The Greek word, Noso is a prefix indicating a morbid root. It is also connected with the Latin word “noxa”, meaning noxious or damaging. Nosodes are remedies made with dangerous noxious materials as a basis for a potentized remedy to treat disease.
Constantine Hering (a student of Hahnemann) was the first one to study the actions of the mineral, plant and animal remedies and was the first person to test the animal poisons and nosodes in human beings.
Nosodes hold a very important place in Homeopathy. They serve in several ways:
- As a remedy used during the treatment of disease. i.e. the use of the Parvo nosode during the treatment of Parvo. Herring noted that he had never succeeded in curing, but only ameliorating diseases when he used nosodes. So, nosodes can be used during the treatment of the acute diseases, in order to help other more similar remedies to complete the cure.
- Nosodes are used as inter-current remedies in the treatment of chronic disease. This is the most common use of nosodes in Homeopathic practice.
- When during the treatment of chronic disease, the similar remedy stops working, the use of the nosode at this point in the healing process, will remove the obstacles to cure and allow the similar remedy to continue the cure.
- As the constitutional remedy during the treatment of chronic disease. In this instance, the nosode will be prescribed on the totality of the patient’s symptoms just like any other remedy.
- Homeopathic Prophylaxis. The first use of a homeopathic remedy in prophylaxis was done by Hahnemann, when he used the remedy Belladona as prophylaxis for scarlatina.
It is extremely important to remember several things:
1. Nosodes are used to prevent disease ONLY during an epidemic. So, the use of Parvo or Distemper nosodes should be reserved for those times when there is an epidemic going around, or when the possibility of a young puppy coming in contact with these diseases is high.
For example, giving the Parvo nosode in 30c potency (NEVER — USE NOSODES IN A POTENCY HIGHER THAN 30C) for 2 or 3 days prior to the puppy going to the vet’s, or obedience class, where the puppy will come in contact with other vaccinated puppies shedding the viruses from vaccines. With puppies born to breeders who have not vaccinated for many generations and who feed barf, the best protection is a healthy immune system.
2. Nosodes are made with NOXIOUS substances. Although the original substance is no longer present in a 30c potency, the ENERGY of the disease most certainly is! So, when you give Parvo nosodes to a 3 week old puppy, you are giving this puppy the ENERGY of Parvo. Not something I want to do! I have seen this practice not only not protect during an outbreak, but I have seen puppies who have received nosodes at an early age develop symptoms of chronic disease by the time they are 10-12 weeks of age.
3. Nosodes should NEVER been given after a vaccine to “antidote” the vaccine. This is another misconception of a classical homeopathic practice and should not be done.
4. Once you have given a young puppy the nosode in order to keep them healthy DURING AN EPIDEMIC, it is not necessary to continue to repeat the nosode. Repetition will only enhance the chances of aggravations and/or nosode induced disease.
1. Basic nosodes: Psorinum, Bacillinum, Syphilinum, Medorrhinum and Carcinosinum.
2.Exanthem nosodes: Morbillinum, Parotidinum, Vaccininum, Pertussinum,Diphtherinum, anthracinum, Malandrinum, Variolinum and Influenzinum.
3. Isopathic nosodes: Streptococcinum, Pneumococcinum, Staphylococcinum, Malaria officinalis and pyroginum.
4. Autogenous nosodes: secretions or discharges from the pathological tissues or organs of the pt him self for the treatment ( Tautopathy).
5.Intestinal nosodes: Dr. Bach and Dr. Wheeler.
Bach nosodes or Bowel nosodes: Bacillus proteus, Bacillus dysenteria coli, Bacillus morgan, Bacillus faecalis, Bacillus mutabile, Bacillus gaertner, Bacillus No 7.
Commonly used nosodes: (well proved)
Tuberculinum, Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Syphillinum, Pyroginum
Other remedies:
Influenzinum, Leuticum, Pneumococcinum, Streptococcinum, Staphylococcinum, Typhinum, Parotidinum, Morbillinum, Scarlatinum, Eosinum, Typhoidinum, Osteo arthritic nosode, Ambra griesea, Anthracinum, Eel serum, Cholestrinum, Lyssin, Maladrinum, Diphtherinum, Malaria officinalis, Pertussin, Scirrhinum, Variolinum, Vaccininum, Carcinocin.
Indications of nosodes:
- As a constitutional remedy.
- Well chosen remedies do not act.
- When there is a lack of symptoms.
- “Never well since syndrome” (NWSS).
- When partial picture of the constitutional remedies manifest yet no one remedy completely fits the case.
- The miasmatic intercurrent.
- Related to genus disease – pertussin – clarke’s – whooping cough.
- As a homoeopathic prophylaxis.
- As an Auto – Nosodes.
Contra-indications of nosodes:
- In the active phase of acute disease
- In the explosive stage of miasm
- During the active phase of recurrent attacks.
- In an infectious stage i.e. do not use Tuberculinum in established tuberculosis.
Constitutional features:
- Generally old people – Maltreated & chronic diseases.
- Lean, thin, emaciated persons in great debility. Individuals who are weak, nervous & exhausted.
- Offensive odor of the body.
- Loss of vital fluids and vital energy.
- Diathesis – Tubercular , scrofulous
- Thermal – Chilly.
- All nosodes are indicated whenever there is a family history.
- In chronic diseases
- Tendency towards malignancy
- Suppressed or ill treated skin disorders
- All nosodes crave alcohol
- Profuse perspiration with relief of symptoms.
- Offensiveness
- Hemorrhages
- Chronic catarrhal condition of the lungs
- Marked tachycardia
- Remarkable action on glandular system
- Cancerous conditions
- Trembling, intense nervousness.
For optimal prophylaxis, 3 days before a puppy reaches 45 days the Parvo should be introduced and continued until 3 days before it is 2 months old. Then change to a Parvo/Disteperinum combination and continue until 3 days before the doggy reaches 9 month, to be replaced with Distemperinum alone onward. 30C once daily or 200C once a week on the same day in the morning. It is because of the homeopathic rule that various viral nosodes should not be used preventively at the same time – only at a weekly interval. However, they can be simultaneously administered curatively.
No more then 3 different homeopathics per day plus one for prophylaxis.
According to veterinary medicine, a dog can get infected with the parvo virus from 45 days old to 9 months and with the canine distemper since 2 month old. At the onset of parvo and a day after completing treatment a bed must be changed. In case of distemper – after treatment will suffice.
Milosz Woznoak from Poland, tridosh homeopathy
You never know when parvovirus or canine distemper epidemics are around in India, for example. That is why a regular prophylaxis with the nosodes is a must: parvo 3 days before a puppy reaches 45 days age, continued until 9 months old and distemper 3 days before it is 2 months old throughout its lifetime Otherwise you might end up with a dead pet, a common thing here. 30 once daily or 200 weekly on the same day. You must repeat regularily because the nosodes will not work longer than that.
A nosode alone can cure both the acute and chronic corresponding disease if the symptomps agree. It was proved by dr Jervis who created Distemperinum and such is the opinion of other eminent homeopaths. Everything is a matter of experience.
Milosz Wozniak from Poland living in India, tridosh homeopathy
Thank you sir for brief explanation…sir please do define types of nosodes,group characters and peculiarities of some nosedes..
Sir, thank you for your brief. Could you please upload the list with particulars of which nosode needs to given for which disease symptom for further better study.