Dr Ravi M Nair
Ex. Advisor, Govt. of India
I am grateful to the Secretary of the Dept.of Indian Systems of Medicine & Homeopathy and her colleagues for organising such a great venture to probe deep into the prospects for developing Homoeopathy in all its spheres and for having invited me to attend this National convention on homoeopathy today.
If Homoeopathy is to face the various challenges that are brooding over the fields of medical sciences today, a scientific and effective standardisation of education,practice,research and Drugs has to be urgently launched. Otherwise it may not be able to keep its roots firm among the masses.It may be forced to keep lagging behind the other medical sciences in their race for domination. If standardization in practice and research is to be achieved, first of all education need to be standardised. There are many factors like providing infrastructural facilities etc.for standardizing education but most potent among them is learned and competent teachers worthy of being able to deliver the goods.
With the advance of the modern age,a great revolution has taken place in the field of medical science,and in the discovery of diagnostic aids, methods, equipments, and in the introduction of highly sophisticated technology, thanks to the growth of contemporary sciences. As these developments have been confined or rather better say made to confine to the Allopathic system alone because “of the”long term association and utilization of these benefits of the contemporary sciences by Allopathy, knowingly or unknowingly, conaciously or unconsciously. Allopathy has developed a possessive instinct on the part of the medical science, resulting even in the claiming of their advantages as its own. And these has created a general ire on the part of Allopaths to share these benefits with their counterparts in the ISM and Homoeopathy.
The Basic Medical science such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry Biophysics, Pathology etc.and Paramedical sciences like Microbiology, Community medicine, Nutrition, Forensic medicine, etc.are one and same for all systems of medicine, irrespective of Allopathy, Homoeopthy or SM. Likewise,the sciences dealing with the study of diseases including Surgery,Gbstetrics, Gynaecology, Opthalmology etc. are common to all systems of medicine. In the circumstances the advanced scientific knowledge illuminating and enlightening the above aspects cannot be held as a monopoly by any sect or sections. To homoeopathy such knowledge is as natural as water is to fish. The only difference appears to have been missed by some is that each system has its own separate concepts, methods & medicines for the treatment of diseases. Such being the case, it goes without saying that a homoeopath has to study all these subjects, to make himself worthy of being a full-fledged physician imbibing all the delicate and sophisticated knowledge, keeping abreast of the times. It is in strict conformity with this requirement that the same syllabus, Books etc. pursued by an Allopath are prescribed for a Homoeopath too.
In the context there is a great disadvantage brooding over the education of Homoeopathy. It is that there are no competent teachers to teach these subjects in Homoeopathic Colleges. The available teachers, in these subjects are not competent in that they are only graduates in Homoeopathy. In order to make them competent, they have to take postgraduate and higher qualifications in the concerned subjects. This facility is not provided at present. A BHMS Degree holder, since he has studied all these sciences on par with the MBBS degree holder must be deemed to be equal for the purpose of pursuing his P.G and higher studies in these non-clinical subjects, like his counterpart in the Allopathic system.
If this is done, in course time, competent teachers will be made available for teaching such subjects in Homoeopathic colleges. Besides such post graduates with Homoeopathic basic qualification alone will be able to usher in research works using up-to-date modern technology, and knowledge within the frame work of Homoeopathic principles. This is the only alternative to be recorded for improving and modernizing homoeopathic system of medicine. In this context it may be specifically pointed out that there need not be any apprehension with regard to the possibility of mixing and mingling of the different systems of medicine. What could achieved with the above facilities is simply that the advantages and benefits of the a11ied medical sciences are extended over to the fields of Homoeopathy.To achieve the above objective, the P.G courses have to be streamlined by bearing in mind the desirability of starting P.G courses in Basic and allied medical subjects also along with the Homoeopathic subjects.
It is now significant to note that the Central Council of Homoeopathy and the government are engaged in the finalization of P.G Regulation. This process is understood to be done excluding many of the allied and basic medical subjects taught in the Homoeo Colleges. It is also learnt that subjects in super specialties like Geriatrics, Paediatrics,Hospital administration etc. are being included for P.G Courses ignoring certain basic subjects. Unless a required standardisation is reached in basic subjects or subjects taught in under graduate studies, all attempts directed towards starting P.G in super specialty subjects will meet with failure. It’s therefore study all basic and allied medical subjects taught in the colleges.
A syllabus designed towards the above purpose has been prepared. The starting features of the syllabus are summed up in brief as follows.
1.The syllabus is so designed as to make opportunities for imbibing all advancement made in the subject concerned simultaneously pursuing the study of that subject in homoeopathic perspective, thereby enabling the student to use it effectively in the practice and research in Homoeopathy.
