Nurse & Pharmacist Homeopathy Govt of Kerala Question Papers of the year 2005, 2007, 2009 Model, 2009, 2010
Time: Two Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer Part A and B in separate answer-books.
Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
Section A
1.Define Potentisation.
How Will you prepare the First 50 Millesimal potency? (5+10=1 5marks)
11. Write short notes on
- a) Ointment.
- b) Mortar and Pestle.
- c) Preservation of Mother tinctures and Potentised medicines.
- d) Sale of Homoeopathic Medicine. H
- e) Percolation.
- f) Proof Spirit.
- g) H.P.I (7x535marks)
Section B
III. Define Prescription.
What are the parts of a prescription?
Describe the importance of a Prescription. (5+5+5=1 5marks)
IV. Write briefly
- a) Poultices.
- b) Examples for whole living animals.
- c) Preparation of Sugar of Milk.
- d) Maceration.
- e) Succussion. (5x52smarks)
V. Write the English meaning of the following abbreviations.
- i) alt.hor vi) H.S
- ii) aq.PerV vii)
- iii) Cito . disp viii) T . I . D
- jv)B.D ix) Tr
- v) Ott x) Q.I.D (10 Marks)
MAY 2007
Paper 1V: – HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY Time: Two Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer Part A and B in separate answer-books.
Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
Section A
1. How will you collect and preserve medicinal plants 10
II. What are the common utensils used in a Homoeopathic pharmacy
Give the requirements for an ideal Homoeopathic Pharmacy. 1 0
III. Give the preparation of different dilutions of alcohol . 10
IV. Give the medicines prepared from snakes, spiders and milk. 1 0
V. Write short notes on.
- a. Percolation. b. Drugs and cosmetic Act. 1 0.
I. How will you prepare globules. 1 0
11.Write in detail about pharmaconomy. 10
111 What do you mean prescript ion Write in detail about the different parts of a prescription. 1 0
IV. What are the common vehicles used for preparing ointments. Write waxes in detail. 10
V. Write short notes on.
A. Posology.
B. Give the English meaning of.
- I. sos. 2. HSS 3. TID 4. B.D. 5 Aqua distilla 6. Vac Ven
7. Gr. 8. CM 9. M. 10. Gtt. 10
December 2009
Time: 2 hours Answer Sections Separately. Maximum Marks 100
1 . Define Vehicle. Classify the Vehicles used in Homoeopathy. Write in detail about Sugar of Milk.
2 . Write notes on:—— (15Marks)
- a)Prescription Writing ~ b)50 Millesimal scale
- c) Ointment d) Pharmacy act
- e) Scales of Potentisation (5×5=25 Marks)
3. Classify drug sources..Write in detail about Animal Kingdome. (10 Mark)
1. Define- Dynamisation. Prepare first two potencies of Sulphur in Decimal Scale. (15 Marks)
2. Write notes on:——–¬
- a) Pharmaconomy b) Percolation
- c) Lotion d ) Nosode
- e) Distilled Water (5×4=20Marlcs)
3. Write briefly:—-
- a) Globule b) Spermaceti c) Imponderabilia (3×3=9 Marks)
4. Write the English meaning of the following: ——
- a) A.C DR) Collut c) Bibe d) H.D E} Omni man
- f) Q.I.D ‘ (6×1=6Marks)
October 2009
Time :. 2 hours
(Maximum marks : 100)
[Note:-Answer Part A & B in separate answer books.]
1 Classify sources of homoeopathic drugs. Write in detail about animal sources. 10
11 Preservation of plant drug substances. 10
III Labeling of homoeopathic medicines. 10
IV What are the common external applications? Write about liniments. 10
V Modern method of mother tincture preparation, 10
l Name the liquid vehicles. Write in detail about Glycerine. 10
II Preparation of sugar of milk: 10
III 5O Millesimal scale. 10
IV Write short notes on v
1. Weights and measures: 2. H. P I. (2X5=10)
V 1. Write about the medication of globules.
2. Write the English meaning of the following abbreviations:
- (i)Aq. bull . (vi) P. C.
- (ii) B. T. D 1(vii) Rx
- (iii) . Cito.disp (viii) Vac.ven
- (iv) Gtt (ix) tr
- (v) M. et.n (x) Gr.
January 2010
[Time: 2 hours (Maximum marks: 100)
[Note: Write Part-A and Part-B in separate answer books]
I Define dynamisation. How will you prepare sulphur IX ? 10
II. Write on percolation 10
III Give examples from imponderabilia and lacs. 10
IV Name the various oils used in the preparation of external applications. Write about olive oil. 10
V . Write short notes on :
- (a) Plaster
- (b) Parts of a prescription. (2 x 5 =10)
I What are the laws relating Homoeopathic pharmacy ? Write about sale of homoeopathic medicines. 10
II harmaconomy. 10
III Old method of mother tincture preparation. 10
IV Write short notes on:
- (a) Rectified spirit ,
- (b) Nosode. , (2 x 5 =10)
V. Write briefly:
- (a) Posology
- (b) H.P.I. (2×5=10)
1st Semester Examination 2005
Time:3 hrs Marks : 100
Subject : Homeopathy Pharmacy
(Draw diagrams wherever necessary)
First ten questions carry one mark each
1.Large scale preparation of ethyl alcohol in India is from—–
2.Which raw material is used for the preparation of globules?
3 —– milligram is equal to one grain
4.Which part of Rhus tox is used for the preparation of our medicine.
5.The first volume of H.P.l. was published in which year?
6.Name of the process for the purification of sugar to milk.
7.Which part of cuttle fish is used for the preparation of homeopathic medicine
8.Sanicula is a source of homoeopathic medicine that belongs to kingdom
9.Which part of Rauwolfia serpentina is used for the preparation of our medicine?
10. Which nosode is related to gonorrhoea
11. What do you mean by sarcode? (2)
12. How can you prepare ethyl alcohol from starchy materials (5)
13. What are the properties of an ideal vehicle (3)
14. Write any three important aspects related to glycerine a)
15. How will you determine the size of globules (3)
16. Write any three important features of cones (3)
17. Mention three disadvantage of ethyl alcohol as a vehicle (3)
18. What are the common impurities present in distilled water (2)
19. Write four examples of imponderabilia with their sources (4)
20. Write four examples for semi-solid vehicles (2)
21. Write any three points related to British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (3)
22. Write briefly about the collection of plants for the preparation of drugs (5)
23. Write four examples of snake venoms used for the preparation of our medicines (2)
24. Write six examples of arthropodes used for the preparation of homoeopathic medicines (2)
25. What are the uses of globules (2)
3& Who is a pharmacist? Write any three essential qualities of an ideal pharmacist (5)
27. Write examples of three fungi used as homoeopathic medicines (3)
28. What is the role of acids as homoeopathic medicines (3)
3 are the uses of mortar and pestle in a homoeopathic laboratory (3)
30. How can you prepare distilled water On small scale (3)
31. Write two synonyms of vaseline (2)
9W What are the uses of spatula? What all materials are used for the – manufacture of spatula (5)
33. Write any six members of potassium group medicines (3)
34. What all types of containers are used for the preservation of mother tinctures and potencies — (6)
£9 Write three disadvantages of water as a vehicle (3)
36 What is pharmacognosy? (2)
3/ Write a brief note on water bath (5)
38. What do you know about Dr. Bhattacharya and companies Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia 1 (2)
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