Reflection of mind in one’s own Mother tongue

 Dr Isharatjaha Sayyed   

Abstract: Studies shows that the role of Mother tongue in the effective use of the Perseverance Stress Scale (P.S.S.) in case taking is crucial.

The comprehension of mother tongue is better which increases understanding of P.S.S. questionnaire. The need for direct non-English psychological services greatly outweighs the number of clinicians in the India. This paper will explore the importance of multicultural assessments of linguistically diverse individuals.

Key words: Mother Tongue, Perseverance Stress Scale, Repertory, language, psychological analysis, Homeopathic philosophy.

Introduction: Homeopathy appraises case taking as an individual oriented approach, Aiming patient’s expressions and frame of mind. Hahnemann has urged to record the symptoms in patient’s own language in the § 84.9 Kent as well encouraged for using patients language during case taking and case recording in his lecture XXIII-the examination of the patient.10

The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is widely used psychological instrument which helps in measuring the perception of stress in individuals. English versions of PSS are more frequently used. The 2011 census of India3 suggest that, 128,539,090 Indian people speak English, which is roughly 10% of the total population at that time. Language is an integral feature of comprehension; thus, typical PSS increases gap in the clinical assessment of many psychological disorders.5

Perseverance Stress Scale (P.S.S.) was originally developed in 1983 by Cohen et al. It has 4 or 10 or 14 numbers of questionnaires. Full scale has 14 questionnaires Which include two subscales1: –

  1. Negative subscale (items 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, and 14)
  2. Positive subscale (items 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 13)

Available translation of P.S.S. and other psychological evaluations: The PSS-14 and PSS-10 have been translated into many different languages, including Marathi, Bangali, Malayalam, Urdu, Hungarian, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Thai, etc. with good reliability and validity.4

Why use patients Mother Tongue

  • The grammar of the mother tongue provides a solid base for the grammars of all the languages one may want to learn.
  • Mother Tongue is also known as first language (L1) and other languages person use in addition to L1 is called as second language (L2). Acquisition plays crucial role in psychological evaluation; native language needs natural and effortless acquisition while L2 required time as well as efforts.2
  • Patient can provide more accurate details in his own mother tongue.

Research supporting the role of Mother tongue in the effective use of Perseverance Stress Scale (P.S.S.).
In an attempt to close the gaps between multilingual guidelines, and clinical assessment practices, professionals in the field of psychological assessment have begun to develop specific resources to aid psychologists and institutions.

  • Psychologists have ethical and professional responsibilities to consider the primary language and culture of their clients when conducting psychological assessments, including when drafting the final assessment report. (paper published by HHS Public Access, Author manuscript-2022 December)11
  • There is need of continuously translate and validate the screening tool in languages used in communities which are not served by psychologists and other mental health professionals, whose assessment tools are in foreign unfamiliar languages. If psychology seeks to be a truly global science and profession, its tools and approaches need to be adapted and validated in as many different cultures and social groups as possible. (2007- research done by mental health services in Spanish Professional Psychologist)6
  • Translated and validated Marathi language versions of the PSS and the MSPSS is an important contribution to the mental health research field for assessing the perceived stress and perceived social support.7

Other many studies suggest that the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) which is initially developed in English, when translated and adapted into mother tongue of the patients will be more efficient in using a systematic approach.

Challenges in implications
The WHO guidelines recommend for Translation and validation of English version of the tool into the local language. This step is followed by the expert panel discussion and feedback as well as revised tool is then back translated into English. But this step is not explicitly mentioned in the WHO guidelines. If direct word-to-word translation is done instead of identifying phrases/word that are conceptually equivalent then this can produce turmoil in psychological assessment rather than easing it.

Merits of use of Mother tongue clinical assessment
Efficacy of psychological assessments elevates because use of Mother tongue. Most importantly, Patients suffering will be interpreted perfect as possible. Psychology can become truly a global science and profession, when its tools and approaches are adapted according to the individual.

The current and previous studies reported an overview of research on flexibility in different versions. For this purpose, translation and validation of PSS must be done satisfactorily. These practices are suggested as reasonable steps that may be taken by psychologists to improve the quality of assessment services provided to clients who do not speak English as their first language. Moreover these studies also shows that good assessment of case taking can be achieve if it is done in patients own mother tongue.


  1. Perceived Stress Scale. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (2024, April 8).
  2. Role of the Mother Tongue in the Comprehension of the Subject Matter at the primary level by Muhammad Idris, Zoobia. (2018). Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research (SJESR),
  4. Cohen, S., & Williamson, G. (1988). The social psychology of health: Claremont Symposium on applied social psychology
  5. org. from /pf0000212270
  6. Castaño, M. T., Biever, J. L., González, C. G., & Anderson, K. B. (2007). Challenges of providing mental health services in Spanish. ProfessionalPsychology, Research and Practice, 38(6), 667–673.
  7. Translation and Adaptation of the Perceived Stress Scale and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support into Marathi Department of Psychiatry. (n.d.). Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences.
  8. Harrison, T. R., & Braunwald, E. (2002). Harrison’s principles of internal medicine (15th ed.). McGraw-Hill [pg. no. 3268-3271]
  9. Hanemann’s Organon of medicine:6th edition by Dr William boericke, MD. B Jain.
  10. Kent, J. T. (2008). Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy. Merchant Books.
  11. Aldalur A, Bridgett T, Pick LH. Psychological Assessment Reports for Linguistically Minoritized Clients: 2022 Dec

Dr. Isharatjaha Sayyed (MD-Part I)
Dr. S. M. Wagh, Dr. S. Ankushe, Dr. Akshay Thole,
Dept. of Repertory, D.K.M.M.H.M.C. Chh. Sambhajinagar (Aurangabad)
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