2. The P.G programme streamlined in the syllabus will open better avenues for finding out the scope of Homoeopathy in newer and newer areas inaccessible to other systems of medicine. For example: The preventive medicine in Allopathy is confined only to preventing communicable diseases. But Homoeopathy can prevent many diseases by setting right constitutional dyscrasia,besides preventing communicable and infections diseases.
Unlike other medicines Homoeopathy can also correct many of the Forensic Psychiatric problems, toxicological effects,Alcohol, etc. Without restoring to operative surgery Homoeopathy can nicely deal with many of the surgical conditions. So what is meant by surgery P.G courses of Homoeopathy is that an attempt should be made to avoid operative surgery to the maximum extent possible through administration of Homoeopathic medicine.
It should a1so give room for managing effectively obstetrical and gynecological conditions with Homoeopathy.The P.G programme in Pathology also help study to assess the extent of influence off miasm in causation of disease. It will be again helpful in understandingly the physiological and biochemical changes in Human body by admininistering Homoeo medicines.
3. There is a uniform pattern in the syllabus for prescribing papers for examinations in all subjects-ie 2 papers are on fundamental (theory) part and the remaining 2 papers are on applied part in practice of Homoeopathy of that subject.
4. Apart from the syllabus and examination, the rest of the syllabus has been prepared with close reference and in faithful conformation with the CCH Regulations on P.G courses.
5. There is also a special provision in the syllabus for enabling teachers to pursue P. G studies in their subjects while being teachers without detriment to their service. At the same time no change has been made in the syllabus or examination prescribed for regular students.
There will be more and practical than proposed orientation training to teachers. The teachers wi11 also get intensive and systematic training covering the whole subject leading to the award of an M.D Degree enabling them preferment in service. The orientation programme already planned for a short term will be useful to these post graduate teachers in their teaching carrier.
As a uniform qualification need be fixed for all teachers in all subjects, it is highly essential to take steps for starting P.G courses simultaneously in all subjects. It is admitted that such courses cannot be started in all subjects all of a sudden in particular institution .But it is possible to start P.G courses in all subjects being distributed in such colleges where the facilities are available immediately. The service of the teachers working in Allopathic colleges can be conveniently utilized as Guest Professors, Co-supervisor/Co-Guide, and Examiners for such courses coming under this scheme.
I therefore request that the erudite members assembled there may be submitted to the CCH and the Government with necessary request for approval. Before conclusion I may also invite your attention to the following points.
There is no uniformity or standard in the setting of question papers, conducting examinations, evaluating dissertations and answer scripts, etc. even in respect of P.G courses already started in various Universities. To achieve this, a question Bank at National level may be formed by the CCH. The question papers will be sent to the Universities from there. Necessary guide lines for conducting evaluations may also be formulated. For materializing the above, the CCH may organize workshops with competent experts in the fields.
1 am advancing one more suggestion for registering all round development in the Homoeopathic education in the country.
A National Commission may be set up on the analogy of U.G.C to tool into all the activities related to Homoeopathic education. This Commission may probe deep in to the issues invo1ving the maximum development of Homoeopathic Education both at Graduate and Post Graduate levels. It has to evolve and develop teaching/ training methods and teaching aids (including audiovisual) develop books, periodicals and accessories, conduct researches to develop academic excellence, prepare and maintain Question Bank, evolve assessment and evaluation methods in uniform way, impart training and orientation to teachers, Training in management and monitoring for Principals, Hospital Superintendents, Heads of Departments etc. standardise the case records, and to conduct all kinds of Researches connected with the science of Homoeopathy and its Education.
All financial grant and aids may be routed to this National Commission. And the Commission in its turn has to distribute the amount to the colleges or Universities concerned for each scheme formulated by the Commission from time to time. Thus the Commission would be able to exercise proper watch over each and every item of expenditure under each scheme and ensure necessary order in incurring expenditure. The task of prescribing qualification for teachers and granting commensurate scales of pay to the teachers may also be vested with the Commission that a coherence, order, uniformity and efficiency can be brought in the field of Homoeopathic education. Besides the Commission will be in a better position to monitor newer and newer projects for the better standardization of Homoeopathic education. Under this commission, subordinate Regional Bodies and Institutes for imparting training to teachers and other personnel’s, conducting researches for the development of teaching methodology, etc may also be started.
The Central Council of Homoeopathy, being as it is, not able to discharge all these functions in detail because of its very limitations. Hence the Commission may be deemed to be an organisation to implement and fulfill effectively all that is laid down by the Council from time to time.
These may also be recommended to the Government as the -suggestions of this National convention I wish to wind up my words by giving you once again my sincere thanks for having heard me in patience.
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