabas

An experimental study to find out the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicines for normalizing the thrombocyte count among patients with dengue fever – Dr Arun Krishnan Dr Sreenath Dr Suveena Dr Shiman

Synopsis Dr Ashish Kumar jah

Clinical Observation of Arsenic Album 200C adjuvant with Chemotherapy during cancer treatments Dr Ravi 

Ayush Dissertation  University Requirements, Assessment Process & OutcomeDr.P.K.Sudhir

Correlation and regression analysisVipin Xavier,Dr. Sheela Shenoy,Dr. Sreekumar. K

Designs & Methodology in Research -Dr Biju George

Ethics and plagiarism in research – Dr Ajith Kumar K

Non Parametric TestsDr.Riaz.K.M

How to plan conduct of a researchMA Andrews

A good research protocol

Research protocolRajamohanan K

Steps in Development of a Research ProtocolDr MKC Nair

Why and When to Approach a Methodologist? Dr Anish TS

Tool developmentDr Ramadevi S

Writing a thesisDr Thambu David

An Open Clinical Observational Study on the Usefulness of Pre-Defined Homoeopathic Medicines in the Management of Diabetic Distal Symmetrical PolyneuropathyDr Hafeezullah Baig        

Effects of music therapy in the treatment of children with delayed speech development -results of a pilot studyDr Ronisha T

Research updates on homoeopathy in rheumatological disordersDr. Ch. Raveendar

Research updates on homoeopathy in paediatric diseasesDR.K.C.Muraleedharan

A  multicentric  open  clinical  trial   to  ascertain  the   role  of  homoeopathic   therapy  in  the  management  of  distress  during  climacteric  (menopausal) years- Dr. (Mrs). K.S.V. Bharatha  Lakshmi 

Research Updates on Dermatological Disorders – Dr. Vaishali Shinde

Designing of a research proposal Dr A K Sood

Benitez -Homeopathy in post operative trauma

A Murine Model Simulating the Epidemiological Transmission of H. pylori Infection In Humans: Prevention By Homeopathy­­­– DR.Tejas P.Gosavi Bvdu

The insuperability of Homeopathic Experimentation

Homeopathic clinical study in the homeopathic ambulatory at universitary hospital, unirio – brazil

Profile clinical-homeopathic in pediatric’s ward of university hospital – brazil

Relevance’s evaluation of the homeopathy’s teaching at the medical school – brazil

An exposition of homoeopathic approach towards split mind schizophrenia – Dr. A.S.Mridul

A study on phosphorus as a constitutional remedy in homoeopathy – Dr. Franklin gino. W

A study on the role of posology in the treatment of Psychosomatic disorders – Dr. Mullai. B

Study of drug source and optimum repetition in effective homoeopathic management of sinusitis – Dr. Sridhar rajana

Study of factors influencing development and course of psoriasis and their utility in homoeopathic therapeutics – Dr Srikanth Ramanadham

Miasmatic evaluation of hyperlipidemia– Dr Sheena K N

A study on the efficacy of Homeopathy in Otitis Media – Dr Vivek N Patil

An overview of current scientific research in HomeopathyPeter Fisher

Severe traumatic brain injury: an evidence based studyDr Srinivaslu

Evidence based clinical study in cases of ovarian cyst in response to homoeopathic treatmentDr. Girish Gupta

Healthcare Models in the Era of Medical Neo-liberalism – A Study of Aarogyasri in Andhra Pradesh

Combination of homeopathy and Morita therapy for Severe Depression patients – Ronko Itamura , Obitsu Sankei Seminary Clinic, Japan

Value of Observation in Treating Critical Pediatric CasesDr.Tarkeshwar Jain

Advanced Homeopathy Protocol Its Introduction and Specific Disease Efficacy – Dr. Kushal Banerjee & Dr. Kalyan Banerjee

Belladonna in Homoeopathic potencies decreased Japanese Encephalitis virus infection Dr Nayak

Hypoglycemic Effect of Alloxan and Thymulin both Ultradiluted in Wistar Rats Rodrigues

Chemical and biochemical studies on curcuminoid analogues and their metal complexes Dr Radhika

Numerical measures in statistics Dr. Manumit Chattopadhyay

Framing a Transdisciplinary Perspective for Health Research:Where Does Homeopathy Fit?

