Teaching Public Health at UG Medical education guidelines by WHO

whoImproving the teaching of Pubic Health at Undergraduate level in Medical School – suggested guideline by World Health Organisation(WHO)

The “Expert Group Meeting to Review and Finalize the Regional Guidelines to Improve Teaching of Public Health at Undergraduate Level in Medical Schools” was held in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Experts from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand participated in the meeting.

A regional meeting on “Teaching of public health in medical schools” was organized by the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO) in Bangkok, Thailand for stakeholders in different institutions and organizations to share their views and strategic directions on how to strengthen teaching of public health in undergraduate medical schools in the South-East Asia Region.

The specific objectives of the meeting were:

  1. To review the situation of public health teaching in undergraduate medical schools in countries of South-East Asia Region and globally.
  2. To share experiences and identify effective/innovative teaching contents and methods to improve teaching of public health in undergraduate medical schools.
  3. To discuss and develop the regional strategic framework for strengthening teaching of public health in undergraduate medical schools.

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