Rare mother tinctures in homoeopathy

Dr Tarishi Manjul Singh

Mother tinctures are extracted from different drug sources by various methods defined under pharmacopeia. This article has information about a few rare but effective mother tinctures used in practice. Mother tincture may be extremely helpful in treating various health problems from mild to severe.

KEYWORDS: Mother tincture, organopathy, one-sided disease.

The mother tinctures are a decoction prepared from the source drug containing all the therapeutic properties of the drug. Different drugs are prepared from different methods as guided by Dr Hahnemann. The word mother tincture is named so because different potencies are prepared from it. There has always been a conflict about including the concept of mother tincture in the system of homeopathy but nobody has been able to deny the efficacy of mother tincture in homeopathy practice.

Dr. Boericke writes in his homeopathic Materia Medica under the medicine Alfa Alfa that the best results are resisted with material doses with drops of tincture several times daily. Continue its use until the tonic effect ensues.

Dr. Hahnemann himself advocated the use of mother tincture in his 6th edition of Organon of Medicine {aphorism 284, 285} that the curative remedy should also be continued internally while the same remedy is used externally as an ointment, liniment, cerate, etc. The external application is the combination of two or more mother tinctures to dispense in the vehicle to provide quick relief. The Mother tinctures are needed where the organs have deteriorated due to pathological changes.


  • The mother tincture can only be prepared with drugs that are soluble in water. Dr. Hahnemann has given the method for the preparation of mother tincture.
  • Old method: In this method, the mother tincture is classified according to source solubility and the moisture content of the drug substance. When the drug source is plant and animal then it’s called mother tincture. When the drug source is Minerals and chemicals then it is called Mother solution.
  • New method: In today’s time the mother tincture is prepared by a new method
  • Maceration: It is a long process of preparation of mother tincture where hard, gummy, and mucilaginous, substances are used.
  • Percolation: It is a short process of mother tincture where soft, non-gummy, and non-mucilaginous substances are used.


  • Maintaining advanced pathological cases: Mother tincture is very useful in advanced pathological cases to avoid the dreadful aggravation of constitutional medicine. If a deep-acting medicine is given in advance pathological cases it may apt to aggravate and succumb the patient.
  • Drug dependent cases/ organopathy: the utility of mother tincture in those cases where the patient is dependent on allopathic drugs like anti-allergic, steroids, anti-diabetic, insulin, and anti-hypertension cannot be ignored these cases the homeopathic mother tincture will cease the dependency on the allopathic drug and the constitution of the patient is also reflected and constitutional remedy can be prescribed accordingly to cure the disease.
  • One-sided disease: Since the mother tincture can be prescribed easily on the basis of very few symptoms thus it is useful in cases of one-sided disease. The one-sided diseases are those diseases with a scarcity of symptoms [ having one or two symptoms only] without any pathological basis.
  • Management of a patient who is on constitutional treatment: Mother tincture is also used to meet the accessory symptom produced in the patient who is on constitutional treatment without disturbing the action of the constitutional remedy. during the treatment of chronic disease, the patient may experience episodes of an acute attack of the disease which is successfully met by homeopathic mother tinctures. Since the mother tincture has a very superficial action thus will not disturb the dynamic action of the remedy.
  • To increase the function of an organ: In advanced pathological cases the stress on the organ is increased in multiple folds to decrease the stress and to increase the nutrition and the functioning of the mother tincture has the best applicability.
  • Nutritional uses: Few mother tinctures have decided to influence the system by providing nutrition, relieving deficiency, and associated symptomatology. For instance, Alfa Alfa favorably influences nutrition evidenced in the toning of the appetite and digestion resulting in great physical and mental Vigor with gaining in weight.
  • External uses: Hahnemann himself advocated the use of mother tincture in his 6th edition of Organon of Medicine {aphorism 284, 285} that the curative remedy should also be continued internally while the same remedy is used externally as an ointment, liniment, create, etc. The external application is the combination of two or more mother tinctures to dispense in the vehicle to provide quick relief. Examples: Calendula: in injury, acid Chrysarobium: in ringworm, etc.
  • To increase the vitality of the patient: In a few cases, the vitality of the patient is too weak to respond to the dynamic medicines, in such cases the mother tinctures come to the rescue by increasing the vitality, providing substantial nutrition and thus preparing the ground for the dynamic medicine to act.
  • Drainage remedy: Once the deep constitutional remedy is administered to the patient the remedial effect of the constitutional medicine rapidly removes the toxins into the system. Here the mother tincture acts as a complementary to the constitutional remedy helping the body to eliminate the toxins from the system resulting in decreased toxic loads. Here, this action of the mother tincture is drainage action and the indicated mother tincture becomes the drainage remedy.


