Practical Key to homoeopathy

Dr (Mrs) Neena S Menon  M D (Hom)

“The only reliable oracle of therapeutics is pure experience” 

My aim in writing this article is to create an awareness and interest in the source books of Homoeopathy. Apply these practical tips in your practice, which help you to gain confidence and success in life.

Health is a state of harmony between mental and physical well-being. When afflicted, it involves sealing or shutting, which is a complex process that necessitates skilled diagnosis and treatment. We also have to highlight the significance of follow-up which is the key to a successful cure in any system of medicine, which include the knowledge of miasm, knowledge of disease and medicines; as well as to body reactions to medicines. So the follow-up is a valuable reference guide to any practitioner.

First prescription can be done without much difficulty, if the case is well taken. But the method of approach in follow-up will be sometimes tedious even for the well established practitioner. The selection of right path in follow-up depends on the knowledge of physician as well as his practical experiences.

Nowadays it has been a fashion or style for the young or budding (new generations) Homoeopaths to blindly follow any particular school of Homoeopaths. But they are forgetting something here; they can’t become the exact replica of the leader, who represents that particular school of Homoeopaths. Whatever principles given by this school, is already explained by our master Dr. Hahnemann. So don’t follow any such type of mediators; but follow blindly our Great Master, Dr. Hahnemann and you will be successful in your practice. Read the source books of Homoeopathy and not the guides; which can mislead you. All the practical tips are clearly described by Dr. Hahnemann and his followers.

Some of these practical tips are mentioned below, which will give us an idea how to approach a case:-

Bryonia and Calcarea carb are inimical. Calcarea carb must not be given before Sulphur. Sulphur, Calcarea carb and Lycopodium follow each other in the order given. Silicea, Lycopodium, Belladonna, Rhus tox are all complementary to Calcarea carb.

Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Silicea, etc promotes pus formation in low potencies; while in high potencies check the pus formation.

Silicea should be thought of when the abscess does not heal under Merc sol. A dose of Sulphur should be given after Merc sol, before giving Silicea; for Merc sol and Silicea are inimical. Silicea follows Sulphur well.

Hepar sulph and Nitric acid are both complementary to Arsenic alb; while Rhus tox is complementary to Arsenic alb.

Fluoric acid is complementary to Silicea and Sulphur follows Silicea well.

Calcarea carb follows Pulsatilla well especially in cases of Engorgement of breasts after weaning.

Calcarea fluor will not act in cases where Kali iod had been used previously.

Phosphorus and Causticum must not be used after each other; they are inimical to each other.

Phosphorus and Carbo veg are complementary remedies.

Silicea acts well after Lycopodium.

Merc Iod F is often useful after Belladonna in follicular tonsillitis.

Nitric acid is to be thought when Mercurius has failed. It is also useful when Carbolic acid has not been sufficient to reabsorb the swelling and especially if the chancre is present with exuberant granulations.

Spiritus glandium quercus (acron) is a splenic remedy either in the acute or on the chronic stage, even when ascites and dropsical swelling of the legs are present with hypertrophy of the organ.

Toothache during pregnancy- Sepia is the best remedy than Chamomilla, Pulsatilla and Calcarea carb.

The best antidote for Quinine poisoning is Ipecac; then comes Arsenic alb and China. The other useful antidotes are Natrum mur and Veratrum alb.

Ranunculus bulbosus is given for the sore spots remaining after pneumonia.

If Pulsatilla does not help, Merc sol should be tried especially in otitis. Farrington says that the action of Merc sol is deeper than Pulsatilla.

Hamamelis vir is useful after Pulsatilla in orchitis.

In Intercostal neuralgia, Mezerium is considered to be the chief remedy; next comes Pulsatilla, Rhus tox and Arsenic alb. Hempel considers Cimcifuga, excellent in this disease. Bryonia is regarded as a classical remedy by some physicians. When Bryonia fails, Cimcifuga is useful.

Calcarea carb is the best remedy for Polyps and Phosphorus should be given when they bleed too much as well as when they recur often. Sanguinaria is for nasal polyps which bleed easily. Teucrium is for mucous polyps. Hering recommends Antim crud alternately with Pulsatilla and Merc sol. Jousset occasionally used Thuja alternately with Nitric acid.

Jahr says that Kali carb is especially useful when the right parotid is affected.Brunett says that Pilocarpin nitras 1x is specific for Mumps or Parotitis. When there is metastasis to testicles, the best remedy is Pulsatilla.

For the defects in placenta, give Phosphorus, especially when there is a tendency to cast away the untimely fruit. Apis, for abortion in the early months (third), especially when there is a defect in the musculature of the uterus. Sabina, for impending abortion, especially about the third month. Secale cor will be useful for abortions in the later months; there is too great development of the uterine muscles.Caulophyllum, when attended with great pain. Cimcifuga is a powerful restrainer and will suit cases with habitual disposition to abort. Sepia and Viburnum are good preventives of abortion.

When first menses is delayed, Pulsatilla is the best remedy.  After Pulsatilla, Jahr recommends Sepia.

Amenorrhea owing to a plethoric condition of the girl, Bryonia should be tried first, then Calcarea carb.

If Pulsatilla is not sufficient; Sulphur may be given, which is to be again followed by Pulsatilla.

Hahnemann says that in Amenorrhea; Kali carb will bring on the menstrual flow when Natrum mur though indicated has failed.

In Measles, Kali bich is particularly needed after Pulsatilla if the catarrhal symptoms are prominent, especially if the eyes and ears are involved. Farrington says Pulsatilla is called for in milder and Kali bich in severe cases.

When Belladonna fails, give Bryonia in Mammary abscess. If Bryonia too cannot check the suppuration, Phytolacca may be used.

Calcarea carb is recommended for Lumbago, after the failure of Rhus tox.

Argentum nit, the complement of Gelsemium; is sometimes needed after Gelsemium in Loco motor ataxia.

Hughes recommends Picric acid in Leukemia; while Grauvogl strongly recommends Natrum sulph and Thuja.

For the sore throat of smokers give Capsicum and Nux vomica.

Lycopos virginicus is very useful in relieving the protrusion of eyes and the cyanosis in Exophthalmic goiter; but little effect upon the glandular enlargement; which yielded to Iodine.

Apis stands between Belladonna and Rhus tox especially in inflammation.

Within its short compass, it cannot, nor is it intended to be, a guide in all cases.

Dr (Mrs) Neena S Menon  M D (Hom)
Asst. Professor,Dept. of Hom. Materia Medica
Y.M.T. Homoeopathic Medical College
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
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  1. Can sulphur & lycopodium be given on same day like evening / morning or alternate days or simultaneously to a 35 year old male. This guy responded well with sulphur for his learning deficiency problems in childhood 5-6 years old & now he has a self confidence issue. I want to try both medicines simultaneously, he is averse to consulting doctors & medical tests. I have learnt homoeo at AFAC Homoeopathic Medical centre, Chembur in 1988-89. One of my teachers was a Mrs. Menon.

  2. Thank you for your value able input. Please advise what to do when an antidotal or inimical remedy needs to be given after the first prescription.


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