Designing of a research proposal Prof. A.K. Sood

Clinical trail on carcinocin pap uterus 30 Shangloo

Statistical inference – Anish T S

Towards a biosemiotic understanding of potentization- Carol Ann Calego

A study on the hematological manifestations by Homeopathic remedies in rheumatoid arthritis Dr Shivananda Swamy

Item Writing Tutorial -The American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Effective literature searching – Vasumathi Sriganesh

A pilot Study of effectiveness of Homoeopathic Treatment in Management of Alcoholism– Dr.Binimol

Research methodology in relation to homoeopathy – A scientific approach

Effective literature searching – Vasumathi Sriganesh

Introduction to bio statistics – Jaishree Ganjiwale

A Clinical Study on Homoeopathic Calcium Supplementation

Study of efficacy of genus epidemicus in epedemic of chikungunya fever at Kanpur (sept- oct- 2006) – Dr.Harsh Nigam

A Clinical Study on Homoeopathic Iron Supplementation

Clinical evaluation of efficacy of homoeopathic combination medicine the treatment and management of mastitis in dairy cows – Dr Beena Thomas

Homoeopathic drug therapy in chikungunya fever epidemic & post chikungunya chronic arthritis: a pilot study Gyandas G. Wadhwani

An overview of research in homeopathic veterinary medicine in india  – Dr J.P.Varshney

Homeopathy in Dengue fever – Brazil experience

Homoeopathic genus epidemicus Bryonia alba in Viral Fever – Dr.K.R.Janardanan 

The proof of Homoeopathy in chuikungunya – Dr Venkatraman

Effects of Eupatorium in Dengue Fever at Thailand

Efficacy of Homoeopathy in Asthma & Other Respiratory Diseases – Dr. Mukesh Chawla, Dr Rajeev Nair

My experience in CVA with Arnica 3x – Dr Pankaj Agarwal

Clinical verification of arsenic album in psoriasis – a multidimensional study – Dr P Mukundan

Clinical Study of different types of Psoriasis and its Homoeopathic Management – Prof G R Mohan

Homoeopathic management of chikungunya  and post chikungunya chronic arthritis – Dr George Mathew

Impact of Universal iodization and role of Homeopathy in sub clinical hypothyroidism – Dr R K Marwaha

Does homoeopathy work in acute morbidity of chikungunya -Morbidity of chikungunya and post chikungunya musculoskeletal disorders?Dr. Maneesha Solanki

Case Study on Use of Homeopathic Medicine for Animal Treatment  – Dr. S. G. Shukla

A comparative study of the use  comparative of conventional medication  use of and the associated  use of  homeopathy with electro  acunpuncture in dental  implant surgeriesGeraldo Brown

Preparation of HIV and Hepatitis C new Nosodes, New Method – Dr Rajesh Shah

To evaluate the effect of repetition in Homoeopathic prescribing – Dr. Monika Monga, Dr. Archana Narang, Dr. R. K. Manchanda

To evaluate the role of homoeopathy in treatment of Lichen planus  Dr.Vandana Chopra, Dr. R.K. Manchanda

Dielectric Dispersion Studies  of Some Potentised Homoeopathic Medicines vis‐a‐vis concept of  induced structure within the vehicle – Prof. C. R. Mahata

Certain observations on the use of homoeopathic medicine as prophylaxis in fresh water prawn hatchery – Dr. M. Abdul Lethif

An Attempt to find Correlation between the indicated Remedy and the Patient’s Body fluid through Molecular level signature – Dr. Rajat Chattopadhyay

Treatment plan for essential hypertension – Dr Subhrani Sha

Clinical study on baksodent

Result and response in public health initiatives soukya foundation – Dr Sudha

Post  operative Case of Breast Cancer with Metastatic changes in the Liver,Rt. eye & VertebraeDr S. Tanvir Hussain 

The secrets of homoeopathy unraveled – Dr V Elia Reddy

Comparative Treatment of Clinical Mastitis in Bovines with Homeopathy and Antibiotics – Dr. Sanjeet Kumar

A model Biological Effects of Homeopathic Remedies – Shahram Shahabi

MND (Motor Neuron Diseases) Homoeopathic Perspective – AKGsOVIHAMS

The scientific method of curing chronic diseases -A Homoeopathic approach – Dr Mmuralidhar

A Murine Model Simulating The Epidemiological Transmission Hpylori Infection In Humans:  Prevention By Homeopathy – Dr.Tejas P.Gosavi

Homoeopathic approach to hemophilia  (abridged version ) – Dr. K. C. Kankan

Clinical Study of Homoeopathic Medicine of Epilepsy in case in Children – Dr. Daya Shankar Singh

Treatment of nervous complaints and exhaustion with the homeopathic medicinal product Manuia – Results of a cohort study

Role & efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in fibroid uterus, pcos, fibroadenoma – Dr. Madhu agarwal, Dr. Sandhya rastogi

