A big win for Molecular Homeopathy-Instrument for Detecting Homeopathic Potencies

A big win for Molecular Homeopathy – Instrument for Detecting Homeopathic medicine and their potency for quality control not a dream anymore: Extremely happy to announce 3 years of struggle and then 2 years of experimentation of Prof. Dr.Nisanth Nambison of Govt Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Bhopal with Dr.H.N.Bhargaw Senior Principal Scientist & Associate Professor (AcSIR) HOD, Intelligent Materials and Advanced Processes (I-MAP) Division CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) and his team, finally the research paper “Unraveling the low-frequency triggered Electromagnetic Signatures in Potentized Homeopathic Medicine” has finally been published in highly reputed international peer reviewed journal – Elsevier Materials Science & Engineering B.

Homeopathic medicines contain ultra-low concentrations of metal and compounds, and it is challenging to classify homeopathic potencies using modern characterization tools. This work presents a novel experimental tool for classifying various homeopathic medicines under a low-frequency generated electromagnetic (EM) fields. A custom-built primary coil is used for generating EM fields at different excitation frequencies. The potentized test samples were prepared at decimal dilution scale of Ferrum with α‑lactose monohydrate and exhibited significant and distinct induced EM responses in the second sensing coil. The measured responses decrease logarithmically due to reducing Ferrum concentration. The resolution improved in higher potencies from 0.03 µV at 300 Hz to 0.24 µV at 4.8 kHz. Different compounds of homeopathic medicines were also investigated to produce distinct induced EM characteristics. These results were correlated with Raman spectroscopy, impedance analyser, and FT-IR analysis. The experimental investigation confirmed the classification of potencies and the technique developed to detect ultra-low metallic concentrations.

The existence of a unique electromagnetic signature from homeopathic medicines via an indigenously developed experimental tool was observed under a lower and upper range of low excitation frequencies of 300 Hz and 4.8 kHz. The study confirms that homeopathic medicines have electromagnetic energy even when the medicine is in very small concentrations. They have been effective in treating various ailments in patients by reviving the vital natural energy (immunity) to fight diseases. Similar to the homeopathic principle, modern medicines may also be given in lower doses, or partial treatments can be given to the patients to naturally rebound their vital energy (immunity) to fight diseases.


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