Question Paper Year 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Model, 2009, 2010
Time: Two Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
1. Define the following
- a. Specimen
- b.Nursing
- c.Infusion
- d.Enema
- e.RigorMortis (5 Marks)
2. Differentiate between
- a. Bradypnea — Tachypnea
B.Incontinence of Urine– Retention of Urine
- c. Records—Reports
- d.Hypoxia –Hypoxemia
- e.Haemoptysis– Hemet emesis (10 Marks)
3. Write the normal values
- A.Haemoglobin Level
- B.Blood Pressure
- C.Urine Output per Day
- D. Salt intake per day
- E.Protein Intake per Day (5 Marks)
4. List the following
- A. Four types of Enema
- B.Four Tests Done on Urine
- C.Four Rights of Administration of Medicines
- D.Four Complications of Unconscious Patient
- E.Four Complications of IV infusion (20 Marks)
5. Write briefly on
- A. Care of the body after death
- B.Principles of dietetics
- C.Routes of Medicine Administration
- D.Prevention of complications of urinary catheterization
- E.Types of feeding used in patients (15 Marks)
6. Give reasons for the following 4
- A. Stomach wash is contra indicated in Acid Poisoning.
- B. Specimens should be sent to Lab as early as possible
- C. Oxygen is passed through water before giving to the patient.
- D. Oral temperature is contra indicated in children
- E. Mouth V/ash is contra indicated in unconscious patients (10 Marks)
7. Fill in the Blanks.
- a. Inflammation of Tongue is known as..——
- B.Blood in the urine is termed as——
- C.Presence of albumin in the Urine is…
- D.Enema given for cleaning purpose is ——
- E.Passing oxygen through water is termed as —– (5 marks)
8. Write Nurses responsibilities on the following situation
- a. Patient with tube feeding
- b.Patient with incontinence of urine
- c. Patient with unconsciousness
- d. Patient with convulsion
- e. Collecting urine for culture & sensitivity
- f. Patient with dyspnoea (30 Marks)
Time: Two Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
1.Define the following:
- a) Hemoptysis.
- b) Nursing.
- c) Stomatitis.
- d) Hyperthermia
- e) Disinfection. (10 Marks)
2.Differentiate between:
- a) injection- Infusion.
- b) Antenatal Care —- Postnatal Care.
- c) Incontinence of urine- Retention of urine
- d Aphasia- Asphyxia.
- e) Albuminuria- Hematuria. (5×3= 15 marks)
III. Write the normal values:
- a) Protein intake per day.
- b) Oxygen flow rate.
- c) Body temperature.
- d) Total WBC Count.
- e) Blood Potassium level. (5×1= 5marks)
IV. List the following:
- a) Four features of death.
- b) Four rig of administration of medicines.
- c) Four complications of unconscious patient.
- d) Four types of enema.
- e) Pour rules of bandaging. (20 Marks)
V. Write briefly on:
- a) Intake and Output chart.
- b) Urine test for Albumin.
- c) Care of the body after death.
- d) Immunization Schedule.
- e) Diet in Oedema. (5marks)
VI. Give reasons for the following:
- a) Never manipulate the oxygen cylinder while the nasal catheter is in nostril.
- b) Wipe from center to periphery in clean wound.
- c) Expel air from Hot water bag after filling it with water.
- d) Positions are frequently changed in unconscious patients.
- e) Never take Oral temperature immediately after hot drinks by the patient. (5×2=10marks)
VII. Fill in the blanks:
- a) Albumin in urine is __________
- b) Vomiting of blood is ____________
- c) Difficulty in breathing is _______
- d) Absence of urine production is
- e) Passing of Acetone in urine is________ (5 marks)
VIII. Write the Nurses Responsibilities in the following situations:
- a) Feeding through Ryle’ s tube.
- b) Patient with IV Infusion.
- c) Administering Oxygen.
- d) Collecting sputum for examination.
- e) Patient with Fever.
- f) Patient with snakebite. (6×5=3Omarks)
MAY 2007
Time: Two Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Draw Diagrams wherever necessary
1. Define the following.
- a. Hypoxia.
- b. Blood pressure
- c. Malena
- d. Anaemia
- e. Epistaxis (5 x 1 = 5)
II. Differentiate between the following.
- a. Haemoptysis- Haemetemesis.
