Mile stones of Homoeopathy prophylaxis

JSPS Government Homoeopathic Medical College
Under the Guidance of Dr.G.srinivasulu, MD Professor, HOD, department of organon of medicine. Hyderabad.    

1801: Hahnemann describes the use of belladonna for scarlet fever, following Hahnemann  another 11 medical doctors prescribed belladonna during the same epidemic.

1813: Treatment of epidemic typhus in1813; Hahnemann describes the use of bryonia or hyosciamus niger or Rhus tox as homoeopathic medicines to the epidemic genius. “Of 183 cases treated by Hahnemann in Leipzig not one died. 

1820: Epidemic of scarlet fever ,Dudgeon  tells that 10 conventional physicians employed it prophylactically  in 1,646 children , and symptoms appeared only in  123 [ 7.5%] of them , high degree of protection in an epidemic that 90% of the exposed population at that time. 

1831: Dr. S. Hahnemann , Cuprum  proved itself indispensable for the prevention of the cholera.

1831: Hufeland the Prussian emperor personal physician and close friend of Hahnemann, considerd all the results of prophylactic use of belladonna against scarlet fever. Prussian government decided to use of belladonna against scarlet fever. 

1862- 64;  At Broome country,  report 84% mortality rate  for conventional treatment  and 16 % mortality rate for homoeopathy

1884: Dr . J.C. Burnett, Vaccinosis and its cure by  Thuja

1907: Dr. Eaton gave the results of experience in the small pox epidemic of a number of lowa physicians. Persons given variolinum 30; 2806 persons

1918: At the beginning of Spanish flu pandemic , homoeopathic physicians met at the British Homoeopathic Society of London to discuss possible medicines of epidemic genus on the grounds on observations of series of cases and their characteristic symptoms. Several remedies were used in the treatment of epidemics, including ars alb, bryonia alba, baptisia, eupatorium, gelsemium . Mc Cann tells that 26 thousand cases treated with homoeopathyin Ohio presented 1% mortality rate against 28% in 24 thousand cases with conventional  treatment. Similar rates observed in Philadelphia by pearson , regarding 26,795 cases treated with homoeopathy. 

Definite exposure after taking variolinum 30; 547 persons. 

Small pox cases after taking variolinum30; 14 person

Efficacy; 97.5 percent. 

1932: Chavanon administerd diptherinum  to children, he noticed that 45 children changed from schick positive to Schick negative

1941: Paterson and Boyd repeated the experiment of chavanon 20 out of 33 children were observed to produce antibodies to diphtheria  schick test

1950:   During an epidemic of poliomyelitis , Dr. Taylor Smith of Johannesburg , South Africa protected 82 people  with homoeopathic lathyrus sativus

1956:   Dr. Eisfelder immunized over 6000 children with a homoeoprophylactic . No cases of poilo were reported  in the  group. 

1957: A severe poliomyelitis epidemic  occurred in Buenos Aires .  The majority of the homoeopathic doctors  are prescribed a known prophylactic  as a preventative. 

1963: Gutman reported on use of influenza prophylaxis in 385 people, showing effectiveness of 86%

1967: Dr. Dorothy Shepherd  ; Nosodes or disease prpducts of the actual diseases are most often active preventatives.

Dr. shepherd gives many practical examples of how homoeoprophylaxis reduced the infectious diseases in boarding schools which she attended. 

1968: Dr. Krishna murthy , Report  on the use of  Influenzinum  during the outbreak of  epidemic in India. Nearly 20% of patients treated by conventional medicine  contracted flu. Only 6.5%of patients treated homeopathically were infected.  

1974: Dr D Castro and  Dr GG  Nogureia  use of nosode  Meningococcinum as a preventative against meningitis,  in Gurantingueta , Brazil] there was am epidemic  of meningitis , 18, 000 children under the age  of 15 were given Meningococcinum 10 CH , 6,340  children of similar ages were not covered.  The following results were obtained after 6 months , noting that the HP  cases  came from the less wealthy and most  at risk groups in the town, and the unprotected group from the wealthier and less  at – risk groups.

