Dr Divya PP
Nosode is derived from Noso (Greek) that signifies the ‘disease products’
‘Nosodotherapy’ – therapeutic use of organic reactional wastes or some ætiological factors which are the source of the ‘damage’ to the disease.
The term ‘Nosode’ has no legal existence in France & Germany and has been replaced by the term BIOTHERAPY
- Dr. Pierre Schmidt explained nosodes as ‘an Isopathic Remedy’. According to him, “If it is applied after having been tested on a healthy man, it becomes a nosode”. Actually, many of the nosodes do not possess this quality.
- Dr. Constantine Hering was the first stalwart to observe the efficiency of the nosodes in his clinical practice. Since then, prescribing nosodes has gained its popularity.
Indications to prescribe Nosodes:
- As a Constitutional Medicine – i.e. when the mental, physical generals and particulars are characteristics.
- When well chosen remedies fails to give relief.
- When there is a lack of symptoms – i.e. to clear-up the case.
- “Never been well since” symptoms.
- As “Miasmatic intercurrent” medicine.
- When there is a partial portrait of the disease and no medicine completely fits the case.
- As “Homœopathic Prophylaxis”.
- As “Genus Epidemicus”.
- As an “Auto-nosodes”.
Contra-indications to prescribe Nosodes:
- In Active Phase of the Disease.
- During the Incubation of the Disease.
- In the Acute Explosive Stage of the Disease.
- During the Active Phase of a Recurrent Attack.
- Auto-nosodes, during the acute infectious disease.
- Below 200c or 30x Potency; and should be administered in Infrequent Repetition.
Julian’s Materia Medica of Nosodes with repertory – Treatise on Dynamised microimmunotherapy
TRANSLATION : Translated from the original French by Rajkumar Mukherji, MA, LHMS
PUBLISHER : B.Jain publishers, New Delhi
- 1st Indian edition – 1980
- 2nd revised edition – 1985
- Reprint editions – 1988, 1995, 1996
Dr OA JULIAN – A Biographical Note
- Born on 18th June, 1910.
- Did all his studies on medicine at Strassbourg.
- While quite young he met Dr. P Fister, who practiced Homoeopathy at Savern. Became interested in Homoeopathy. He practiced a complete medicine at Normandy with a small surgery, a delivery section and a section for labour accidents. He was himself a Propharmacist (with help of Mme Julian who administered the stock of medicine). Advised by Maurice Delpeche he began Homoeopathy which he soon adopted totally.
- During the time of World war, he worked as a Biologist in the Hospital of Agen. After that he became a refugee in Switzerland with his family at which time he did medical service of refugee camps. Then he returned to France and continued medical activities.
- Learnt Acupuncture & Vertebrotherapy.
- He founded the Societe Homoeopahique of Normandy which united the homoeopaths of that region. He published and edited the Revue des Archives Homoeopathiques de Normandy for 10 yrs.
- He transferred his chamber to Paris and began meetings in his house where most able homoeopaths used to meet who desired to exchange their experiences. His mind was always open to new ideas and he was full of energy. Learned Gemmotherapy, Electro-acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Biotherapy, Anthroposophotherapy.
- Did Homoeopathic experiments on rats and cobayes (under the guidance of Professor Henri Baruk and Dr J Dannay) with Rauwoulfia and Cicuta in the experimental school of psych-pharmacology.
- Above all a physician, an endowed teacher, a fervent researcher, he was also a writer. He has published many books. In jan 1984, little before his death, he published his last book “Homoeopathie et terrain” (Homoeopathy and ground).
- He died on 14th March, 1984.
Part I : Isopathic Concretology
Part II: Materia Medica of Biotherapics(Ex-Nosodes)
Part III: Repertory of Nosodes
PART I – Isopathic Concretology
9 Chapters :
1. Introduction – Short Epistemology of Homoeopathic Concretology.
2. History of Isopathy – Has 8 documentaries.
i. Biography of Constantine Hering by Haehl, French Translation-J. Askenasi
ii. Biography of Wilhelm Lux Translated by J. Askenasi
iii. Johann Joseph Wilhelm Lux – Isopathy of Contagions, Translated by J. Askenasi
iv. Hagero. Medicamenta Homoeopathica et Isopathica, Leipzig, 1861. Translated by O.A. Julian
v. Nomenclature of Nosodes with Nelson, London
vi. Nomenclature of Nosodes with Heel according to H.H. Reckeweg
vii. Nomenclature of Nosodes with Stauffen-Goppinge according to R. Voll
viii. Nomenclature of Products of Microbian Origin in French
3. Dynamised Micro-immunotherapy – or Isopathy – Isotherapies
(A) Definition
(B) Pharmacotaxi
4. Homoeopathic and Biotherapic Pharmacotaxi
5. Pharmacodynamics of Dynamised Microimmunotherapy or Isopathy.
6. Theoretical study of Microimmunotherapy or Isopathy.
7. Experimental Researches
8. Clinical Praxis of Dynamised Microimmunotherapy or Isopathy.
9. Immunotherapic or Isotherapic Prescription
- Pharmacotherapy – acc. to the acute chronic states.