  • Medicinal poisoning: Since the mother tincture is a pure extract of the crude drug, excessive repetition may develop alkaloid poisoning.
  • Masking of a symptom: Few physicians use the mother tincture just to relieve the annoying symptoms resulting in an altered constitutional picture thus the selection of a similimum isn’t possible.
  • No curative effect: The action of mother tincture is very superficial and thus has only a therapeutic effect on a patient. Physicians must not expect the cure from mother tincture.


  1. Echinacea angustifolia: Clinical: Diphtheria. Cold perspiration on the whole body. Fetid breath, and ulcer in the pharynx. Hemorrhage of dark blood.
  1. Ebel-Moschus: Addison disease, acute or chronic glaucoma. Heavy feeling in the head
  2. Aconitum Lycotonum: Swelling of glands, itching of the nose with cracked skin; eyes, anus, vulva. diarrhea after eating pork.
  3. Alstonia Constricta: Useful in debility, diarrhoea, and dysentery vomiting in pregnancy, lower blood pressure.
  4. Ambrosia Artemidiaefolia: Hay fever, lachrymation, summer diarrhea.
  5. Apocynanum Antrosaemifolia: Rheumatic symptom with wandering pain in all joints. The sole of the foot is swollen with a burning sensation. Trembling and frustration.
  1. Carum Carvi: acts on intestinal muscles. Relieves colic, gripping pain, bloating, and flatulence, and increases breast milk production.
  2. Cichorium Intybus: stimulants for the liver and digestive tract. General heaviness, headache, weight in stomach. Great indisposition to bodily and mental exertion.
  3. Echinacea Purpurea: Diphtheria, putrid fever, immune stimulant action. Anti-viral, antifungal, antibacterial.
  4. Sticta Pulmonaria: Bronchial catarrh, coryza, nervous and rheumatic disturbances
  5. Equisetum Arvense: Severe, dull pain and fullness in the bladder not relieved by urinating. Severe pain at the close of the urination. anuresis dysuria.
  6. Helianthus Annus: Spleen remedy. Stool black. Coryza; old catarrh, nasal haemorrhage thick scabs, and nose < by heat.
  7. Lamium Album: Hard stool with blood. Farrington recommends it for external piles. Much uneasiness of mind and body. Trembling of limbs. The backward and forward motion of the head.
  8. Leptandra: Mild stimulant. Useful for liver and gall bladder disorder. In enfeebled portal circulation. Jaundice with black tarry stool.
  9. Mimosa Pudica: Sensitiveness and headache above the eyes < by motion > by closing eyes. Pain in shoulders and ankles. Diarrhoea with abdominal colic and irritating stools.
  10. Origanum Vulgare: Low sexual desire in females. Also promotes menstrual flow when suppressed by cold.
  11. Psoralea corylifolia: In the cases of leprosy and leukoderma.
  12. Rhamnus Californica: Rheumatism and muscular pain. Tendency to metastasis and profuse sweat.
  13. Taraxacum: Chronic disorder of the kidney and liver. diuretic without loss of potassium and detoxifier.
  14. Veronica Beccabunga: Stimulates appetite. Given in scurvy and diuretic.
  15. Agrimonia Eupatoria: Painful kidneys. Impaired digestion. Menstrual difficulties. Bronchia.
  16. Alnus: Indigestion due to imperfect secretion of gastric juices. Leucorrhoea with erosion of the cervix. Bleeding easily. Amenorrhea with burning pains back to pubis. eczema. chronic herpes. Enlarged submaxillary glands.
  17. Aquilegia Vulgaris: A remedy for hysteria. Globus hystericus. Women in the climatic period with vomiting of green substance especially in the morning. Sleeplessness. Manses; scanty. Pressure at the right lumbar region.
  18. Arum Dracontium: A remedy for pharyngitis with sore, raw, and tender throat. Pain worse swallowing. Continue croupy hoarse cough with thick expectoration.
  19. Asclepias Syriaca: A great remedy for dropsy. Hepatic. Renal or cardiac. Increases the urinary output. Acute rheumatic inflammation of a large joint. Headache followed by increased urine with increased specific gravity. Headache from retention of urine. Bul
  20. Blumea Odorata: A great remedy to control hemorrhages. From uterus, piles, and dysentery. Excellent remedy for bleeding piles. Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea mixed with blood, and miscarriages are benefited by this drug. Excellent remedy for tertian fever.
  21. Doerheavia Diffusa: It has got a great diuretic properties. Dropsy due to liver peritoneal conditions is benefitted by this drug. Asities with liver, kidney, and peritoneal pathology.Cirrhosis of the liver.
