No Ayush doctor appointment since 2008 in Andhra Pradesh

job6Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic doctors, under the aegis of A.P. Ayush Doctors Association, staged a demonstration in front of the Government Homoeopathic Hospital in Kadapa on Sunday, demanding recruitment of qualified doctors under the Centrally-funded National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Rashtriya Bala Swastha Yojana.

Speaking on the occasion, association president Raja Reddy (Srikakulam) and general secretary S. Kedarnath (Chittoor) alleged that the State government was discriminating in developing the Ayush hospitals and supply of medicines to them. “Though a GO has been issued to appoint Ayush doctors under the NRHM and RBSY, the government is planning to appoint MBBS doctors in the posts and tardily implementing a pilot project,” they said.

The further lamented that no appointment had been done for Ayush doctors since 2008, though a notification was issued pertaining to the third phase of the NRHM in 2011.

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