- Pharmacolexi – Unicist, pluralist, complexist prescription.
(c) Pharmaconomy – Posology and modalities of prescription.
An index given after the part I:
- Consists of medicines, symptoms, clinical conditions, technical terms etc.
- Arranged alphabetically
PART II – MM of Biotherapics (Ex-Nosodes)
- Contains therapeutic hints of 66 nosodes (Anthracinum to Yersin)
Every nosode is discussed under the heading of —
1. Bibliography
2. History
3. Stock
4. Method of preparation
5. Clinical Cortico – Visceral Protocol or
Clinical Pathogenesis
6. Positive Diagnosis
7. Differential Diagnosis
8. Clinical Diagnosis
9. Posology
10. Commentary
PART III – Repertory Index
3 parts
- List of Remedies with abbreviations – 33 nosodes.
- Introduction – written by Ratnakar V. Patwardhan
- Index – in alphabetical order, from Abdomen to Zoster (Herpes) Zosterian
- Dr. Ratnakar and his team had attempted to pick out Key-words from the ‘Materia Medica of Nosodes’ of Dr. OA Julian——-arranged them alphabetically like rubrics and under them grouped all the nosodes.
- ‘Key-words’ – all the words which individually or in a group or in a sentence, constitute meaningful homœopathic information for a prescriber.
- Although this book is structurally similar to a repertory, it does not really constitute a repertory. Dr. Ratnakar said it is a ‘Word Index of Nosodes’.
- Dr. Ratnakar named the rubric as ‘Card’.
- The repertory index can never be used independently. Has to be used with the original work (MM) to confirm the medicine before prescribing.
- Only the available drugs have been included. Medicines which are not available now-a-days, have been dropped [e.g. Marmorek, Flavus etc.]
- When searching for any rubric, its advantageous to look for other words relating to the root word. Eg. Sleeplessness —- also look under Sleep
- Anything that is spelt in a similar way has been put together. Eg. Noise & Noisy
- Alphabetical anomaly: Eg. Rubric Lips will appear before Lipoma.
- Under ‘Time’ rubric, “all the medicines which have symptoms or aggravation and ameliorations occurring at a particular time are grouped”. There are no particular divisions of time; ‘Time’ is a general rubric.
- Unfamiliar expressions of OA Julian:
Not (Negative)/Non –non reposing sleep
Pollakuria – frequent urination
Cystalgia – bladder pain
Peri-buccal – around mouth
Retroauricullar – behind the ear
Hygrometric and meterological – Weather/season
- Medicines having the same action and more or less same source have been grouped together under one name.
Putrescinum & Pyrogeninum under Pyrogenium
Tuberculinum TK, TR & VAB (ex-BCG) under Tuberculinum
Variolinum & Vaccinotoxicum under Variolinum (VAR)
Ourlianum (nosode from saliva of mumps patients) under Variolinum
- Exact meaning of certain words cannot be confirmed as the word cant be found in the dictionaries.
Lipopexia – accumulation of fat in the tissue
Dysthermia or Disthermia
- “Pain” rubric contains few remedies bcz only when the pain is very specific it has been included in this rubric.
- Thanks to his friend Shri Mohan Shankar Dandge for helping in compilation of this book.
- Rubrics (Bold roman) are arranged alphabetically starting from‘Abdomen’ to ‘Zoster (Herpes) Zosterian’.
- No subrubrics.
- Medicines are not graded.
- Cross-references are given where needed.
Eg. Constitution (See Diathesis) – Carc
Contused (See Injury) – Prot
Obesity (See Fat) – Var
Nonchalance (See Indifference) – Diph
Some rubrics:
- Aching – Syph
- Adrenal glands – Baci
- Aetiology/Etiology – Baci
- Awkward – Syph
- Bradycardia (Slow pulse)- Paratyph
- Cholesterolemia – Streptococ
- Lichen Planus – Syph
- Sepia-Symptoms – B.Mut (b)
- Zoster (Herpes) Zosterian – Var
- Until the publication of this ‘word-index’ in 1980 in India, no repertory had laid strong emphasis on the nosodes.
- It is an alphabetical repertory; thus, making the search for rubrics easy.
- The book contains 33 nosodes in the Repertory part, and 66 nosodes in the MM part. Thus for the final selection of the remedy, one need not consult some other Materia Medica. The nosodes included are enriched with authentic sources.
- Only 33 medicines in the repertory part.
- No gradations of the medicines.
- No particular rubrics. Contains only general rubrics. No subrubrics.
- Materia Medica of Nosodes with repertory – OA Julian
- www.homeobook.com
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