Effect of homeopathic preparations of Syzygium jambolanum and Cephalandra indica on gastrocnemius muscle of high fat and high fructose-induced type-2 diabetic rats

Genetic Epidemiology – M. Tevfik dorak

Diagrammatic & Graphic  Presentation of Data

Research design in Homeopathy – Dr.Prashant Tamboli

Bio statistics for homoeopaths

Case control studies

Role of cohort study in research  Dr.Indu.D

Descriptive study – Dr Anuja U

Dispersion in research

Research possibilities in adeno tonsillar disease  Dr Dinesh R S

Homeopathy Potentization [Dynamisation] vs e-Biology – Drs. M.V.Ramanamurthy

Statistical inference – Anish T S

Measures of Location (Central Tendency)

Probability in statistics

Research question – Dr Anuja U

Randomized controlled trial – Dr.Asha

Research & development in Homoeopathy – Dr.Amar Sheth

Application of Basic Research Methods in Homoeopathy – Prof.Chaturbhuja Nayak

Research protocol – Dr.Anuja .U

Sampling in medical research

Statistical Inference

Study Designs – Dr Anuja U

Test of significance

Writing of report  Dr Indu

Research methods – Dr.C.Nayak

Basic research methods – Dr.M.N.Sinha & Dr.Deepti Devan

Interventional clinical research methods – Steven T Dekosky

Latest research in the field of homeopathy – Dr.M.Nisanth Nambison

An introduction to qualitative research – Anna Voce

Antibacterial activity of homoeopathic drugs in vitro – Dr.K.M.Nisanth Nambison

An Introduction to Bio Medical Instrumentation Science – Prof. Mahendra H. Gaushal

Studies on biomedical instrumental parameters in homeopathy – Prof.Mahendra H. Gaushal

Remote administration of dynamic homeopathic medicine – Dr.M.K.Sahanil

Are the clinical effect of homeopathy placebo effects – A.Shang, M.Egger, P.Juni

Scientificity of homeopathy – Dr.R.Reji Kumar

Scientificity of homoeopathy – Dr.B.S.Rajashekaran

Research methodology in homeopathy – Dr.S.Gopinadhan

Application of research methodology

Sampling in research – Dr.Noufira.P

Sampling in homeopathy – Dr.Sheela.A.S

Beta Diag – Model of Homoeopathic Medicine Posology –Rolland R. CONTE & Yves LASNE

Drug Proving – Dr. P. Y. Devadiga

Efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines in Dysmenorrhoea with Repertorial approach  Dr.Mrs. Lalita .S. Nadgir.

Research methodology – Dr.S.Nagarajan

Homeopathic research methodology – Dr.R.Rejikumar

Research Methodology in Homeopathy – Dr.S.Gopinadhan

Designing a study – Dr. S. Gopinadhan

Clinical study on the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Adenoids – Dr.P.K.Sudhir

A multi centric open trail to evolve homeopathic medicines for mucopurulent chronic bronchitis CCRH

Asking the right research question – Zinia T Nujum

Case control design – an over view

Statistical Testing and InferenceTony Lawrence

Clinical epidemiology – research design

Development of instrument – Dr.Sathidevi

Survey epidemiology – Zinia T Nujum

Cohort Study – Dr.Geetha.S

Descriptive statistics

Diagnostic tests – Dr.Shah Navas.P

Refining a Research Question (Protocol Development) – Dr.M.K.C.Nair

Basic research methods – Dr.Niranjan Mohanty

Descriptive studies – What they can and cannot do – Dr.Shah Navas.P

Health policy and health economics – Dr.V.Mohanan Nair

Introduction to epidemiology

Medical Research – Dr.Harikumaran Nair

Research Methodology in homeopathic context – Dr.Munir Ahammed. R

Qualitative research methods Dr. Ramadevi.S

Randomized Control Trials – The basics – Dr.Padma mohan.J

Methodology of clinical research – Dr.Ramdas Pisharody

Univariate and Multivariate Analysis – Suresh Rathi

SPSS – Suresh Rathi

Data Presentation and Report Writing – Suresh Rathi

Medical research – An introduction – Dr.Dinesh.R.S

Research question – Dr.Shaji Poulose

Sampling in research – Dr. Manu Varghese.M

Visualization of data – Dr.Pradeep Kumar. K

Basic statistics – Dr.Murali Krishnan. K.S

Recent advances in human pathogenetic trials – Dr.Ram Jyothis. A.B

A Study on Analgesic Activity of Morphinum 4X and Arnica 3X in Experimental Animal Model- Dr.Ram Jyothis. A.B

