Report on National Academy of Homoeopathy India’s Two Day Lecture Series on scope of Homoeopathy in pathology
Date 13th and 14th August, 2016 at shaad hospital complex, Nagpur
My colleague friend Homoeopathic Paediatrician Dr Neha suggested me to attend this lecture series. Although both of us were busy but through sickness and practice we take out some time to learn. We both are following ICR methods and practice but open to hear and learn from other faculty. ICR belongs to Bombay school and NAHI belongs to Kolkata School. They both practices and teach homoeopathy so there are some similarities. Both school follows Guru shishya lineage. They respect and acknowledge importance of develop spirit of homoeopathy in Guru and try to develop self under their guidance. In this respect Dr M L Dhawale is ICR Guru and DR J N Kanjilal is NAHI Guru. Spirit of homoeopathic dynamism reflects in both schools.
We were surprise when we saw Dr Shilpa singh alumni of ICR were working in Shaad hospital. She came to Nagpur after marriage 3 month back to stay with husband who completed MS in IGMC. This incident shows how intimate relationship of institution binds by common thread of homoeopathy help each other.
Both lineages came through experience of metamorphosis from allopathic science to homoeopathic art of healing. They understand importance of clinical diagnosis and scientific investigation process in field of homoeopathy is their commonality. Hence before homoeopathic expertise they provide a complete training of disease diagnosis to a neophyte. Both follow Hahnemannian teaching of chronic diseases in view of miasm.
Well known pathology professor of medical college was invited for opening ceremony. Very beautifully Dr Kasim sir put introduction to this subject. Kasim sir asks can anatomy of humerus make any difference to allopath and homoeopath. Humerus anatomy is same in past and present. He said that pioneer anatomist Gray in later life thought he know each structure but don’t know how they work and what are their significance but homoeopath should know what it means to be long humerus, short humerus, stout humerus, thin humerus and in this way studying whole pathogenesis process understand miasmatic diagnosis. In homoeopathy study of pathology is important but evolution process of pathogenesis is vital important. Hence study of pathology and pathogenesis makes difference in understanding phenomena of disease especially for homoeopathic point of view. Study of constitution and diathesis before diseases establish itself is vital importance in this respect. Kasim sir is dynamic personality and powerful teacher in understanding homoeopathic philosophy in this sense. He explains history of homoeopathy and throws light on discovery of homoeopathy and invention of theory of chronic diseases. He also explains how homoeopathic fraternity split on this issue and how Hahnemann handles the entire situation. He also emphasizes importance of this pathology and homoeopathy topic. Many second year BHMS students attend this lecture series so for their convenience and exam point of view this topic taken in detail understanding of pathological processes. Kasim sir very beautifully put entire subject in very simple language and elaborates the pathology and pathogenesis of inflammation. He made presentation in such way that students and practitioner both get insight of homoeopathic philosophy, materia medica and repertory through study of pathogenesis to the pathology. Practitioner and students came from various regions such as Hariana, Bilaspur, Rajkot, Amaravati, Pune and Nagpur. There were no registration fees.
One of the unique things that I observe and greatly acknowledge at this lecture series was correlation of basic clinical subject with homoeopathic practice. Student can ask question why to study anatomy, physiology and pathology in homoeopathy if there are no relationships to prescription. They might say that it is useless to study. Hence students are reluctant to study this basic subject. But if you show them the relationships and importance of all these processes in order to cure and its implication in successful homoeopathic practice then it ignite interest in neophyte mind and then I don’t think we have to probe them to study. I think in this sense this lecture series is successful. I remember my undergraduate day where anatomy teacher teaches anatomy, physiology teacher teaches physiology, pathology teacher teaches pathology, materia medica teacher teaches materia medica, Organon teacher teaches Organon, all were homoeopathic graduates but no one understand there are different methods to be adopted in homoeopathic colleges in order to teach these subject so that student understand relevant perspective to look at these subject and interrelationship of all. Kasim sir very beautifully woven all thread so that neophytes also get view to look all these processes as one like a clinician. Kasim sir very beautifully demarcates and differentiates pathology and pathogenesis. They took inflammation and neoplasm in detail and explain how these various process advances and how healing occur in Psora, Sycosis, tubercular and syphilis. Their clinical tips along with short case presentation were outstanding.
