Rajya Sabha seeks your opinion on Homoeopathy act amendment

New Delhi : Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and family Welfare is presently examining the Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill 2015.

The committee has inter alia decided to be benefited by the views/comments of the stake holders/experts on the provisions of the Bill.

You are requested to send your written views/comments latest by 12th June 2015 for consideration of the committee.

Arpana Mendiratta
Joint Director
Rajya Sabha Secratariate
Parliamnet House
New Delhi.110001

Email: rs-chfw@sansad.nic.in
Fax: 011-23012007

You can download a  copy of the Bill from here

The Cabinet had given its nod to the amendment to Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 in a meeting on March 31 this year.

The amendment seeks to make a provision for obtaining prior permission of the central government by all Homeopathy Medical Colleges for admission of new batches of students in any course or study or training including post graduate ones.

It seeks to provide the permission for a period of five years.

he existing provisions in the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 are not enabling the Central Government to stop admissions in existing colleges, which are not conforming to standards specified in the regulations made under the Act.

Government felt that due to this, the quality of homoeopathy education was being compromised.

The amendment shall therefore, improve standards of existing colleges to the prescribed levels and ensure similar standards of infrastructure, facilities and manpower in existing homoeopathic colleges as would be required for new colleges.


  1. Homoeopathy is most challengeable science to cure for incurable maladies so implementataion of good infrastructure with government college and hospitals with scientific practical approach of teaching must be necessary to make good homoeopath.

  2. Standardisation of Homoeopathic science education must be equivalent with allopathic science with a attached hospital & necessary staffs ,necessary infrastructure,wellequiped laboratory & other necessities by which people Will get benefits.

  3. importantly govt must open more govt colleges as pvt colleges don provide good education and also fees is too high in pvt colleges which eveyone cant affod….

    • Madam Kalpana Gautam Ji, you rightly incited to be opened new GOVT. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, to control to homoeopathic education as business. Most Self financed colleges are doing so. Mostly run by CCH members or their relatives. Only by govt colleges & dispensaries can give benefit to rural & poor people of India.

  4. Upgrade the infrastructure of every Homoeopathic Medical college with modern technological equipment ,practical bed side clinical approach to patient and student how Homoeopathic drug cure the sick person . Preventive approach of Homoeopathy in contagious diseases . Statistical data on all respect of diseases and clinical verification time to time . In out break of epidemic how Homoeopathy save the population . The initiative must be taken for future of Homoeopathy.

  5. Government should strictly implement to standardized the infrastructure and all colleges should have an Hospital attached

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