Quality Control of Homoeopathic Medicines – Dr.R.Asha

Survey research – Dr.Dinesh.R.S

Statistical Inference – Dr.Sabiraj.S

Literature review in research – Dr. Reji Kumar

Homoeopathic Software in Research – Dr.Kannan. A

Epi info – statistical software – Dr.Seema Murali

Research Writing – Dr.Joby. Johny

Homoeopathic Medicine for the Cure of Hemorrhoids in Women at the Reproductive Age Group Dr.Joby. Johny

Homeopathic research methodology – past present and future – Dr.(Mrs).K.T.Subhadra

Current Status of Homoeopathic Research – Dr.Achamma Lenu Thomas

Basic statistics and sample size calculation in Clinical Trials – Dr. Ajit Mukherjee

Specific Statistical Methods in Clinical Research and their Significance- Dr. Ajit Mukherjee

Softwares In Research – Dr.Ajith Kumar.D.S

Literature Review in research – Dr.Arun Prasad. K. P

Principles of logic and analysis – Dr Nimish V. Mehta

Basic statistics in medical research – Dr.Lizmy Ajith

Sampling methods in research – Dr Bindu John Pulparampil

Comparative approach in research

A Study on effect of Chamomilla potencies on Central Nervous System of Experimental Animal Dr.A.B.Ram Jyothis

Research on Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate – Dr. Akshaya Kumar Mishra

A workshop on Case Receiving – Dr.Manoj Patel

Statistical Inference in research – Dr. Sreevidya.S

Effective Medical research – Dr.Jaya Krishnan.T

Epi info Version. 5 – Dr.Ajith Mathur

Ethics in Clinical Research – Dr.R.B.Ghooj

Good Clinical Practice – Prof. S.D. Seth

Research questions – Dr.T.Geetha

Homeopathic research methodology – past present and future – Dr.Harihara Iyer

ICH GCP Guidelines – Bhawana Saddy Awasthy

Knowledge of Illness (or disease) in General and of Disease in particular – Dr.V.K.Chauhan

Types of study designs and avoidance of bias – Dr. Geetha R. Menon

Research design – Dr. K.R.Mansoor Ali

Basic Research Methodology – Dr. Akshaya Kumar Mishra

Clinical Trials in Homeopathy Dr. Munir Ahmed.R

Ethical guidelines for bio medical research on human subjects – Dr.Narayana Pai

Critical review of research – Dr.K.N.Pai

Research on clinical aspect of pneumonia – Dr.Hitesh Purohit

Qualitative Approach in Quality Control of Homoeopathic Medicine – Dr. D.R. Lohar

Statistical software – Dr.R.Reji Kumar

Research Design in Psychiatry – Dr. Prashant Tamboli

Basic Research Methodology – Dr. J.P. Majra

Sample size calculation – Dr.Deepa ravi varma

Sampling methods – Dr.Bindu John Pulparambil

School Health Project – ML Dhawle Institute . Mumabai

Standardized case record Performa – Dr.Eswara Das

Effective Supervision in research – Dr. Priya Chandran

The protocol in research – Dr.Ajith Kumar. V.G

Theory and practice in usage of drugs derived from homeopathic medicinal plants Dr. Suresh Baburaj

Research methods of Central Council of Homeopathy – Dr.T.N.S. Kurup

Visual Presentation of Data – Dr.Saji.K

What is research-

Workshop on Research Methodology– Dr.

Protocol Writing – Dr Rajesh Kumawat

Homeopathy in tonsillitis – Dr Joice Thilakam


7500 PowerPoint Presentations for Medical Professionals & Students of all systems of Medicine 

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Homoeopathy Books & Journals

Homoeopathy Pharmacy

Homoeopathy Therapeutics

Homoeopathy Softwares

Materia Medica

Organon of Medicine & Philosophy

Pioneers of Homoeopathy


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An appeal: If any of you have PowerPoint presentations please mail to homoeobook@gmail.com.

1 Comment

  1. research reports based on experiments with animals rats,produce fallacious results,humans are not rodents.this is printed in article by M Beddow Bayly the futility of animals experiments healthyself jun 1936.homeopathy a natural cure art of healing,is dragged back by modern research methods.there is enough proving data on healthy humans.research is required on issues explain to students why lycopodium is worse 4 to 8pm graphite depressed in evening nat sulph always sad nitric acid why revengeful acid phos why diabetic,HA Roberts type researchers is need of day who said most of heart diseases are metastasis rheumatic toxicity which in turn is defective digestion power implanted in turn by quality of modern polished rice white wheat flour robbed of nutrients plus modern times worry hurry.

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