Meta Repertory by Robin MURPHY

Mind-Body-Clinical Index of Homeopathic Remedies (Latest – 4th Edition) by Robin MURPHY

The New 4th Edition of the Homeopathic Clinical Repertory

Book: 3 Sections, (Mind, Body, Clinical) and 49 Chapters, 2,630 pages

New Design, Rubrics, Additions and Updates!

1. Redesigned Book: The MetaRepertory 4.0 was designed to be a complete rewrite and major upgrade of the Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, third edition. The new MetaRepertory contains 49 chapters arranged in 3 sections, Mind, Body and Clinical. The 49 chapters were created from the 74 chapters of the 3rd edition.

2. New Rubric Additions and Updates: The new MetaRepertory has been updated to be a more clinical, practical and easy-to-use reference guide to the vast homeopathic materia medica. The MetaRepertory contains thousands of new rubrics, additions and updates from modern and historical sources.

3. MetaWord Index: Located at the back of the MetaRepertory, the Word index is greatly expanded to include many more clinical conditions and states.

4. MetaRemedy List: This expanded list includes the remedy abbreviations used in the MetaRepertory and the latin and common names for many homeopathic and herbal remedies.

Price : $214.99

Pages 2630

Price 88.5 Euro

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