Research Universities Bill 2012 -suggestions invited

researchUniversities for Research and Innovation Bill 2012 – suggestions invited from public by Indian Parliament

We can include Homeopathy PhD Programmes in the proposed Universities for Research .

All homeopathy professionals, academicians, policy makers and professional are requested to send worthy suggestions to Standing Committee – regarding the inclusion of Quality research and PhD programmes for homeopaths- that is the need of the hour.

All Homeopaths should attain knowledge about the modern research protocol, methodology, diagnostic tools, follow-up criteria and disease management.

This will help us to be at par with the current medical research practices

The bill is to provide for the establishment and incorporation of Universities for Research and Innovation and for enabling them to emerge as centres for ecosystems to develop as hubs of education, research and innovation and to promote research and innovation in learning and design, development and  delivery of solutions and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

Parliament of India where the Standing committee on Human Resource Development is inviting memoranda containing views/suggestions from individual and Organizations interested in the subject matter of the bill  – The Universities for Research and Innovation Bill 2012.

Homeopathy PhD in India is still in the beginning. Because of the shortage of efficient guides, lack of proper curriculum. Central Council of Homeopathy CCH not yet formulated a syllabus for PhD Programme, even though PhD comes under different Universities.

Copy of the bill can be downloaded from under the section “Bills with committees” at the link  below.

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1 Comment

  1. Considering the advent of molecular approaches to diseases, we have not take this step in moving from Molecular approach to disease diagnosis and treatment. This will help in enhancing fuerther in the realms of research and take this science forward.

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