Public Health Champion Awards 2015 Call for nomination by WHO India

whoPublic Health Champion Awards 2015 Call For Nomination by World Health Organization

WHO Country Office for India intends to recognize efforts of both, individual(s) and institution(s) who have made an outstanding contribution to public health through advocacy for and involvement in impactful health policies, strategies and programmes with proven public health achievements and substantial improvement in health outcomes with equity in the country.

The awards comprise two categories:

(i) Sustained contribution to the field of public health, and

(ii) Innovation

For more information and to Apply please visit the Link

Nomination can be done by the nominee or by nominators. If you are nominating yourself or your own organization, please select ‘Self-nomination’ and if you are nominating someone or organization other than yours

Nomination deadline: 15 March 2015, 10:00PM IST

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