Chief minister of Rajasthan announced 3 new Govt homeopathy medical colleges

The chief minister of Rajasthan announced the opening of 3 new Govt homoeopathy medical colleges in the states

The chief minister of Rajasthan announced 3 new homoeopathy medical colleges in the financial year-2020-21 in Ajmer, Jodhpur and Kekdi

In that matter, the finance Dept gave permission for the Creation of new teaching+paramedical POSTS for 2 medical colleges (in Jodhpur, and Kekdi)

3. सह आचार्य-=Associate professor  and 

सहायक आचार्य= assistant professor

1-1 teaching posts  in anatomy, Physiology, pharmacy, organon, materia medica, pathology, FMT, surgery, Obs & Gynaecology….For both colleges…

(1 post of assistant professor+1 post of associate professor in each subject in each college)

4. That means 1 post for each above-mentioned subject in each medical college…

5. 1-1 post for medical superintendent for each college

6. 1-1 post for a senior medical officer in each college

7. 1-1 post for resident medical officer for each college

8. 2-2 posts for house physicians in each college

The above post should be filled according to NCH/CCH norms

Download Government Order 

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