- b. Oliguira- Polyuria
- c. Active exercise – Passive exercise
- d. Systolic pressure – Diastolic pressure
- e. True crisis- False crisis (5 x 3 = 15)
III. Fill in the blanks.
- a. Amount of urine excreted normally in 24hrs is…………….
- b. Florence Nightingale was born on……………
- c. Inflammation of oral cavity is called as…………….
- d. Rice water stool is found in disease………….
- e. Difference between systolic B.P. & Diastolic B.P. is termed as———– (5×1=5)
VI. Write the normal values.
- a. Serum Na level
- b. Haemoglobin
- c. Color of Urine
- d. Pulse rate in adults.
- e. Blood sugar (5×1=5)
V. Write short notes on the following.
- a. Complications of neglected mouth
- b. Care of patient with fever
- c. Urine test for sugar
- d. Care of hair
- e. Rights of medicine administration.
- f. Immunization schedule (6 x 4 = 24)
VI.Give reasons.
- a. Body should he kept in proper position soon after death.
- b. It is not advisable to have bath soon after meals.
- c. Plenty of oral fluids are given to patients with diarrhoea
- d. Patient is positioned in head elevated before Ryle’s tube feeding.
- e. 1/0 chart is maintained for a patient with renal failure. (5 x 2 = 10)
VII. Write the nurse’s responsibilities in the following.
- a. Care of an unconscious patient.
- b. Hot water bag application.
- c. Care of patient on Foley’s catheter
- d. Prevention of constipation
- e. Collecting urine for culture
- f. Administration of blood transfusion (6×530)
VIII. Name the following.
- a. The standard instrument to measure B.P.
- b. Difficulty in swallowing.
- c. Condition of offensive breath
- d. Bluish discoloration of skin & mucus membrane
- e. Difficulty in passing urine
- f. Drugs used to treat fever. (6 x 1 = 6)
December 2009
Time: 2 hours Answer Sections Separately. Maximum Marks 100
Define the following:
- a. Nursing b. Dyspnoea c. Anuria,
- d. Glositis e. Infection . ( 5×1=5marks)
II. Differentiate between:
- a. Hypoxia—–Hypoxemia .
- b. Hypothermia—–Hyperthermia. –
- c. Hemiplegia—–Paraplegia.
- d. Haematamesis—–Haemoptysis.
- e. Disinfection—-Sterilization. (5×2 =10marks)
III. Write the normal values.
- a. Hb Level. b. Pulse rate per minute
- c. Serum Sodium level.
- d. Oxygen flow rate e. Salt intake per day. (5×1=5marks)
IV. List the following.
- a. Four Complications of Neglected Mouth. b. Four Complications of Bedridden patients. c. Four Features of Fever.
- d. Four types of Abnormal Respiration.
- e. Four types of Beds.. (5×4=20marics)
V.Give Reasons for the following.
- a. Never take oral temperature in unconscious patients.
- b. Wipe the thermometer from the bulb to the stem before taking temperature. c. Increase fluid intake during Fever.
- d. Never use thumb for taking pulse
- e. Restrict salt in patients with oedema. (5×2=10marks)
I. Write briefly on:
- a. Urine Sugar Chart.
- b. Diet during Fever. .
- c. Urine Test for Sugar. (5×3=15marks)
II. Fill in the blanks.
- a. Presence of sepsis in blood is —– _
- b. Presence of Blood in urine is —————.
- c. Normal Respiration is known as————–.
- d. Paralysis of one extremity is ————–¬
- e. Inflammation of Tongue is ————— (5xl=-5marks)
III. Write 5 Nurse’s Responsibilities in the following situations.
- a. Patient with Oedema.
- b. Patient with Dyspnoea.
- c. Patient with Fever.
- d. Patient with Retention of urine.
