Moon,its effect and homeopathy

Dr Mona Whatkar

Homoeopathic remedies have peculiar aggravation times and amelioration times, according to hours, days, weeks, months, years, Seasons and moon phases. The Moon’s Cycle produces Physical and mental-emotional changes, that correspond to Homoeopathic remedies and we have research showing Homoeopathic remedies acts in the various phases of moons like growing, full, waning and new moon. Even Cutting-edge medical research is exploring the effect of the Moon on human beings, their sleep, mood, and mental health. Our masters have already mentioned the same in their books, Esp. the Dr. C.M Boger In his book of “Time remedies and Moon phases”, emphasised the importance of ‘Time factor’ and ‘Moon Phases’ in the action of drugs. Also, many other stalwarts have mentioned many rubrics pertaining to this.

Moon, Homoeopathy, Dr. Boger’s Time of Remedies and Moon Phases.

Arsenic album, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus Toxicodendron, Sabadilla, Silicea, Sulphur, Antimonium-crude, Belladona, Thuja, Aurum Metallicum, Helliborus, Alumium, Ammonium Carbonicum, Arnica, Bufo Rana, Calcarea-Carbonicum, Causticum, Cina, Crocus, Cuprum Metallicum, Lycopodium, Sepia, Kalium-bicarbonate, Cyclamen, Flouric-acid, Graphitis, Kalium-Nitricum, Natrum-Carbonicum, Spongia, Clematic vitalba, Phellandrium, Daphne indica, Dulcamara, Staphysagria, Natrum-muriaticum.

Moon effect

For centuries, the moon and how it affects human behaviour has been at the centre of mythology and folklore around the world. The very word “Lunacy” dates back to the 15th century when it was believed the moon and its phases could make people become more or less aggressive, depending on its place in the lunar cycle 3.

The tides are the result of the moon exerting its gravitational force on the ocean and bulging it both toward and away from the moon. The tide is higher, the ocean is higher, at the location closest to the moon and on the opposite side of the Earth. If there were no other external factors, the Earth would be a smooth, round sphere, and the oceans would be the same depth everywhere and would never change. But our moon exerts its own gravitational force that affects some of our life on Earth. The gravitational effect is so strong that our planet’s surface is stretched daily by this tidal effect5. FOOTNOTE 7——Our earth, by virtue of a hidden invisible energy, carries the moon around her in twenty-eight days and several hours2.

Since our human bodies are made up of 55% to about 78% of water, there’s some reason to believe we, too, might be impacted by the moon, its light and its 27-day lunar cycle – especially when you consider the moon’s gravitational pull on the earth is powerful enough to affect the ocean tides3.

Research has shown that several species have adapted some of their biological cycles to line up with the lunar cycle. The reproductive cycle of animals like tropical corals during full moon nights, annelid worms during the waxing moon and the emergence of midges at neap tides is evidence of this lunar connection. A comprehensive overview of research highlights the moon’s effects on biological processes across multiple species related to activity levels, feeding rituals, photosensitivity, migration, molting patterns and more3.

When we see about human being, Melatonin is one of those hormones that is naturally released at night to calm your body down and prepare your body for sleep. When melatonin levels rise, serotonin – a “feel-good” hormone that plays a role in controlling our mood and appetite – decreases. And if you introduce things like artificial light and, say, bright light from a full moon, it may have an impact on your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep because we know artificial light impacts our sleep – wake cycle. Researches discovered that around the full moon, people spent 30% less time in NREM sleep [deep sleep] and slept for 20 minutes less when there wasn’t a full moon. These changes were also associated with decreased levels of melatonin3.

In recent new study. one possibility, is said that the vestibular system, which is important for balance and can detect gravity, could be affecting sleep and circadian rhythms. “The moon could be changing the magnetic field, causing changes in the cryptochromes in the hypothalamus, and changing the body clock in that way,”4.

Dr. C M Boger discovered in his observations that there have been specific times when the specific remedies had peculiar aggravation times or amelioration times. He at the same moment also observed, that the periods of modalities are very frequently related to the moon phases. He noticed that the remedies as well as the patients both showed periods of aggravation or ameliorations in a very definite relation to the lunar movements1.

Times of Remedies and Moon Phases by C.M. Boger

This book is based upon Dr Boger’s (1861-1935) own practical observation and long clinical experience. He emphasised the importance of “Time factor” and “Moon Phases” in the action of drugs. In the Moon Phases section, he refers exclusively to cured cases which he undertook in order to determine the relative importance of remedies in this respect. He analysed and compared the action of certain remedies in the various phases of moons like growing, full, waning and new moon and depicted their action in a form of a chart1.

The table of Moon Phases consists of an enumeration of the times, at which a particularly successful prescription has been made; thereby accentuating the importance of the time period in which the remedy has been found more useful. If you will look over the chart carefully you will see that Phosphorus covers fifty-one squares of the full moon. This is the highest number of squares covered. Those were fifty-one successful prescriptions prescribed in the week of the full moon, and the next most prominent is in the last quarter which shows a decline. Now if you will turn to Arsenic, you will find the highest number in the first quarter. It stops abruptly in the quarter of the full moon, and falls off then to the lowest point1.

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