Kasim sir presents images of Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular and Syphilitic miasm through pathogenesis process of entire inflammation and healing through presenting various short cases. He teaches student difference between mental, emotional and spiritual symptoms and explains in detail spiritual picture of each miasm. He also discusses on curability of them with homoeopathic medicine.
For the practitioner it was advantage that they were learning again which lost in time the basic knowledge of pathology and its applied part through various cases and therapeutics. All were equipped by Kent repertory, Boericke materia medica and Allen’s key note. Kasim sir teaches how to collaborate and understand pathological rubrics in Kent repertory. There was fluency in teaching these subjects. There was no difference about what they teach and what they practice because I have seen many people keep their secrets but here there was another scenario they explore all their secrets of success. Dr Aadil took lecture on Inflammation and repair, neoplasm in detail with homoeopathic management and shock and through case presentation explains their therapeutics. He explain in each clinical conditions how to approach and what to give and in what potency and repetitions. He took various presentation of shock such as hypovolemic, septic shock with cases presentation and discusses their management and homoeopathic therapeutics. He discusses detail on nitric oxide chemical mediator and uses of it. Further he describes various patterns of acute inflammation such as serous, catarrhal, fibrinous, hemorrhagic, suppurative, gangrenous and pseudomembronous with therapeutics. He ask causative organism for yellow, green, blue pus and explain detail on this with therapeutics. He took cancer in detail and entire management of these cases with therapeutic measures. He took cell cycle in detail and explains importance of check points. Interesting was tip of various cancer where normal physician unable to detect it through sign and symptoms. He explains various clinical syndromes underlying cancer. He explains prognostic markers, cancer staging and diagnosis through histological, cytological, histochemistry, cytochemistry, immunochemistry, electron microscopy and tumor markers in detail. There was huge amount of learning, sharing and investigating done in these two days but all cannot be pen down in writing hence I make it here short.
Dr Aadil teaches specific remedy for specific clinical condition under certain clinical presentation and through experience he made protocol and in emergency they used it so that in paucity of symptoms we can save life of patient. He shared his experience of 16 cases of trench fever which came from city of Amaravati as an epidemic and admitted in ICU Nagpur and no allopathic medicine respond to this septic shock, they were about to dead from severe bleeding from all over body. It was unusual that how that type of disease came in such area but whatever it may be all patient save under homoeopathic treatment. In this attempt allopathic intensivist also learn to use homoeopathic medicine. Chimthanawala family raises status of homoeopathy through their actions. There are number of cases presented in which life of patient save strictly through homoeopathic medicine.
Importance of nosode prescription was discussed. Highlighted area in which discussion are made was various presentation of cancer in different stages, their diagnosis through various investigation and various presentation with their management through proper diet and exercise. Here there was heated discussion about proper diet, as we cannot explain what is proper diet and why should that be used. Dr Aadil said that for cancer patient antioxidants should be used but all antioxidants not work in cancer hence we should know what to used. He suggests raw turmeric. Exercise should encourage for cancer patient that help to improve their immunity. Various approach depending upon pure case, after chemotherapy, after radiation, after surgery, after all chemotherapy radiation and surgery differ and so that constitutional medicine, organ medicine and nosode prescription differ. Further he gave list of organ remedies for various cancers. For diagnosis of particular cancer he gave very important clinical tips. He took cancer cachexia in detail and explains their management.
At last question and answer hour queries are solved.
It was all about how the homoeopath can make difference. That is what learning we took from these lecture series.
Dr Prabodhchandra Meshram, MD (Hom)
Mobile number: 9822548418
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