Project Integration of Homoeopathy with NPCDCS

npcdcsIntegration of Homoeopathy with National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) in Krishna District at Gudivada near Amaravathi

The Union Minster of State for AYUSH (Independent Charge) and Health & Family Welfare Shri Shripad Yesso Naik launched the pilot project Integration of Homoeopathy/Yoga with National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke (NPCDCS) in Krishna District at Gudivada near Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh. The NPCDCS is a programme of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and its integration with AYUSH is one of the mandates of NPCDCS programme.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Shripad Naik said that about 5.8 million Indians die from diseases like heart & lung diseases, cancer & diabetes etc. i.e. one out of every four Indians runs the risk of dying from one of these diseases before they reach the age of 70. People become vulnerable to these diseases due to smoking, physical inactivity, drinking alcohol, mental stress among others, the Minister explained.

The AYUSH Minister said that the AYUSH System of medicine has a great potential to contribute towards improvement in the health care delivery system. Homoeopathy is the most accepted health care system after Modern medicine and Ayurveda medicine in our country, he added.

NPCDCS was launched by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with the aim of health promotion and control of these diseases. Integration of AYUSH can act as a catalyst to operationalize its aims and objectives, Shri Shripad Naik elaborated.

Dr. Raj K. Manchanda, Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Senior officials of AYUSH both from Centre and State Governments, Experts and Doctors were present on the occasion.

For integration of NPCDCS and AYUSH, it was decided to utilize the services of the Homoeopathic doctors and yoga experts in Krishna (Andhra Pradesh) and Darjeeling (West Bengal) districts. The program aims to aid in reduction of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) burden by providing primary prevention of common NCDs through an integrated approach of health education (promotion of healthier life styles including yoga), timely screening of population for early detection/diagnosis of NCDs and early management of NCDs through homoeopathic treatment alone or as add on to standard care.

Accordingly, the CCRH has developed the operational guidelines for implementation of the program through its centers i.e., Regional Research Institute (H), Gudivada and Clinical Research Unit (H), Siliguri. Further, the Council has developed training manual for yoga instructors, yoga volunteers and Multi task workers which will help creating awareness for public about life style disorders.


  1. Its time know for Homoeopaths to prove their worth , and come up to the expectation and give positive results

  2. Its time know for Homoeopaths to prove their worth , and come up to the expectation and give positive results

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