- e. Patient with Hypertension.¬
- f. Patient with Diabetes . (6×5=30marks)
October 2009
Time : 2 hours (Maximum marks :100)
[Note : Part A and B should be answered -in separate answer sheets]
I. Define the following :
- 1. Nursing
- 2. Pulse 3. Infection
- 4. Rigor
- 5.Dysphagia. (5 x 1 = 5)
II. Differentiate between the following :
- 1. Dyspnoea – Orthopnoca
- 2. Medical asepsis – Surgical asepsis
- 3. Anti emetics – Sedatives
- 4. True crisis . – False crisis
- 5. Sign- – Stridor (5 x 3 = 15)
III. Fill in the blanks :
- 1.Differentiate apical pulse and radial pulse is termed as ……………..
- 2. Total cessation of breathing is termed as …….:……………:..
- 3. Lack of O2 in tissue is termed as….,………..
- 4. Bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane is termed as……….:…
- 5. Rice water stool is found in……………. (5 x 1 = 5)
IV. Write the normal value :
- 1. Pulse pressure
- 2. Blood cholesterol
- 3. Serum K’ level
- 4. Bleeding time
- 5. Specific gravity of urine. (5 xl = 5)
V. Write short notes on the following :
- 1. Admission of a patient.
- 2. Factors affecting blood pressure.
- 3. Care of body after death.
- 4; Urine test for sugar.
- 5. Comfort devices.
- 6. Classification of enema. (6x 4 =24)
VI . Give reasons :
- 1. Hand should be washed before doing any procedure.
- 2. Insulin should not be given by mouth.
- 3: Thumb should not be used to feel the pulse.
- 4. Body should. be kept straight- soon after death.
- 5. Need for frequent oral hygiene in a patient with fever. (5 x 2 —- 10)
V. Write the nurses responsibilities in the following:
- 1. Recording the vital signs.
- 2. Care of unconscious patient
- 3. Administration of oxygen:
- 4. handling a sterile
- 5. Administration of IVfluids. (6 x 5 = 30)
VIII . Name the following:
- Loss of appetite
- Lack of sleeping
- Difficulty is passing urine
- Maintains of internal environment
- Reduction in blood pH below normal
- Difficulty in swallowing (6 x 1 = 6)
January 2010
[Time : 2 hours Maximum marks: 100
[Note : Part-A and Part-B should be answered in separate answer books]
I Define the following:
- 1. Profession
- 2. Nosocomial infection
- 3. Pulse deficit
- 4. Oliguria
- 5. Insomnia. . (5 x 2 =10)
II Differentiate between the following:
- 1. Percussion – Auscultation
- 2. Dysuria – Nocturia
- 3. Crisis – Lysis
- 4. Anoxia – Anorexia
- 5. Antigen – Antibody (5 x 2 =10)
III Fill in the blanks :
- l. Alternate expansion and recoiling and of an artery is termed as……………….
- 2. Difficulty in swallowing , ……………………..
- 3. Involuntary passage of urine is termed as……………. +~
- 4. Inflammation of oral cavity is known as…………….
- 5. Difference between systolic BP and diastolic BP is termed as…~……….. (5 x 1 = 5)
IV. Write the normal value:
- 1. Hb in males. 2. Cardiac output 3. SGOT 4. Duration of cardiac cycle..¬
- 5. Serum Na+. (5 xl = 5)
V. Write short notes on the following:
- 1. Principles of body mechanics.
- 2. Tepid sponge.
- 3. Care of pt unit after discharge.
- 4. Care of a dying person.
- 5. Five rights of medicine administration. f
- 6. Immunization schedule (6x 4 = 24)
VI. Give reason:
- 1. Salt is added to ice before ice cap application.
- 2. Fresh specimen should be send to the laboratory.
- 3. A patient needs to be completely relaxed before taking blood pressure.
- 4: Respiratory rate is increased soon after exercise.
- 5. Hot water bag is inflated with air while storing. (5 x 2 = 10)
VII. Write the nurses responsibilities in the following :
- 1. Admission of a patient
- 2. Clinical record of a patient
- 3. Management of patient with fever
- 4. Care of patient suffering from pain.
- 5. Caring of a patient with foley’s catheter.
- 6. Rehabilitation of a patient. (6 x 5 = 30)
VIII. Name the following:
- 1. Drug used to treat fever.
- 2. Difficulty in laboured breathing
- 3: Any agent that inhibit growth of bacteria.
- 4. Infection of the body by pus forming bacteria.
- 5. Increased respiratory rate.
- 6. State of suffocation. (6 x 1=6)
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