18,000  protected  homeopathically 6 cases

6,340 not protected  10 cases

Efficacy 78.9%

1987:  Dr A. Fox  over a five – year period received 61 parent responses in which 5% of children definetly contracted whooping cough  and 82%remained whooping cough free [ the other 13%developed undiagnosed coughs] The prophylaxis was well tolerated . [ A small clinical trial on prophylaxis with nosode  [ a remedy prepared from disease component] 

1991: Dr. B. Sethi  Diphtherinium . Allen says that he used  for 25 years as a prophylactic and had never known case of diphtheria  to occur in the family after it has been administered.

1995: Epidemic of Keratoconjuctivitis in Cuba  in 1995 , 108 patients were distributed ; 48 patients distributed pulsatilla nigricans 6CH as homoeopathic medicine to the epidemic genius of the ongoing outbreak. Homoeopathic treatment was significantly more effective than the conventional one in eliciting improving of symptoms in less than 72 hours. 

1996: The Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy reported that a homoeoprophylactic was administered to atleast 39, 200 people in the Delhi area during an epidemic of dengue haemorrhagic fever. The follow –up of 23,520  people, 10 days later revealed that only 5 people had developed mild symptoms , with the rest showing no signs or symptoms of disease.  

1998: Moriniski reported intervention of homoeoprophylaxis intervention in Brazil against meningococcal meningitis in 65, 826 children . Efficacy was 92. 4 percent. 

1999:  Andhra Pradesh  Japanese encephalitis prevention by giving belladonna, calcarea, tuberculinium , by Professor. Dr. G.L.N.SastryGadugu,  based on miasmatic and similarity of symptoms intervention in and around 20 million children age of 14 years and under.  In 2005: presented as paper in LMHl in Germany by Dr .g srinivasulu gadugu.

2000: Notifications and deaths fell from 1,036 to 203 respectively , and to zero by 2004. 

2003: A Malaria trial conducted by Assie   Pittendrigh  in Kenya between 2003- 2005 used a homoeopathic malarial nosode in 33 voulnteers . Participants in the trail remainded free from malaria. 

2006: A dengue outbreak was controlled by the Cuban government through the preventative and treatment use of homoeopathic remedies . A marked reduction in dengue haemorrhagic fever occurred. 

2006:  In kerala, India , a group of doctors distributed a homoeopathic preventative for chickungunya . The results of study showed that only 17% of protected group contracted the disease. While 73% contracted chickungunya in the unprotected group. 

2007- 2008;  In late 2007, the Cuban government rapidly distributed a homoeopathic nosode [ a remedy prepared from a disease component ] of four leptospirosis strains to 2.3 million people at high risk of infection from an annual leptospirosis epidemic.  The intervention was strongly associated with a drastic reduction of disease in complete control of the epidemic. 

2012:  The government Homoeopathic medical college and hospital at Tirumangalam, India distributed homoeoprophylaxis for the prevention of dengue fever at two  free camps during an outbreak. 

2012: The medical and health department of Chittorr, india distributed homoeoprophylactics to 2.5 million people during dengue fever epidemic following the earlier success of prophylactics distributed for swine flu epidemic in Kurnool. 

2014- 2016 :  Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Cortalus  Horridus 30c had been given as preventative. 

2018: Nipah virus outbreak, based on the data collected  from care takers in Calicut , Kerala- after detailed study  and discussion  with experts of RAECH , On the principles of homoeopathy GE  Worked out. Belladonna 30- 4 pills twice daily for 5 days  [ For children up to 12 years 2 pills twice daily] ; On 6th day calcarea carb 200  2doses. 

 2019:  National  college of homoeopathy has prepared an anti polio virus vaccine Pakistan  , homoeopaths  had  prepared  Lathyrus sativus vaccine against the polio virus .

1 Comment

  1. Good collection of information. but please mention the reference also. i m cofused with the vaccine developed by homoeopathy for polio. how its possible and how its proved its efficiency

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