  1. Caesalpinia Bondocells: Excellent remedy for chronic fever, especially of intermittent nature. Fever is very regular and may come anytime. Fever appears with chilliness. Thirsty during the heat stage. Great weakness after remission of fever. No desire to talk. The patient wants to lie down quietly in bed with closed eyes. Liver and Spleen enlarged and tender.
  1. Carlspad: Famous for its action on the liver and in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and gout. Tongue-coated white. Offensive breath. Sour or salty taste. Heartburn. Stools constipated passed with much abdominal pressure.
  2. Cassia Sophera: nasal discharge. Fluent thin, watery with sneezing and thick expectoration. Homeopathic broncho dilator. Cough with pain in the chest. Thick yellow expectorations< morning, evening >warmth. dry cough with wheezing > night. Dyspnoea > winters from exposure to dust. Change of weather, cold drinks.
  1. Castoreum: Great remedy for Hysteria with frustration. Nervous women continuously suffering from one or another disease. Constant yawing. Restlessness and irritability with frightful dreams. Amenorrhoea and Dysmenorrhea.
  2. Chimaphila Umblleta: Acts principally on kidneys, and Genito urinary tract. Hepatic and renal atrophies. Chronic alcoholism. incipient and progressive cataract. Prostatic enlargement. Urine turbid, offensive, containing ropy or bloody mucus. Burning and scalding during urination and straining afterwards. Must strains before the flow comes. acute prostatitis.
  3. Cynodont Dactylon: Excellent remedy for Hematemesis. Epistaxis. menorrhagia. dysentery. scabies. Dropsy Vesicular Calculus. Dysuria or Catarrhal Ophthalmia. Very useful in acute and chronic dysentery with or without blood.
  4. Embelica Ribes: Great children’s remedy. Complaints associated with or produced by worms. Diarrhea, Dyspepsia, and Flatulence due to worm. Urine is pungent and blood-colored. The patient is cross, and morose, with grinding of teeth, stool undigested itching of the rectum abdomen distended, and worms passing with stools.
  5. Equisetum: A remedy for Enuresis and Dysuria. Frequent urging and severe pain at the close of urination. Urine flows drop by drop. Sharp pains. Cutting pains while urinating.
  6. Eriodictyon: Cough Asthma and Bronchitis better by expectoration. Cough after influenza.
  7. Eugenia: Acene simple and indurated. Pimples are painful.
  8. Ficus Ciarcia: Acts as Purgative and has a soothing effect on cough-producing expectoration.
  9. Gossypium: Powerful emmenagogue. Retained placenta. Supressed menstruation.
  10. Hydrocotyle Asciatica: Elephantiasis. Lupus.
  11. Latic Acid: Gastro enteritis. Copious salivation and nausea.
  12. Luffa Amara: Excellent drug for irritation and inflammation of gastric mucosa. It is also used as a gastric tonic.
  13. Lycopus Virgincus : Goitre.
  14. Melissa Officinalis: Anxiety, Depression, and Restlessness. Irritability, Insomnia. cold sores. Headaches. Hyperchlorhydria.
  15. Pareira Brava: Bladder catarrhal. Calculus. Dysuria. Prostate enlargement. renal colic.
  16. Quassia Amara: Great gastric tonic. Dyspepsia with gas and acidity.
  17. Trigonelia Foenum: Diabetes mellitus. scrofula. rickets. anaemia. debility
  18. Uranium Nitricum: Diabetes mellitus. Duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer.
  19. Wrightia tinctoria: anorexia. Debility and emaciation. Amoebic dysentery.
  20. Zingiber: Asthma without anxiety. Cough; dry, hacking with copious sputum in the morning.


  1. Mandal and Mandal. A textbook of Homeopathic pharmacy 3rd edition, New Central Book Agency,2019,585.
  2. Organon of Medicine by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann 5th & 6th edition combined. Presented by R.E. Dudgeon, M.D., William Boericke, M.D., B Jain Publisher Pvt.Ltd., 2020,499
  3. Robin Murphy. Lotus Materia Medica 3rd Edition, B.Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd 1 June 2010,2220.
  4. William Boericke New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory 9th edition, B.Jain Publisher Pvt Ltd, p.1193.
  5. Yudhvir S. Miracles of Mother Tincture with Therapeutics Hints and Treatment of Diseases.
  6. Dr S.C.Ghose Drugs of Hindoosthan 8thp. 342.
  7. Clarke J.H. Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica. Indian Books & Periodicals Pub (31 December 2004),p.1635 pages.
  8. Srivastav B.P. Homoeopathic Mother Tincture 4th
  9. Eurand S.H. physiological Materia Medica of Mother Tinctures 2nd
  10. Kamal Kansal. The hand book of Homoeopathic Mother Tinctures 2nd

Dr Tarishi Manjul Singh
M.D.(Hom.) Psychiatry Scholar
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College, And Hospital, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

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